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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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I am beginning to think that the older one gets the more one enjoys saving money using a Coop-en. I know most people pronounce it coupon but up here at Lake Iwanttobethere the proper pronunciation is Coop-en and if you go into a local business and say HIYA and show your Coop-en you get an extra discount on top of all of it. Something only the locals know about and very few tourists unless they come here more then a few times. Saturday evening I went to the Bacon Platter Diner with Vic, Hammering Hank and Skinny. Skinny had some Coop-ens that he got from the owner of the Bacon Platter, Big Daddy when putting his dock in. We all drove down to the Platter in the Tahoe and I could swear that I could already smell bacon in the truck. I asked the guys if anyone else could smell bacon and Skinny held up the Coop-ens in his hand and took a sniff. "Cool, the coop-ens even smell like bacon" Skinny said.

The Bacon Platter Diner used to be a steak house but the owner Big Daddy a few years back decide to do away with the steaks and feature bacon. Rumor has it business was not all that great when you could sit at the window booths and see cows in the field next door. Now the Bacon Platter has bacon and good coffee, two smells that just go together like peanut butter and jelly. The four of us walked into the diner and the smell of coffee and bacon was thick in the air. We found a booth that was close to the grill that is in the center of the diner. A waitress came over with a big beehive hairdo and horn rimmed glasses with four steaming coffee mugs shaped like pigs feet and asked if she could start us off with a bacon strip appetizer platter. We all looked at each other and Vic asked if we each get our own platter or do we have to share?

The waitress returned with two hands balancing a large platter and told us she would start us with one of them and if we wanted another to just squeeze the little plastic piggy toy on the table to get her attention. She put the platter on the table and we saw bacon in a new light as before us divided on the platter with little signs were Baked Potato Skin with Bacon and Cheese, Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Bits, Bacon-Wrapped Bananas with Apricot Glaze, Bacon Mushroom Appetizers, Duck Breast with Bacon-Pineapple, Peanut Butter, Scallion, and Bacon on wheat crackers, Bacon Appetizer Crescents some Bacon and Cheddar Devilled Eggs. A pile of Bacon Wrapped Pineapple Shrimp and a mess of Bacon and Cream Cheese Roll-Ups. We all sampled one of everything and then we focus on our favorites till the platter was cleared.

When the time came to order Hammering Hank went with the Bacon wrapped grilled Elk backstrap and Skinny had the Turkey Bacon Avocado Sandwich. Vic and I just ordered another platter of appetizers. For desert we had Bacon pie and just settled back in our booth and drank some coffee until we could finally move. Big Daddy himself came over to the table and asked us how our meal was and then asked Hammering Hank if he could stop by and give him a bid on some dock work. We paid our bill and used the coop-ens and left a nice tip in the piggy bank on the counter. Big Daddy said thanks and sent us on our way with a bag of oatmeal and raisin with bacon bit cookies for the road, no charge. Sunday morning I woke up with bacon burps and the sound and smell of bacon sizzling in the kitchen, I had cereal instead, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,092,780}

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Elmer and Chuck and myself started training this morning getting ready for Hollering Days here at Lake Iwanttobethere. The weekend of June 21st is the town's Hollering Days which just happens to be a three day weekend followed by Hush Week. Long before cell phones or telephone's neighbors would Holler at each other across their forty's to just say hello or to tell them their cows are out of the fence. We are a month away from the contest weekend so I stepped out on the deck and sent Elmer a Holler and he sent me one back. Chuck hearing the hollering was out getting eggs so he hollered back at the both of us. I thought I did a pretty good job for a first day holler but then I have the advantage of having grand kids around.

