I fish mainly for walleyes, and am new to using and interpreting a graph. I recently bought a Ray Marine L470 graph. It's a very nice of equipment. I have the fish symbols turned off, and sensitivity on auto. I was wondering why I am not getting the classic "hook shape" echos on fish; all I seem to get are these odd cigar shapes, some big some small, some suspended, some hugging the bottom (over sandy/gravel bottom, for example). I am pretty confident these are fish, but not certain. Can anyone help me out here and tell me what is going on?
I fish mainly for walleyes, and am new to using and interpreting a graph. I recently bought a Ray Marine L470 graph. It's a very nice of equipment. I have the fish symbols turned off, and sensitivity on auto. I was wondering why I am not getting the classic "hook shape" echos on fish; all I seem to get are these odd cigar shapes, some big some small, some suspended, some hugging the bottom (over sandy/gravel bottom, for example). I am pretty confident these are fish, but not certain. Can anyone help me out here and tell me what is going on?
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