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Kelvin Sampson/Indiana

Scott M

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KFAN was reporting that sources were saying Kelvin Sampson was fired.

I don't see how a guy gets hired and there are investigations into phone calls and then a year and a half later he's still doing it! He knows the rules. I think Indiana will can him in the next two weeks...they don't want to chance messing with their mojo and tournament chances. They want to win bad at Indiana, but not bad enough to cheat.

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Sampson's a real piece of work the way it sounds. Good coach but apparently real arrogant or real stupid, not sure which. The consensus at our coffee table caucus earlier in the week was that he's toast. You're a basketball guru; what do you think the chances are that The General, after spending time in exile at Texas Tech, could return now that the guy who fired him is no longer there?

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Bobby could easily return...he could be governor in Indiana.

Sampson is toast...he may have to resign just so this is taken care of sooner. He will be suspended and he definately coached his last game.

Indiana doesn't want to step on the NCAA's toes but want to rid the University of him...

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 Originally Posted By: Dotch
Sampson's a real piece of work the way it sounds. Good coach but apparently real arrogant or real stupid, not sure which. The consensus at our coffee table caucus earlier in the week was that he's toast. You're a basketball guru; what do you think the chances are that The General, after spending time in exile at Texas Tech, could return now that the guy who fired him is no longer there?

Guru? sick.gif Far from it.

You're lobbing a softball here. Myles Brand ran him out and as Executive Director of the NCAA will advise against Knight going to any big program. There's a reason Knight was relegated to basketball purgatory in Lubbock and there won't be many takers for a guy his age and with his reputation. I think Knight may get another chance to coach again but at a small school. Guys that make mistakes but have huge amounts of history (Huggins, Sutton, and Knight for example) generally have to get back on their feet at small schools so it definately will take some time. If I'm Bob Knight it's not worth my time. I'd rather stay retired and only make the news when I hit someone with a load of 6 shot.

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Knight stepped down what a day or two before the Sampson allegations came out. Coincidence?

It would be great for Indiana and great for college basketball if the General was brought back to where he belongs, coaching "Big Red". Personally I would love to see it and it would be a heck of a story.

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There is something seriously wrong in this world when you can't just flat out fire a crooked bum like this. Why in the world does he get $750,000 to go away???????!!!!!!!

As an aside, I mentioned to my partner in the office on Monday that I thought Bobby Knight got wind of this from an old buddy/booster and made himself available. He didn't think so, but I still do...

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 Originally Posted By: lawdog
Why in the world does he get $750,000 to go away???????!!!!!!!

You are an Attorney and you're really asking this question?

Lets see $300 an hour billing rate times X amount of people "lawyers" adds up quick! grin.gif

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