Three weeks into May and I am wearing a heavy flannel shirt and sweat pants and a fire is burning in the fireplace. That should be reason enough to holler as this is turning into one long wet and cold spring. Been raining the past few days and not the warm kind that you look forward to. No this is the chilly rain that finds it's way into everything and makes fishing miserable and camping trips short. Winds have let up some today but they have been snapping branches off and taking the weak shingles off the roofs. Main garden here looks like it is almost ready to plant rice and yesterday a few ducks landed in it. Duncan sitting on the swing with the canopy saw the ducks and jumped from the swing to the deck to the ground and ran them off. He came trotting back covered in mud with a smug "Did you see what I did look" about him. Buddy also saw the ducks but stayed on the deck and just barked a few times and stayed clean.

I have yet to drop the trailer onto the ball of the Tahoe and go fishing. Normally by this time of the season I would have been out a few times. In my defense we have had late ice and the wind and rain to blame. Gas prices are not yet to blame but when I go to fill the Tahoe and the Puddle Humper I will be Hollering a few choice words. I should have a few fishing stories written by now and at least one adventure but nothing to report. Even fishing off the dock has been poor and not even Elmer or Marv have been seen sitting on the end of Elmer's dock. Come to think of it Barney has been spending more time in the cabin then on the dock so that is a pretty good indicator that fishing season is not really here just yet.

Now there was another reason why I remember that Hollering Days are just a month away and that is today is my, or I guess it is better if I say my wife and mine wedding anniversary I know it is today because the wife wrote it down on the desk calendar here and put a big circle around it. Thirty-six years we have been married and I am reminded at least once a week by the wife how good I have it. Last evening I went down to Diggers Garden Center and bought her thirty-six strawberry plants. They cost more than roses but I am looking to get some berries out of the deal, At my age one should be practical with their gifts. I put all the plants on the floor of her Jeep so when she left for work this morning she would find them, That will give her all day to think of something useful to buy me on the way back home, as least that is the plan. Of course I did leave a fishing catalog in the front seat with some lures circled just in case she needs an idea or two, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,093,922}

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Rumor has it that it is going to stop raining later today and a good chance the sun will be out tomorrow and we will start to dry out. That is what Sunshine Ray is saying but that might be because he had his back up against the hall wall in the Lodge where several fishermen had cornered him. With Memorial weekend coming the town could use a sunny, dry weekend. Pretty slow going as the campground is half full but should be full, hardly any tent campers as no one wants to spend an entire week living and cooking under a rain fly. Mindy and Mandy were at the Lodge yesterday dropping off our order of Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer and I cut this week's order in half. Need some warmer days to drive sales up even though we still sell to tourists who want to sample the root beer

Car wash sits empty, no one needing to wash their boats or trucks with this steady rain. Marv's Magazine & Smoke Shop is doing a good business, might be the only place in town that is. The idea of having couches and chairs for customers to relax in has turned into a good one. Rain has not been all that bad now that I think about it, it has taken care of the lake ice and the rivers and creeks are all flowing high. Trees have started to bud and some have even started to leaf out. Golf course finally looks like a golf course as the grass had turned a deep rich green. Every morning rain or shine, the seagulls arrive around seven in the morning to march across the softball field in search of anything edible. The deer I have seen at dusk are looking a little heather, not so raged as they were looking the beginning of the month. I see them checking my garden to see if I have planted or not. Even saw a bee yesterday flying like a Huey, slow and lumbering in search of flowers.

The old goose has not shown up on my shoreline this year. Makes me wonder if that new mate of his has led him to another, better patch of shoreline. The wife made the comment that he probably became a dinner on someone's table but I prefer to think he is just with that younger honker on another bay. Chuck has but one mallard that made it through the winter and he looks like he has no intentions of going anywhere. He leaves the pen to go swim in the small pond and has been entertaining a few lady friends. They fly in, spend a day or two and then move on, not a bad deal for a single, unattached guy. Echo the wonder dog sits at Chuck's side under the roof on his porch and watches the comings and goings of the ducks. Not much she can do, no sooner does she come off the porch then the chickens scatter and the ducks swim to the center of the pond. Echo will make the rounds checking the horses who snort at her when she gets underfoot and wait till she has moved on before going back to tugging at the hay.

