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Babys got a new pair of shoes

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So I got tired of the salt around here chewing up my dogs feet and I bought her a pair of doggie sneakers. They are easy to get on and off, stay in place well and keep the salt and supper cold concrete off her feet. She isn't a big fan when they are first put on but once I grab the squirrel and head for the door she forgets all about the shoes.


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It actually holds up quite well. I got that one up at the trading post in Grand Marais about 3 years ago. It has skittered across the asphalt and concrete many times and is still in one piece. My dog loves it. With her being a hunting dog and pretty well trained I've never had to play tug of war with her to get it back, which I think has helped it to last longer.

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I don't know if I am gonna use them hunting yet. I'm pretty sure they would stay on but the cloth would catch burrs like a poodle. If she did loose one I wouldn't be happy, they were a little expensive. They work great in the snow and salt around the city though.

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