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Floor Drains?


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So in the spring I plan on power spraying my carpet on my Crestliner 175 sportfish. I don't know where the floor drains are. In the middle? In the back? In the front? I have looked every where on the web and can not find a floor plan or anything. The floor is carpeted. Does it have drains? Any info would be great. Thanks..

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So basically.. with a power sprayer I will fill'er up untill it goes over the seat cleats or through the cracks in the floor? I have had no response from Crestliner on this either. You would think they would have put something somewhere that like if it starts raining hard(like out in the middle of Millacs) that you could bildge the water out.. I wounder if there is a "grate" under the carpet somewhere.. O-whell I guess I will find out. Thanks Crestliner!!

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 Originally Posted By: davesfriend
So basically.. with a power sprayer I will fill'er up untill it goes over the seat cleats or through the cracks in the floor?

Basically yes.

You can remove the seat post to help drainage.

Raise the trailer jack all the way up, so you give boat floor a slope, remove rear seats and start washing.

Don't forget to remove the plug to drain water in the bilge.

You could install a small drainage grille, but you will have to cut a small hole in floor.

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