I've got an X75 for my second graph in my boat and it's acting up. It acts like there's an offset of 20 feet set on it. If I put it in auto, it acts goofy. If I put it in manual and set the top limit for 1 foot it'll read 21 feet at the top. If I set it for 10 feet it'll read 30 feet at the top. The transducer doesn't appear to be the problem. Any idea what's wrong? What should I do with the graph? It's clearly time to update graphs, but I'm considering being cheap and trying to fix this one-- mistake?
One more related question- how much for a high speed transducer kit for a Marcum LX3?
I've got an X75 for my second graph in my boat and it's acting up. It acts like there's an offset of 20 feet set on it. If I put it in auto, it acts goofy. If I put it in manual and set the top limit for 1 foot it'll read 21 feet at the top. If I set it for 10 feet it'll read 30 feet at the top. The transducer doesn't appear to be the problem. Any idea what's wrong? What should I do with the graph? It's clearly time to update graphs, but I'm considering being cheap and trying to fix this one-- mistake?
One more related question- how much for a high speed transducer kit for a Marcum LX3?
RodsbyEngel: custom made fishing rods
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