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Ihave invisible fencing for my 3 yr old lab....i live on a wooded country lot and because of tree roots rocks etc, i was unable to bury the wire thru parts of my lot.

occasionally the line would get broke and i would just walk the perimeter and find the break,splice it and all was good...this has never happened in the winter before, but now it has....

re:my dog.....she respects her borders for a few weeks if this happens, but eventually begins to creep further out....

the only solution i have thought of so far has been to just go buy another spool of wire and make another temp areea for her by burying the wire under the snow....


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Check the owners manual. My old house had invisible fence and when it broke you could use the little light on the collar to find the break. This might help find where to start to dig. Another thought about the over ground portion of the wire is to run it through some cheap garden hose to protect it (mainly from rocks).


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Take a portable (for a lack of a better name) "Boom Box", set it to the AM radio and listen to the static. It will change pitch when you are dirrectly above the wire. It's very slight but you can hear it. Walk along your wire then and you should be able to pin piont the area.

Good Luck

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I have the same situation. I made a loop through the woods of about 2000 feet of line this summer when I installed it. I just laid it over the ground. I've had several breaks including deer that severed the line somehow and in one case a muskrat chewed through it where I run it around the dock. Now the line broke with the snow and I can't find it like I could this fall.

I was going to buy a line break locator which my brand (Petsafe) has available. I think I'll try the AM radio idea first (thanks for the tip!). My hope is that after another year, the line will settle into the top layer of decaying leaves etc. and it won't be as much of an issue.

But, like I said, if the radio doesn't work, you can buy a break locator.


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I had a broken line underground and my manual said to buy some type of transistor thing from Radio Shack, then use the AM radio. It was cheap to buy, but I still couldn't find the break. I ended up running a hard wire above ground, electric fence style, and haven't had any problems.

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