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Tritronics Collar not working


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I just had the same thing happen to my Pro 200 XLS. I called the company and they helped me fix it right over the phone. It needed to be reprogrammed. What you do is get the collar, charger and transmitter. Plug in the charger to the collar, when it beeps, push the button to turn the collar on, when that beeps push any button on the transmitter. When you have done that, it should work. If not call the company they are very good to deal with.

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I will agree that Tri-Tronics is a great outfit! After fighting with some dump collars from another company I went to Tri-Tronics and (a) the product is great and (B) the people at the company go out of their way to help you. Don't waste your time if you have a problem: pick up the phone!!

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They are a great company. Both me and my buddy bought field 70's. Both quit working. First my buddies at about 14 months and then mine at about 2 1/2 years. Tri Tronics said the same thing to both of us. They told both of us to send the unit in and they'd look at it. We both got brand new units at a cost of nothing! No hassels, no fighting.

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Thanks for the response. Well, we tried the above. Let's just say that it worked. We turned it up about half way and my roommate put it on his arm. Button was pushed and the collar flew across the room. Good entertainment. Thanks again for the response, it saved about $150 to send it in for repairs.

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