Going to head down to see Big Earl at the General Store this morning. Have some fencing I need to pick up for the garden at the Resort. Might as well get it on another rain day so when it finally does get nicer out I will have what I need on hand. May just have to fish a few days in a row as the ground will be to wet to work and grass to wet to mow. You can see I am already talking myself into going fishing instead of working. Also have to finish up work on that twelve foot row boat, going to need that at the Resort, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,094,928}

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The steady rain/drizzle never did really let up yesterday. The new wiper's blades that I bought just a month ago I think are starting to wear out. Now that is a sure sign that we have had enough rain. I don't see how we can be in a drought any more when I broke three shovels this winter and I am already thinking about replacing wiper blades again. I did find an open parking space right in front of Big Earl's General Store and just a few splatters of rain hit my hat as I made my way in. Surprising Big Earl was not at the door but I found him in the main aisle tending to his chicks. His baby chicks are held in hundred gallon metal water tanks under heat lamps. He was busy catching a few to put in a small cardboard box that was being sold to a lady. I made my way around him and we exchanged HIYA's.

Junior was working back in hardware and he told me my fencing was back on the loading dock waiting and I nodded and went to the nail bins. Nails are still sold here at Big Earl's like they always have been. Along the wall are metal bins of bulk nails, screws and what I was looking for, fencing nails. I picked up a heavy paper bag and found the fencing nails down near the end. I then went back and found a claw which looks like hand garden cultivator to scrape the nails into a coffee can and then dump the can into my paper bag. Trying to pick up nails with your hand can be done but sooner or later you find the pointed ends of the nails and especially drywall screws are sharp and your hands are not as tuff as you think. I filled the bag about halfway and the took it to the scale. I took the carpenter's pencil that was hanging by a piece of twine and wrote on the bag the weight and price per pound.

Barb was clerking and she rang up my nails and added the total to my fence order and hollered back to Junior that I was on my way back to get my order. Big Earl came up and I looked at him and pointed at the intercom. "Turned it off" Big Earl said "Need the practice for the Hollering contest" I nodded, made sense. I headed back out the door and Big Earl followed me and stood under the awning as I got into the Dodge. We exchanged waves and I drove around to the loading door where Junior was standing on the dock. I backed up and Junior knocked over the two big rolls of wire into the bed of the Dodge, I tapped the horn and was on my way.

Thinking a hot cider with a little kick might be in order I drove to the Lodge and parked in my spot. I noticed a couple of the fellow's trucks were in the lot and one of them was hiding something under a blue tarp. Going in through the back door I made sure to wipe my boots off as Gus was watching me from behind the swinging kitchen door. I exchanged a round of HIYA's and of course the "Wet enough for ya" comment from a few of the guys. I took my hot cider over to the big round table where a few of the Fellows were hard at work drawing something out on the yellow think pad of paper. I sat down next to Gary and we nodded and I ask what they are up today. Gary pausing from his figuring took a sip of Hamms and said they are working on an electric truck!

Sipping on my cider I thought to myself, what the heck. I'll bite. "Electric truck eh. Good idea with the price of gas like it is down at the Gas-N-Go." Steve looked up and said "We have been working on this idea for a couple of beers, with the price of gas we figure we would make an electric truck since we see them car ads on TV all the time." I looked at Tiny and said "So how is it going so far" Tiny had a frown on his face and said "Well we got two portable generators in my truck but we are having some problems with securing the motors to the drive train" I nodded and held my hot cider in my hands, fingers were warming up nicely. I thought about my next question and figured I would just go ahead and ask the Fellows. "So, you going to use extension cords for your electricity?" Gary and Steve looked at each other and rolled their eyes and Gary looked back at me and said " Da, we have gas powered generators" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,096,733}

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For most of you who read this you know we sometimes do things a little differently here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Seeing a snowplow on the school bus is common in the winter here but I hear is unusual elsewhere. Another thing that is different here is our school does not always have early school release but instead they have late school starts. Yesterday was one of those planned late school starts and the kids were dropped off here by their parents so I could watch them till it was time to bring them to school. I heard the slamming screen door and back packs hitting the kitchen floor from the bedroom. Dogs barking and cats running upstairs to hide under beds. I pulled the covers over my head and just tried to ignore them but a minute later the #2 grandson was hitting me in the head with a pillow telling me it was time to get up.

