Was trolling over a piece of structure yesterday, with my Fishmark 320. Anyway 25 feet of water I graph a school of bait. I go to the opposite side of the structure to have 5 BEAUTIFUL crisp, clean, fish arcs that took up 1/3 of the screen, behind the school of bait. Predators ??? Yes!
My question is this, what had to happen for this beautiful display of fish as described, like the ones you see at gander mountain on the demo? Does it matter if I was vertical, because I almost was. Is the arc simply the fish swimming up and down? Because if I was catching walleyes shaped like the display they would be awfully weird
note-I was graphing fish earlier in the day and the were smaller in size and not as much of an "arc" as oppose to little cigars and specs. and boomerang looking things on the bottom. Was really perplexed and in awe when I saw this.
Was trolling over a piece of structure yesterday, with my Fishmark 320. Anyway 25 feet of water I graph a school of bait. I go to the opposite side of the structure to have 5 BEAUTIFUL crisp, clean, fish arcs that took up 1/3 of the screen, behind the school of bait. Predators ??? Yes!
My question is this, what had to happen for this beautiful display of fish as described, like the ones you see at gander mountain on the demo? Does it matter if I was vertical, because I almost was. Is the arc simply the fish swimming up and down? Because if I was catching walleyes shaped like the display they would be awfully weird
note-I was graphing fish earlier in the day and the were smaller in size and not as much of an "arc" as oppose to little cigars and specs. and boomerang looking things on the bottom. Was really perplexed and in awe when I saw this.
1...2...bam got him
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