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Pak shaks?


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my nephews bday is coming up and i was thinking about getting him one of these. he goes ice fishing by himself all the time ( cause his dad doesnt ice fish) and it would be perfect. Do any of you guys have one of these or used one. What are the pros and cons on this item. thanks for the help

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Do a forum search and you willfind some other posts regarding these...

But, if he hikes in, or cant pull a small sled with gear, these are ideal. But if he's a healty strapping lad, then a small one man house that can haul gear will be a better long term investment.

Where the Pak Sack shines is small, walk in access lakes, fairly sheltered (no wind) and run and gun style fishing. They also make a Pak sled, that folds/rolls up to fit in a small car. If transportation is an issue, like a small car, then this set up would be ideal.

I like the Pak Shack, but it is, IMO, a fairly specialized piece of equipment...If he likes to ice fish a lot, and can have decent access to lakes, a small one man pullover shelter like the Otter Den makes more sense to me.

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