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05' Eiger 400 auto 4x4


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Just curious if any one owns this model of suzuki. I have a line on a decent deal and I am considering purchasing it. I am not really looking for comparisons to other brands as the old "Ford vs Chevy" debate will never be decided. I am just looking for some feedback on someone who has operated or owned this type of suzuki.

Thanks spudhauler

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My neighbor has the 04 Eiger. He is a pretty hardcore rider and has taken that thing through some tough stuff. He has his own garage and does all of his own mantinance on it and says its a breeze. I myself have rode it a couple of times and have no complaints, just wish it had IRS. Usually you can't beat the price on em though.

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Thanks for the replies. I did get an 05' eiger, I have put 60 some miles on it already, and so far I am very satisfied with it. It seems to be just what I need and nothing I don't need, and a very good value with all things being considered.

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