Putting on slippers I shuffled down to the kitchen just as the wife was pulling on her coat, before I could say anything she looked at me and said "You don't remember, I have that meeting" and with that she was out the door and gone. Yawing I looked at the four grand kids and said "Morning" that was a mistake as they all started talking at once. I heard a couple of "What's for breakfast" comments and then the oldest grand daughter told me I needed to get dressed. Because I had promised to take them all out for breakfast on the next late start and today was that day. With the help of number two grandson I made my way back to the bedroom and I really don't remember this promise of breakfast but I have learned that little kids remember everything, especially little girls.

Twenty minutes later give or take we were all in the Tahoe driving into town. I started asking where we should have breakfast at, The Lodge, Sunshine Cafe, Dew Drop Inn maybe Amy's Bakery for donuts, Nope, nope they kept saying, You know where we want to go. "The Corner Cafe maybe the Middle of the block Cafe?" I asked. I looked in the mirror and saw heads shaking side to side, no. I was thinking maybe the Bacon Platter but I didn't say that out loud instead I said "I know, you want to go to the Chicken Shack" Number one grandson spoke up and said " Papa you know where we want to go, stop teasing us" and with that he pushed his glasses up off his nose and looked out the side window. "Ok, OK I'll take you there" and the Tahoe got quiet as they all sat in their car seats and played the counting fishing boat's game.

A few minutes later and we turned into a parking lot and I pulled into a space just down from the front door and right in front of the big sign for the "In Your Face, the Breakfast Place" Kids jumped out of the truck and doors slammed and I followed them inside. I was not alone as I saw a few fellow Lodge members who had their grand kids with them sitting at small tables looking over the adult menus that were a third of the size of the kid's menus. The In Your Face Place is Lake Iwanttobethere version of a yuppie hangout, lots of finger food and caramel latte. Does a good tourist business but the local kids think it is a breakfast joint just for them. I ordered a double plate of French toast and it came already all cut up for me with a little bowl of dipping syrup. I pushed that aside and pulled out a bottle of Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup from my pocket and smothered the little squares of toast. Not a bad idea and I winked at the granddaughter who winked back at me. That got me thinking if she was winking back at me because I winked at her or because she had tricked me, from Lake Iwanttobethere have a great weekend! {1,097,805}

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Silent Sunday here at Lake Iwanttobethere even though it is not really that quiet. Am spending the long weekend here at the Resort and the weather has been better then the opening of fishing weekend was but it is still cool. We have not yet celebrated our grand non opening but we figure that this weekend would be a pretty good test run. We have been busy since we bought the place, with all the work that has been done to the Club House and the out buildings and the newly graded road the place is starting to look like a resort again. Docks are out and the S.S.Mistake actually looks better floating in the water then resting on the ice. A lot of brush has been removed and paths cleared to the cabins. Three of them which are housing guests this weekend. Marv's Airstream trailer is in spot #1 with a buffer of trees separating it from spot #2 where the Fellows have their hunting trailer parked at.

Marv is in the kitchen and he and Vic are making potato salad and egg salad as the featured items for this weekends menu. Kids are fishing off the docks using worms that they brought from home. Bluegills have been doing a pretty good job of taking a bite out of their inventory. To the grand kids the resort is an escape for them, new beds to sleep in new trails to run on and adventures to be discovered. The Fellows came to the resort prepared, pulling their hunting trailer behind the ¾ ton pickup truck with the topper. Two canoes lashed to the top of the topper and two big propane tanks resting on the back bumper. They backed the entire rig into the space and set up camp, nothing unusual about that but I thought keeping the snowplow on the truck might be a tad of bad luck.

