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My house is on the lake!!!!!!!!! Finally!

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Diana....I have a fishing buddy in Bemidji who is always looking for someone to fish with....really just looking for a warm house from which to drop a line and some good company. I'll be in Bemidji this Saturday and would love to venture into your business and say HI....get some brats. FISH ON!

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I have absolutely no control of what goes on in the meat shop. I just do the deliveries. This is how hubby and I have stayed married for almost 29yrs. lol.... I'm only there in the mornings popping in and out doing the delivery orders. Lisa, you like those hot spicy brats huh? My hubby likes them too. I like the mushroom and swiss or Garlic and onion ones. The regular and Wild rice and cheddars are the ones we sell the most.

Teresa, our store is on the south end of town, turn at R and D Tire, on 4th street, go two blocks. Can't miss it. Tell who ever is working that you chat with me online and leave your name and number along with your friends, OK?

Hey Lisa, on Wed. morning I caught a 17" Walleye! Man was that fun to catch, I would of lost it if I hadn't had my elevator!!!! It snapped the line at the water surface. I was doing the fishy dance for sure. lol Yesterday afternoon I had something almost to the hole and it took the bait and left the hook. Later that afternoon I had something really heavy on my hook again, brought it almost to the hole, then let the bail out and it took off, in the mean time I switched the elevator from the other hole to the one with the fish I had on the line. I started reeling it in, didn't fight as much till it got almost to the hole. I got him!!!! It was a 25" northern!! That was fun. Had to keep the dog behind me, I didn't want him to get bit. I caught a few really nice perch too. One was gi-normous.

The guy that has a house not too far from mine said he saw a really nice Walleye on his camera but it just swam on by his bait, didn't even look at it. So....I know they are down there, just need to be there when they are hungry! My girlfriend is going out fishing with me Sunday all day, and maybe after she is done with work on Sat. Night. Hope we do well. Sure has been fun!!! Have to run, just wanted to check in. Diana

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I haven't written in a while, been too busy fishing. Haven't had much success but love to at least be out there on the ice in my house. Caught a small Walleye yesterday morning, had to throw it back, just under 12" long. I've been catching a few perch and that is about it. Rueben our Mastiff loves the minnows that I take out of the fish's mouth. He's always ready, sometimes the fish spits out the minnow before I get it to the surface, bummer for him. I give him a different treat just coz. lol

Hubby has purchased another mastiff pup. A female for breeding, She is coming around March 9th. There aren't any mastiff around our area, he said he would sell or trade his fancy fish house to rebuild the garage and lean-to into an addition for this purpose. Her name is going to be 'Monet' pronounced like the painter. Good thing mastiff puppies are the easiest to raise or I'd have my hands full. Hope she will enjoy fishing too because she is going to have to go next year. As far as hubby's fish house goes, he's too paranoid to leave it on the ice very long because of all the fancy stuff inside, I say it's better to have my old one and not worry, at least I can go out there and fish! Right? His is really nice but I prefer my old comfy house, so does Rueben (our male mastiff). He's got his favorite corner all set up just for him.

I was thinking with the warm up of the weather that the fishing would of been a bit better the last couple of days, but they still aren't biting much, maybe today they will with this front moving in tomorrow. Hopefully!!!! Fingers are crossed.

If you don't see a post from me in a while, I'll be out fishing!


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Haven't had much success but love to at least be out there on the ice in my house.
That's how I feel too. At least I'm out there fishing and enjoying the day. At least your catching something Diana!! I think that I'm gonna get kicked right out of here if I don't start producing soon! I really am striking out left and right this year. I just don't want a new nickname like "skunky Lisa"! \:\(

Hopefully we'll get out this Saturday and I can break this unfortunate streak.

Another puppy?! That's great! I would think that one of the harder parts of breeding is when you have to say goodbye to the little ones. I'm too much of a softy though. One just has to keep in mind that you're breeding these fine dogs for other Mastiff lovers to own, right? When you get Monet try to post pics of her and Reuben ok? I would love to see them. \:\)

Oh and maybe one of a walleye since my memories of what they look like are really starting to fade! crazy.gif\:\/\:D

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Lisa dont be so hard on yourself!! Good things come to those who wait!!my wife started on LOW one trip 2 days no fish and I was killing them. 3rd Day I didnt have a bite, she got about 20 fish one Eye at 27 1/2 inches.Thats Fishing!!

