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Please snow...and put those ice sailors back inside!


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What is up with all those ice wind sailors on the lake? WE NEED SNOW...I mean seriously how fast do those wind things go? All they are is flying yuppies on ice.

I saw this one dude with his wife...for story sake well call her "muffin"...and they were getting out of there Landrover by Kowalski's in WBL wearing those tight pants like jogger wear.;(
I mean come on!!!!Put on some normal pants! It sould be illegal for dudes to wear those things!

And some fisherman is going to get killed walking on the lake. They come so close and you can hardly hear them! At least a snowmobile makes noise!!

Are those things on every lake or what???

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wind sailors all over bald eagle. can anyone tell me whey they only come out right at night? is that the only time of day they work is when they cant see a thing and peg off fisherman. i mean really there should be a time of day thing for those. no way can one of those see going 40-50 on the lake with no lights after dark. there were wind surfers out there and also wind skaters. dog sleds.

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