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Date of effective limit changes:

united jigsticker

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Limit changes go in effect on May 10th, 2003.

I know this has been gone over a couple of times already, but there is still some confusion among the difference in the DNR regulation season and when actual limits for certain species change.

Fish On! Fish Off! ::Guzzle:: cool.gif

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The 2003 fishing season starts on March 1ST. I know the limit changes on May 10th but that is NOT when the season starts. If it was i should not need a new license or a new shelter license. Just helping you out on when the season starts.

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It's confusing enough that we asked a DNR employee out on the lake last Saturday and he didn't know the answer. He had to call in and ask the office. It certainly would have been less confusing if the changes took affect at the beginning of the new season, March 1.

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OK, so I see confusion here.

I sure don't know the answer based on what this thread is saying. One one hand, people are saying the new limits take effect May 10, the opening of the 2003 walleye/pike season.

On the other hand, some are saying they took effect March 1, which actually is the new overall season, since a new license is required to fish it.

If the new limits take effect with the start of the 2003 fishing season, which fishing season is it?

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The DNR's License Season takes effect on March 1st. This is when you have to buy new Angling Licenses, Shelter Tags, etc. This has also been the typical date for any regulations that would change to go in effect in the past. However, this is not when the limit changes take place.

The Fishing Season opens on May 10th for Walleyes and Northern Pike, and is when the limit changes go into effect.

When the officers of the DNR are confused on the issue, I think we have a right to be as well.

Just a sandwhich short of a picnic on this one.

Fish On! Fish Off! ::Guzzle:: cool.gif

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Hey united, I allready bought my new fishing and shelter licenses but not an etc. license where can I buy one of those at, nobody in the cities seems to have one. Thanks grin.gif

[This message has been edited by spinach (edited 03-11-2003).]

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No confusion acktoz.......think again!!!!

Almost every day someone tells me the limit
has changed on Crappies already. We have seen
it here on this board.

Those with the wrong information are spreading that too.

I thought United Jigsters post as a good idea.

Curt Quesnell

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