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As we all know sunday is the last day before the season comes to a close.

Anyone going out. I think im going to try and hit a smaller lake here in the metro, just becuase if i dont, ill be cutting myself for not getting out sick.gif.

Let me know if your going to go out, and maybe we can hook up.

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I plan on going out Sat morning and most of Sunday.

I still have the bug. I was even scouting new spots today after work. They're saved in the GPS for next year. I was planning on trying a spot close to home on the east side of town. Maybe using the same hole both days. That ice is pretty thick.

B-n-S, Sunday might work. Were you thinking west metro?

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i was thinking of going to the lake that we first meet? What do you think of that? we know the lake is clear, and theres fish there.

Unless you have something else in mind. I will be out forsure, being its the last day. I will be out all day

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i was thinking of going to the lake that we first meet? What do you think of that? we know the lake is clear, and theres fish there.

That sounds good. I think that's a better lake than the spot I was going to try. See you Sunday morning? I'll probably get there about 8:30. If you get there early, feel free to cut an extra hole. \:D


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Huey, make sure you check here to make sure that im going to be going. I have alot of stuff to do tommorrow, and if i dont get it all done, i might have to do it again on sunday. Work stuff that has to be done. So check back here on Saturday night, and i will know more then.
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