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Minnesota lodges with runways


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I would appreciate any information regarding minnesota lodges that have runways or runways close by. My friend would like to fly us up to fish for a few days and we are going around the 4th of july for walleyes or northerns. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

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I believe that Maddens on Gull lake (NW of Brainerd) has a landing strip right next to the golf courses, but I dont think that they rent boats etc. I'm sure there are other places in the area to arrange that tho.

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FOOTDOC, there is a runway next to maddens driving range(i work there part time), so maddens is a 2 min shutle away. there is also craguns witch is a 2 min shutle away as well. threre are 7 golf cources to choose from if you want to golf as well. if you would need a guide for your fishing i could hook you up with a couple. maddens dose not rent boats that i know of but craguns dose. gull lake has some awsome fishing.

maddens 218-829-2811
craguns 218-825-2700
e-mail me if you would like a guide. i know of a couple in the area.
[email protected]

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I like the Gull Lake suggestion (grass strip) or you could even fly into Brainerd (hard surface) and arrange transportation to Gull. Another option would be the Orr airport for Pelican Lake (hard surface). I was looking at flying up there a while back. There is a local resort that was going to pick us up, but I can't remember the name.

Now that I think of it, most resort areas would have an airport nearby (Ely, Alexandria, Brainerd, Fergus Falls, etc.).

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foot , there are quite a few places that you can check on if they may have docking for planes . a few i know of are on crane lake near orr, on Shagwa ( spelling) in ely has 1 place for sure , dont know the name thou , and Lake vermillion ( tower / cook )also has some places. these wouls be for float planes ,, all 3 areas have great fishing on them or real close . i would check with the chamber of commerce for those towns i mentioned above . they should have information for you . ther is many other places you can look int o also , pick the lake and see what is cose to that lake . example of that would be a small airport that is very close to Bowstring lake . Most of the big lakes will have a small airport near by . hope any of that helps . My tip for you would be to try crane lake area , great fishing and very senic and is connected to many large border lakes .

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