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Fished Tonka last night (9/25) from 5-9:30...nothing going on at all, figured after the front moving through yesterday it would be tough, but thought we could move at least a couple fish. I didn't think fronts affected them as much in the fall, but maybe this one was so substantial it really put them in a funk...we tried burning bucktails and topwaters to trigger that reaction strike, my only other thought was maybe we should have slowed things down drastically and tried that route...anyone else been out post-front?

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Was out last night on tonka from 5 till 8. I had no luck thowing everything I had (Cowgirls, Bulldogs, Topwater Etc...). The guy I was fishing with had one blow up at the side of the boat and another fallow all the way to the boat.

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First light and last light, with last light being better.

Fished most of the summer on Tonka for muskie without any luck, and I mean any. Now, the last three times I have been out, a total of about 5 1/2 hours, my boat has caught two (38, 39) on suicks and had 6 follows on various lures all within two hours of sunrise or sunset, and better at sunset. All of these fish have been in less than 8 f.o.w. and over or in weeds. Last night, we had two miss in front of us in 4 feet of weeds both on spinner baits.

I wouldn't call it a pattern on 5 hours of time on the water, but I will be fishing shallow almost until ice up.


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Last month I made it out after a big front had moved in. We were out about a hour before sunrise and had no luck. It has to spook the fish some I would think. Everything I have been seeing in the last month or so has been pretty shallow. Does anyone think that they might move out of the shallows for a period of time after a big round of thunder moving through? Just a thought, I'm new to the muskie sport so that's my 2cents.


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My opinion is yes and no - let me explain.

Take an area like Casco Point (shallow point-deep water within 30 yards). Any kind of a change that would negatively effect the fish (weather, big cruisers, fishing pressure) will send them to the deeper water off the point.

Take an area like Phelps Bay (shallow weedflat-deep water 150 yards away). Same kind of change to negatively effect the fish and I don't think they will travel that far to the deep water. I think they will snuggle down into the weeds, sit there and wait until a brownie passes over their head before they will come out.

If deep water is close, they'll go. If not, they aren't opening their mouth until they feel like it.

Just my thoughts, but what do I know, I'm the vice president of the WWF (Worlds Worst Fisherman).


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I have had some luck ripping cranks after fronts. Shallow Raiders, Molly Baits, Super Shad Raps, Swim Whiz's etc. I like to rip them 2 or 3 times and pause for a couple of seconds. On the outside edge ripping and making contact with weeds and letting the lure float free can trigger fish also.

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not uncommon on minnetonka for a fish to hit a lure full of weeds. Have had and heard of quite a few. Two years ago my fishing partner hooked up with a large musky with 3 feet of thick foil on his bait, very aggressive strikes.

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I have never had that happen- but as goofy as those fish can be, I believe it.I do know that making contact with weeds can trigger fish. I was on Tonka yesterday and had a mid 40" fish slam into the side of my boat on a F8 and it sounded like it may have hurt.

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