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British Lab


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British Labs are slightly shorter than the American Lab standing 21”-23” tall. Their weights are also less with the males ranging from 60-75 lbs, and the females 50-65 lbs.

Don’t let their small size fool you. They have great

stamina and are a strong dog which is equally at home in the water as well as in the field. They will hunt everything from upland birds, to retrieving geese and ducks.

They have an undercoat which is dense and highly water repellant and their tails are thick, rounded, and

“otter-like” . They have a moderately square head with a naturally soft mouth.

They have a reputation as a dog that is easier to train for the non-professional. I can vouch for that compared to the other labs I have owned. They ALL still required a huge amount of time to get results with.

Because of their smaller size they are easier to have around the house and make an excellent family pet. Both of my kids are older, but I could see my dog around smaller children.

As with ANY breed do your research on the breeder. If you want a true British Lab you will have to ensure that no cross breeding has occured. Check the bloodlines carefully. You can expect to pay significantly more for a pure British Lab than with a normal lab. $750 on up for a dog with true British roots is the norm from what I found.

If you do a search for British labs you will come up with large amount of information about the breed. There are at least 4 or 5 reputable breeders I know of in the state of Minnesota, I am sure there are more than that but when I obtained my dog that was what my research turned up.

I know there are at least 3 or 4 other posters on this board that have British labs so you should get most of your questions answered. If you do your research and talk to different breeders you will find out if this breed is something that will work for you. Good luck in your search.

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I would second everything BDL said. I have a female that is an awesome dog. The best disposition I have ever seen. She is calm around the house. When we are in the field or on the water she is ready to go. She is a little power house. She has an insatiable desire to retrieve. For an all around dog (family, hunting etc.) she is nearly a perfect pup. Well, she is at least perfect for me grin.gif

I hope to be able to breed her with another British Lab someday. I think she would throw some great pups.

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I'm not too sure about the rules on this site, but can anyone suggest a good breeder. I found a few online, but I would like to hear some personal experiences if possible. British Labs sound like exactly the breed I am looking for.

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