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Breezy Point To BAN ATVs ???


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The City of Breezy Point will be having a public hearing

regarding the proposed ordinance to BAN the use of ATVs.

If you ride in this area and want to continue to ride in

this area it is CRITICAL that you attend this meeting. If

you cannot attend then PLEASE send in written comments to

the Council members (contact information below). The

council members need to hear from the ATV riders; how it

affects you and the business’s in this area.

Meeting will be held:

Date: Tuesday, August 8th

Time: 7:00 p.m.


Breezy Point City Hall

8319 Cty Rd 11

Breezy Point, MN 56472

(218) 562-4441

We recommend that if you email comments you also send a

copy of those comments to the attention of the Mayor and

city council via postal mail.

Email comments to: [email protected]

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