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I would assume you are talking about mixing seed and fertilizer together, then putting in slit seeder to spread them together at same time?

Others will chime in on this, but I would tend to think not.

I would put down fertilizer first and wait a week or two before seeding, or just slit seed then fertilize a week or two after.

I think fertilizer could hinder germination of seed possibly. There also should be some directions on back of fertilizer and possibly bag of seed on what is correct to do.

I could be thinking of a fertilizer that has herbicide in it. Others will chime in!

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You would have to open the seeder up too much for the fertilizer granules to fall out... this will make it hard to 'meter' out the seed correctly.

You'd be applying too much seed at times and it would be near impossible to insure the correct rate of fert. that is being applied.

I agree, seed 1st and then apply new lawn fertilizer 2 weeks later to give the seedlings a chance to flourish.

Good Luck!


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i would put starter fertilizer down right after you seed then again a couple weeks after if you want to push your seed to grow quick...just my opinion and that is what we did on the golf course.

This is the way I do it as well, seed, then go right over the top with the fertilizer.

Make sure sure that you're using a STARTER fertilizer.

NO weed-n-feed, nothing with crabgrass preventer.

I know you said starter fertilizer in your post, but I've also known professionals that say fertilizer is fertilizer, and then wonder why they're redoing a job 2-3 times.

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Thanks for all the info! So to make sure I do this right, 1st I apply the seed with the slit-seeder then 2nd I apply the STARTER fertilizer with a brodcast spreader. Or do I use the slit seeder to apply the starter fertilizer?

Thanks again

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That is all clear grin.gif Now, where is the best place to buy good quality seed around the elk river area? I have tried seed from Martie's farm feed and there product seems ok. Just wondering if there is someplace else that has better product.

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Home Depot! Lesco brand double eagle works great around here. Marties is a tad cheaper, but the grass it self is a liter green than Lesco Double eagle. Lesco has fewer weeds in it and is all around a better grass mix. Do not get the premium sun and shade (lighter blade of grass), get the double eagle (darker blade of grass). It does work great in shaded area as well.

Good luck!


The above is my lawn from early spring. It had just came up and it is all Lesco Double Eagle brand seed (my property line ends at elec. box). Note my neighbors sod lawn in back ground. My seeded law gets greener two to three weeks sooner than his. I did not slit seed, I broad cast spread it and agitated it in a little.

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Thanks Shackbash!!! I have noticed that the Marties grass seed is lighter green in color, more like a lime green. Looks like this weekend will be great weather for doing this and now that the ground is wet, everything should get a good start quickly.

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I edited in a pic of my lawn on the previous page. Take a look.

I made the mistake of patching in some area's that I had to dig up for sprinkler system adjustment with Marties and I new with two weeks I made a mistake. I round upped the areas and reseeded with Lesco and you could not even tell by end of summer last year.

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The grass looks good compared to the sod in the back ground, you can really see the difference. What size bags do they sell at Home Depot? How much seed did you use for your lawn? I have about an acre to seed and was wondering how much seed I need.

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Lescos premium ahtletic turf seed worked great for me. Nice dark thick turf, seems to grow well in sun and shade. A buddy of mine out your way in Ramsey (probably the same sandy soil you may have) also used this and it turned out great for him too. He orignially purchased seed from home depot and it didnt come in very well and ended up having to reseed with the lesco stuff.

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Where are you located??? Or better yet. Do your travels take you anywhere Brooklyn Park, Burnsville, Edina or White Bear??? ORRRR... are you near Forest Lake / Chisago sometime Wednesday, Thursday or early Friday morning??

If so, I've got a bag of Lesco seed I'm not going to be using. If you're interested shoot me an email tonight and I'll let you have it.

I had it for a small repair job and used about 2 lbs of it. Have another bag that I bought at the same time, but ended up the customer wanted to sod the area instead of seed, so you can have both if you like.

I'll be leaving about 5 am Wednesday, be home around 10 pm Wednesday (if it doesn't rain, again) so, again, if you're in the area and it's worth your time, let me know.

LwnmwrMan22 at frontiernet (Contact Us Please) net

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I went to home depot last night and only found the premium sun and shade seed from lesco. It seemed pretty spendy for a 25# bag. I looked for a wholesaler for lesco and the nearest to me is about 45-50 miles. I guess I'll just have to settle for the premium grade at the farm feed place.

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Home Depot sells out on the 50lbs bags of the Double Eagle quick and they do not restock until next winter/spring. The 25lbs bags are more than half the price of a 50lber, much more. That is why they are still there. I seeded and had a little left to over seed about 1 1/2 to 2 acres of my lawn with about 150lbs. I lucked out and had a buddy (like LM2) that had an over stock from a job he did and sold it to me at a cheap price. I would contact him, you will not regret it.

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I have about 1 1/2 acres to overseed. #150 of seed should be enough then using a walk behind slit-seeder? I plan on going over the lawn in 2 or 3 directions. I'm going tonight to buy the seed and starter fertilizer.

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I am not sure about slit seeder and amount it uses. Rental place might help you in that area?

I used my hand and spread it along with broad cast spreader. I started with 150lbs and had about 25lbs left over.

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Well, I managed to acomplish the task. Everything went well, I ended up using #150 of seed for about 1 3/4 acres. Then I applied the STARTER fertilizer right after.

Now my question is: Do I apply starter fertilizer again in a few weeks or can I apply winter gaurd in about 4 weeks? Not quite sure when I can start applying seasonal fertilizer. Thanks for the help``

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Usually it will say on the bag how often you'll need to fertilize again.

I usually run a regular fertilizer the second application.

Depending on what you used for a starter fertilizer, it could probably analyze out about the same.

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I like to apply a second application of starter soon after the grass starts to germinate. The phospherous will help the roots grow which is important on new grass. plus u will want to have good roots on your grass going into winter.

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Can I mow my grass before the new seeds start to germinate? My exsisting lawn is starting to get pretty long after all the rain and I don't want this to be an issue to stunt the new growth of the new grass.

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