Continued discussion from previous "Trailer Limitations" thread BUT with a new subject. I've been advised to use a transmission AND/OR engine cooler on the towing vehicle which is a 6cyl Buick Century 3.1L). I saw a DUAL fluid cooler available out there to cool BOTH engine/transmission fluids for about 72.00. Basically it is a small radiator with or w/o a fan. The friend who advised this had a 6cyl Jeep Cherokee overheat quite badly on him and I've had a 6cyl S10 Blazer overheat on me during simple Uhaul tow jobs. Has anyone had experience with these coolers? I know the fluid piping for the engine cooler has to be larger than for the tranmission cooler. The coolers are definitely cheap enough BUT I suppose they cost megabucks to INSTALL in the vehicle.
Continued discussion from previous "Trailer Limitations" thread BUT with a new subject. I've been advised to use a transmission AND/OR engine cooler on the towing vehicle which is a 6cyl Buick Century 3.1L). I saw a DUAL fluid cooler available out there to cool BOTH engine/transmission fluids for about 72.00. Basically it is a small radiator with or w/o a fan. The friend who advised this had a 6cyl Jeep Cherokee overheat quite badly on him and I've had a 6cyl S10 Blazer overheat on me during simple Uhaul tow jobs. Has anyone had experience with these coolers? I know the fluid piping for the engine cooler has to be larger than for the tranmission cooler. The coolers are definitely cheap enough BUT I suppose they cost megabucks to INSTALL in the vehicle.
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