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Wireless Fence


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I have wireless fence in town and it works great. I can't recall the brand, but it was affordable. Once properly trained I have had no issues with him crossing the fence. He knows how close he can get and never approaches any closer. He even stays in with passing dogs and rabbits in the neighbors yard. Last night he was out from 4:30 pm until 9:00 pm. It makes it nice that he can be out of the kennel without constant supervision.

I have the underground type. I considered the wireless, but with a limited lot size I figured I would lose too much free space for him.

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I have underground fencing. Invisible Fence is what we have. It ain't cheap but it works very well. The service has been excellent, albeit a little spendy, when we have needed it.

It seems to me the above ground solution has some flaws.

1 - If it's a broadcast radio signal there may be dead spots or the signal could vary and the dog will be unsure of exactly where the boundary is.

2 - The signal will not be the exact outline of your property boundary therefore it is quite likely that the signal will allow your dog into the neighbor's yard. The whole point of the thing is to keep your dog in your yard and out of your neighbor's yard.

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I have the wireless kind (pet safe I think). It allows you to change the settings to get the right size. It is a circle so some of the corners would be out of bounds. I like it because I can take the unit up to the lake and I have a boundary for the dogs there to.

Next on the horizon in invisible fences is a gps based system.

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