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Pet Insurance


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I do for my 9 month old lab and I use VPI pet insurance.

They reimburse you a certain amount of money for cetain thins....things like getting the dog fixed, blood work, heartworm, flee/tick...etc.

I plan to use it for at least 2 years or so....and then decide from there if I want to continue. Figure it is a good idea for the first few years of my pups life while he is learning.

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Hoggs, I think Banfield only offers a wellness plan vs an insurance plan...is that correct?

The difference being that wellness plans are preventive care plans, not insurance. The purpose of the plans is to keep your pet from getting ill, not to aid the owner financially in case of illness/accident (which was my main concern).

Just so people know there is a difference between the plans offered by various places.

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