Early afternoon here finds the deer jumping over the log thermometer's red needle at fifty-five in the shade. Some wind coming off the little bay and it is better to be standing in the sun out of the breeze. Robins are everywhere and a flight of Bluebirds came through acting like the bullies they are. Hammering Hank and Skinny went fishing but not till they raided the kitchen to make a lunch. One of the items we have on the Resort limited menu is bologna sandwiches. In one of our group meeting it was discussed what we should have on our lunch menu was a bologna sandwich because no one can remember going someplace and being able to order a bologna sandwich. I happen to be in the kitchen when they took fresh Kaiser rolls that Marv had baked, sliced then open and inserted thick slices of bologna that we had ordered from Ma and Pa's Grocery. After that Skinny went one way with his and Hank another with his. Hank smeared Mayo on his bun with mustard and a few leafs of lettuce. Skinny used butter and sliced up a dill pickle and wedge in some cheese that he sliced from a block of cheddar. They both had to double wrap the thick sandwiches.

Elmer was spending time over at Big Earl's fire pit as he was in the Bear Cabin and they had a cooler close at hand and from time to time you could hear Earl's booming laff through the trees. I was just sitting out on the deck with the laptop jotting down a few lines from time to time and enjoying the sunshine and some peace and quiet. Had a view of the bay and kids leaning over the edge of the dock looking into the water, watching their bobbers. Fish are there, as Barney is sitting at the end of the dock watching the water with the kids. Bud is sleeping at my feet and Duncan is running the grounds with Chuck's dog Echo. Ladies are no where to be seen, they left awhile ago to hit some rummage sales down the road. I laced my fingers behind by head and close my eyes to the bright sunshine and think this is the way a weekend is supposed to be. Then my number one grandson comes up to me and says "I think the toilet is plugged" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,099,168}

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I have totally given up about writing about the weather, mostly because this spring it has not changed any from the day before. Another day here with an overcast sky, a little breeze and Sunshine Ray has rain in the forecast. Would like to know where the sunny sixty plus days of spring are because they are not here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Now having said I was not going to write about the weather I have gone ahead and wrote about the weather, because we will always have the weather to talk and write about. When you are stuck in that awkward moment with an old girlfriend or relative that you have not seen in years or can't remember their name there is always the weather to fall back on. If I was a betting man I would venture a wager that already today your opening comment to someone was either, Cold enough for ya? Wet enough for ya? I hear it is going to rain or Some Spring eh!

Duncan is here with me at the Resort today, grand kids all went back home last night as they have school today. Wife took Buddy and Barney back with her and Duncan stayed with me as we have a day planned in the garden. Yesterday for a few hours we dragged the chipper up to the garden plot and the kids raked piles of leaves up and then we sent them through the chipper. Kids are still at the age where raking leaves can be fun and they ran out of worms fishing off the dock. Vic told them they used to pick worms in the garden so it was not too hard to convince them that the worms were still there. They did find some crawlers and most of the garden was cleaned before they took the coffee can and headed back to the dock. Today I need to work on the fence and maybe I will get the tiller up there and start turning some ground.

Resort is quiet, Fellows left their trailer in spot #2 and their canoes are pulled up on the small beach down by the docks. Big Earl was up and gone before dawn as he likes to get an early start down at the store. He was going to leave last night but we had a bonfire going and he stayed late. Vic is around, big smile on his face and spring in his step. Today is the day after Memorial Day and here at Lake Iwanttobethere it also means that the mail and the morning newspaper are now delivered by boat. The mailboxes out on the road are not used again till the end of summer and some are left open and robins take advantage of them by building their nests in them. That has happen to me a few times in the past.

