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Parking at Xcel


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What's the going rate for parking at/around Xcel? I haven't been to a game down there in a couple of years, and I was lucky enough to get 4 free tickets for Sunday's game. I'm bringing 3 of the kids along and I'm trying to figure out my budget for food/parking etc. Thanks!

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J- Most guys are charging 15 to park. Get there about an hour and a half before the game and just start driving around. Most parking restrictions are not in effect weekends i.e. 1 hr parking before 6, etc. Tues we went to the 'Nuckleheads game and got there @ 430. Parked at Tom Reids and it was free. By 5 an employee had put up a chain and they were charging 10 or 15$ for parking. I am going tomorrow, too-supposed to be a nice day so we are just going to drive around and find a free spot.I hate paying for parking... Good luck!

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If its not a kids event so to speak I would recommend parking at Alary's for $3 and ride the free bus to the game and back. The scenary is unbelievable and the beer is cold and reasonably priced.

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