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Another Bad Habit


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My Griffon loves to tear the newspaper into 1,000 pieces if he gets it first. I have worked with correcting him, but if I am inside the house when the paper is delivered - it is gone.

Any thoughts on how to correct this behavior when I am not around? Do I put the e-collar on him, tempt him with a paper sitting on the porch and give him a correction while hiding in the house? This behavior is getting the best of my wife when she does not have a paper to read.

I would try some of that no chew spray, but I put that on his dog bed and he licked it off. (crazy dog)

Thanks for any suggestions.

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That is an option. I have been looking, but they have all been too ugly to put on the house.

I would reaaly like to have him trained to have better manners around the house. The wife expects a little too much from a dog, so I figure we can meet in the middle.

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