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ATV Tiedowns.


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I was watching ATV Television a few weeks ago and they showed a tie down that went over the tire of the atv. They put one on the front tire and one on the opposite back tire and then didn't have to worry about compressing the suspension when trailering the atv. Anyone have these? Anyone know where you can buy them? (I have tried Cabelas and Gander and neither have them)

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That sounds like the setup that I have. Best thing since sliced bread. Only negative that I could see is if a tire went flat on the wheeler while you were towing. There is a 1-800 number on them I think....they were on the trailer when I bought it so I don't know when/where they were purchased. I'll have to go and check for the 800# though.

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KatoMike, Check the Northern HSOforum. Type in Fastrap Tie-down Device in the quick search. I think that's what you're lookin for. They sell for $29.99 ea. Each piece of equipment requires the use of 2. Phred52

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Good show, huh wink.gif

Another option to Google is Fulton ATV Lock.

I've had good luck with those and they hook onto the bumper, axle, frame, etc to hold down the ATV on the trailer. No straps.

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