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Parking for Moose Walk/Run trail


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Depending on where you want to start there are some parking lots available. I personally like parking near Silver bay since the is a Dairy Queen there and then ride the Red Dot up to the Moosewalk. There is a large paved lot just out of town a bit. After riding up to and then whole Moosewalk and back down to Red Dot the wife was a bit tired. With a bit of exploring we ended up with 87 miles for the day.

If you only want to ride the Moose there is a parking area up by Finland on Hy 7 a couple miles out of town I believe.

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Thanks for the info! I think we might try the Finland spot you mentioned. The wife and I parked at the Red Dot right out of Beaver Bay and the local trail was kind of tiring but the Moose was nice. Thanks again.

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