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Rincon Rebuild

Big Fish Hunter247

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Justgot my wheeler back from getting the motor rebuilt because I was stupid so to say but thanks to Honda I get to start out fresh. When I first got the wheeler I beat the dump out of it I sunk it way too many times (3 tmes to be exact) I think what happend is I hydrolocked the motor the last time I when trail rideing with it because ever since than there was this really I mean really bad knocking so I took it in to be repaired and I was told it was a rod that was bent and needed a whole engine rebuild so Honda paid for all the parts and labor to fix it thanks to Honda for all of this, guess I learned my lesson could have been an expensive one on my part smile.gif Now the thing runs like it brand new but with 1,600 plus miles on it smile.gif

Big Fish Hunter247

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