Yesterday afternoon we brought Vic down to the shore and everyone gathered around for a surprise. Tied off to the dock was the twelve foot rowboat all polished with new wood seats and a sparkling white Clinton outboard hanging off it's stern. Gas tank was filled and a rod holder bolted to the side. We told Vic as the caretaker of the Resort it is his job to get the mail and since he will no longer be able to walk to the mailbox he is going to have to take the rowboat to the main lake to pick up the mail and newspaper. If he happens to get some fishing in well that is just fine with the rest of us. Mark the mailman and Jessie the paperboy don't make the trip into the bay as we are the only ones back in here but Skinny and Hammering Hank have gone out and stuck a mailbox off the point in the main lake right where the channel starts. Vic's job will be to take the rowboat out through the channel to the mail box and pick up our mail, a daily excuse to get in the boat and fish. Vic has already checked the box twice today, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,101,061}

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Gas prices are down this morning by a few pennies a gallon, not enough so that I can buy a Kit Kat but at least they are not going up! Needed to fill the gas can for the garden tiller and also needed gas for the lawn tractor. Garden area at the Resort is cleared enough so that I ran the tiller across to break up some of the grass yesterday. With rain in the forecast I will come back and really till it deep and maybe start planting next week. I dragged the tiller up using the cart behind the garden tractor so I ended up doing some mowing. It has been awhile since the grounds have been mowed and I found a few surprises buried in the old grass. Didn't break anything so that is always good but it is going to take a few mowing before we get it to look anything like a yard.

Travel between the cabin, Resort and the Lodge has me driving more than what I usually do. I have noticed the grass is getting greener and the trees are really popping leaves in the past few days. Maples are still bare, they just take longer. Yesterday was a busy wildlife day as it started off with me and Duncan driving down to the Lodge and having to stop and wait on the access road for a goose to cross. Duncan who was sitting in the front seat of the Tahoe and looking out the side window was facing the wrong way when I rolled to a stop. He turned his head and looked at me with a "Why are we stopping look" and then spotted the goose strolling in front of the Tahoe. With his head wedge between the windshield and the dash he followed the goose with his eyes and whined and watched it cross the road and walk onto the grass of the shoulder. I gave the truck gas and Duncan retreated to the back of the Tahoe watching the goose through the back door windows. When the goose was out of sight he made his way back to the front seat, sat down and gave me a sigh and just stared at me like I did something wrong.

At the Resort Vic had a front row seat to some wildlife action of his own. As he was over at cabin number three doing a inspection and looked out the back bedroom window just in time to watch a doe in the high grass give birth to a fawn. The doe did not notice him behind the glass, I am thinking she was busy at the time. Vic told me how the little fawn got up and fell twice before finally standing upright. Vic said he snuck out the front door and went to the Club House for his camera and made it back but the doe and her fawn were gone. Vic had a pretty big smile on his face at having seen the event and was enjoying telling anyone who would listen about it. Now that we know that fawns are dropping we will have to keep an eye on the young dogs Duncan and Echo so they don't get into any trouble.

Not to be out done there was also wildlife adventures going on over at Chuck's. His girlfriend has been doing a lot of sprucing up around the place. Old flower beds are being planted with flowers and new beds are being put in. The trouble lies with the free range chickens that Chuck has. I was told by Chuck that the rooster has four hens that follow him around the property and his girlfriend refers to them as a "Gang" the rooster and his gang are being blamed for going into the new flower beds and dusting themselves while tearing up her flower beds. The girlfriend has strongly suggested that Chuck do something about the "Gang" in which Chuck is complaining you can't just pick on those five birds when there are fifteen more birds probably doing the same thing. Nevertheless the GF wants all the birds penned or she wants the gang bird's id in some way and if he won't do something she will. I bring this up because this morning I saw the rooster being followed by three pink hens and the GF chasing another hen with a squirt gun, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,102,435}

