123fish Posted April 28, 2007 Share Posted April 28, 2007 I managed to convince the wife to get up this morning at 4:45 a.m. to go listen for turkeys. I also promised I would take her out for breakfast as an added bonus. Twenty five minute drive to the hunting grounds and we weren't there two minutes and a gobbler started sounding off straight out in front of us. She thought was pretty cool. We could hear at least one more way off in the distance so we drove over to where we thought he was and were sitting there and heard him gobble a quarter mile away. The wife was manning the binos when she spotted him walking a fenceline. She really, really thought that was cool. Heard one other gobbler while we sat there for a total of three altogether. She couldn't get over how loud the honkers were and with all the roosters crowing that it made it hard to hear the gobbles. Hope they are still in the area for season E when I get a shot at them. Good morning indeed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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