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Quack grass in strawberry patch

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Does anyone know if there is any kind of weed killer you can spray in a strawberry patch that will kill the quack grass and not my strawberries?The strawberries have berried and vined out so much that you can hardly get at the quack grass to hoe or pull it out.Any information would be helpfull.

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I had the same problem. too many weeds in my strawberries/raspberries. I couldn't keep up it was so bad and it was a big eye sore. so here is what I did and it worked great, sprayed roundup on the whole garden, tilled it in a couple weeks later and planted grass wink.gif!!! end of problem. Of course, now I pay for strawberries, but to get rid of that eyesore was worth it!!

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I'm not aware of any herbicide that wouldn't kill the grass and not the strawberries, but here's an idea that works pretty well for landscaped areas. Mix up a bucket of RoundUp and the typical strength. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and then a pair of cotton gloves. Soak the cotton gloves in the RoundUp and then run your hands along the grass shoots. Might be a lot of work if it's really infested, but is a great way to kill off a few shoots here and there.

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Do a search on Poast herbicide. It is a grass herbicide labeled on Strawberry. There may be others. It is best as an annual grass killer so would need multiple applications.

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Probably not what you want to hear, but best to pull the weeds. Use straw for mulch, NOT HAY, hay will give you more weeds. Straw will help keep weeds in check, retain moisture during dry periods. It also keeps ripe berries of the ground. I've tried spot spraying with Round-up, it's less hassle to just pull the weeds.

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I got the same problem; I am going to try to mix up some round up and take a paint brush to select just weeds. I think in pulling weeds out i am leaving root and they pop back up.

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The gloves with roundup is a good idea,I do it around my raspberries but my strawberries I carefully walk in and pull the weeds,I started with 50 strawberry plants 2 yrs. ago I now probably have 2-3 hundred if I step on a few so what.My patch is bout 15ft.x 20ft. laugh.gif

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