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A couple of nights ago when the cold cold weather was moving in, I thought I'd go out to the house and just take out the minnows, lantern and radio, just so the batteries didn't get so cold. Original plan was to just shut off the propane tank and re-drill the holes when it got warmer, well I decided to change the tank as I had a new one with me. While I was out there it was prime time for fishing and no other one-who-thinks-I-am-silly was out there fishing so I figured there was no competition, I did get a 12" walleye! But unfortunately the heater just wouldn't stay lit coz of the 41 below windchill, so I did take everything out and shut the heater off. Yesterday at around 4pm my hubby drilled my holes out for me and I fished from 4:30 till 8pm, didn't get a bite but it was nice just to be out there again. I should of stayed till 9pm but I was just plain tired. Will give it a shot either this morning, after deliveries or tonight.

Lisa you'll get a fish soon, the weather will have to get warmer and they will start biting again. You have to have that enthusiasm that something will bite don'tcha know. I read that warmer minnows give off more of a scent, by putting them in your mouth before hooking them up will warm up the bait nicely....lol...now if your that desperate to catch a fish, let me know, coz I could use a good laugh. Diana

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by putting them in your mouth before hooking them up will warm up the bait nicely
Diana, I want to read what you're reading! I am just cracking up right now!! Hahahahha \:D

That is too funny! What a funny mind picture. Sure wish I knew how to use Photoshop! Good job on your walleye BTW.

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Hey Lisa, had a great day fish today! Went early this morning and bagged some jumbo perch. Went back around 10:30am and caught a couple more big perch.....get this at 12:06pm I caught an 18" walleye!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! Hubby moved my house to a better spot on Tuesday, my old spot was like the dead sea, not deep enough anymore. Sure am having fun catching some decent size fish again!

I thought you'd get a kick out of that information on warming up your bait. It was in the December In Fisherman Magazine. I cracked up on that one too.

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The InFisherman you say! That is funny!

Jumbo perch are so fun to catch. Yummy too! I think it's just great that your man moves you and you get practically instant success. My hubby is heading up to the LOTW this weekend with my brother in law now (so glenn-I won't have any GR or D. River reports for you now!) and I'm going to visit some sisters instead of fishing. Please keep up the reports! I have to live through you Diana. I'll be heading up to Upper Red Lake in a couple of weeks for Slabfest and then I'll finally have some fishing success and hopefully some pics!

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I haven't been on here in a month! Been awfully busy getting ready for our new female mastiff puppy, hubby is picking her up today in the cities. We were both awake at 3ish. I might be able to get some more shut eye before I have to make the deliveries for our store this morning. My fish house has been off the lake for a little over a week now, I tell my friends:I'm officially depressed till next ice fishing season. LOL Both hubby and I have this awful head and chest cold. It's been two weeks for me, I'm still coughing my lungs out on occasion, hubby is just got a bit of a cough now. I can't believe how cold it got last night! 20below on March 7th!!! Come on spring! I've had enough of the cold for a while. Paul Nelson a fishing guide that lives in our area writes in our local paper on Fridays. He says that the lakes are still making ice. I can believe it with this weather. I bet the fish are sick of the weather too. Lately I've barely been on the computer, one of these days I'll have to come here and really read some of the posts. Just thought I'd drop a line and let you know I'm still kicking. lol....Diana

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Diana!!! I thought you shunned us! It's so good to hear from you!

A couple of my nieces are/were quite sick with yucky coughs too. The flu seems to have picked up momentum as well. I've been pretty fortunate this year and must have some good immunity! Hope you start feeling better soon.

Sorry to hear you're done with on the ice! March is a busy fishing month for us! We have one more trip up to Burntside for lakers, a couple day trips to smaller panfish lakes and hopefully a couple weekends up at the cabin. My llloooonnnggg streak of catching nothing was broken last weekend when I caught 3 lakers up on Burntside Lake! They were so much fun! Just one big adrenaline rush! I hope it wasn't a fluke! eek.gif

Please post pics when you get your puppy! Didn't you say your were going to name her Monet? I love baby fuzzies! grin.gif

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I'm finally back once again. I did get over the nasty cold I had, took over two weeks. Yucky stuff. Congrats Lisa on your fishing! It's so much fun when your catching fish.

We did get the new puppy. I don't know how to post a picture here \:\( Her and our one year old English Mastiff Rueben are getting along pretty good. We got her on March 9th, last potty accident was last Thursday I believe, she did it by the door, so I think she is getting the picture, she just has to learn to whine when she gets there. Rueben loves having a puppy to play with, at night time we shut off the lights and close the blinds, that is there signal it's time to calm down some. Then I put Rueben in our bedroom and she goes in a crate. Monet' has slept all night since about the third night she was here. When we got her she weighed 26.2 lbs. at 10weeks old. We weighed her again on the 25th and she weighed 36.2 lbs. she is getting big really fast.

I've taken lots of pictures. The only way you would be able to see them Lisa is if I posted them to your email addy. I'll look and see if your addy is on this site. Probably won't be back on here for a while. I don't let the little pup in this room. ;\)

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