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Waxing For Fish Trap??


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Do any of you folks wax or lubricate the bottoms of you traps to make them easier to drag??if so,what are you using.Mine just seems to drag like "a cat by the tail". Ice Slabs

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I rub canning wax on my 5600 once or twice a year. I think that Johnson's Paste Wax or similar would work pretty well, too. I have heard of people using ski wax, etc.


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I have used SEX WAx that you buy at outdoor goods spots.fishtrap didnt pull so good after 100 miles on black top(cross parkinglots, paths ect).Worked better than expected,but is almost to slick at first applacation.Wind moves it easy to. All you can do is try.Good fishin.

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A couple coats of spray silicone before you go out will really slick up the poly bottom of the fish trap. I'v never tried it, but as the poly is a very similar compound to the p-tex bottoms of downhill and xc skis, I would think that a ski wax like swix or toko blue or red would really slick up the bottom and make it pull a lot easier. Maybe you could take your trap into a ski shop for a hot wax..

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I wax'd mine right out of the box two years ago with turtle car wax, It slides well over snow.
The biggest problem is dragging it on asphalt or concrete when there is a lack of snow. I am sure it scraped some off the wax off and roughend up the bottom creating friction. Makes pulling more difficult.
While the waxing is helpfull for pulling, it doesn't help keep your house in place on those windys days. Get out of the house and away it goes.
Drill your auger into the ice next to your house and tie the rope to it.


[This message has been edited by crappie todd (edited 01-09-2003).]

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