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Shock Collar training


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I have been looking into the collars and wondering what i should get. I don't want to spend a arm and a leg for one because i do not want to rely on this souly. i have been looking at the Dogtra collars and wondering if anyone can suggest a good one. My dog(Poacher) picks up very well and i don't see him needing the collar very much but would like to instill some of this training on him. thanks.

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What kind of dog are you going to be training? That might matter too. If you are training a pointing dog I would strongly suggest getting something with a beeper locater on it. Lion Country Supply has a bunch of stuff on line. I ordered mine from them and have been happy.

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I have the Dogtra 1200 NCP and am very pleased with it.The collar has never failed,and I really like the "page" feature.I actually got mine off of hsolist brand new for about $100 less than the retail price!

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