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Dog Camp


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It sounds like you are looking for a trainer, and there are many good ones around the state. Some of the retriever guys may be able to give you some better contacts than I can. I would say a decent trainer is going to be somewhere around 400-600 dollars a month for training. Depending on age of dog, level of obedience, # of birds used ect.

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I would take her anywhere in the state if it is good. I live in Duluth. The dog is just driving me and the wife crazy with the barking, biting, and hyperness! It is either that or go insane.

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I can't help you with a specific trainer, but if you’re just looking for basic obedience training, I'd suggest that both you and your dog sign up for the class. In our situation my wife had no control over the dog so she went to a 10 week course and it made a world of difference. She worked with him everyday. A good obedience class offers great training that is just as valuable, if not more valuable, to the owner as it is to the dog.

It sounds like your dog also might need to learn its place in the pack.

Good Luck

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I have to agree with Joe on the obedience classes.

My daughter and I went together and signed up at PetCo for thier puppy and audult dog obedeince classes.

By the time I took Mandy to the pro trainer he didn't have to spend time doing the basics.

And one thing will stand out when you get into training the dog.

Obedience is paramount!!!!

If your dog won't obey you then your in for a lot of heart ache with that dog.

If the dog is still just a pup then you can look at getting a pro to do a puppy coarse.Some times called intro to birds, this usualy covers some obedience training and they get the pup into a coup with lots of pegeons to chase all around.


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