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Fog is thick here at Lake Iwanttobethere this morning, some heavy rain fell overnight at least that is what I am guessing. Deck is wet and the water bowl for the dogs is full and the rain barrels are leaking from around the top. Was going to finish mowing here at the cabin but with the wet grass looks like that will not get done today. Yesterday I did get the push mowing done on the hillside and I know that I am in no way near to mid summer mowing shape. It didn't take too much mowing for me to take a break and check on how Barney was doing watching my rod on the end of the dock. Some dogs may be hunters and some dogs are fishermen I am lucky enough to have one of each. Barney is the fishermen as he will patiently sit on the end of the dock and watch my bobber, if it goes down then he will bark, I can tell by the bark if I need to hurry back to the dock or if I am just getting a nibble. I walked up on the dock and Barney looked up from the bobber he was watching and just gave me a quick look and was back staring into the water. I stood alongside and rubbed his ear and we both watched for awhile, then I went back to mowing.

Have been trying to get Duncan interested in fishing but he would rather run then sit. He protects the bird feeders from Edd and Eddie the squirrels and makes half hearted attempts to keep the sparrows away. A couple of blue jays have decided the bird feeders are theirs and as I was taking another mowing break I watched as Duncan would run them off only to have them come back a minute later. I could hear hollering coming from over at Chuck's during one of the mowing breaks, I figured they were getting some practice in till I saw the Chuck's girlfriend Sam chasing the gang of pink chickens around the hay wagon only to be heading the other way a few minutes later with the rooster chasing her. I thought there was only four hens in the gang but I counted six pink hens following the rooster, I think the gang is growing. Chuck seeing that I was mowing came over with a folding chair and set it up at the top of the hill so he could sit and watch me mow. When I saw him I took another mowing break and sat down on the bench.

Chuck in his folding chair and me on the bench we just sat for awhile saying nothing. Overcast sky and it was feeling humid out. Lake was not totally flat as there were a few small ripples washing up on shore. Barney was sitting on the edge of the dock trying to look under the dock as the bobber was slowly being washed back towards shore. Duncan came up from the bird feeder and after getting petted from Chuck laid down at my feet, one paw resting on top of my foot so I could not get up with out him knowing. With that he took a puppy nap and I thought that a nap on the newly cut grass is not a bad way at all of spending some down time.

Chuck looking back towards his place checking to see if the coast was clear reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of cigars. I just happen to have a lighter and we soon had some smoke drifting over our heads. He is not supposed to be smoking, Doc Burriems suggestion and the girlfriends new favorite pet peeve. I have been good at cutting back myself but it was the kind of afternoon that time for a cigar could be made. Ten minutes into our cigar break we could hear some more hollering and Echo, the wonder dog game flying across the grass pass us and towards the dock. Duncan woke up and gave chase, Chuck and I just looked at each other and said nothing. A moment later and we could hear someone coming down the path behind us, I was figuring it was Sam but no it was Tatter, Chucks big dog who seldom leaves the property. Tatter came over and tried to climb up on the bench with me but settled for a few good pats on the side. I turned and asked Chuck if he was going to go check on what was going on at his place, Chuck just blew a smoke ring in the air that we both admired and simply said "Nope" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,104,026}

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First the good news, gas went down a dime yesterday at the Gas-N-Go and last night we had a thunderstorm which washed all of my trucks off for me and the gardens are about as soft as they are going to get. Of course on the other side of the coin the gardens are so soft that I can't get out and till them with out making a chocolate pudding mess out of them. Grass is growing like it knows I can't mow it and we found a few more low spots at the resort that we are going to have to bring some more dirt in. I did have this plan on tilling up gardens and have the grand kids do the planting this weekend. Since they are closer to the ground then I am it will be easier for them to do all the bending and reaching. Guess that is not going to happen but they have only one more week of school so it will get done sooner or later.

I did get a lot of work done yesterday as I put in a few posts and did some concrete work, a little sidewalk patching and had a fire going most of the day in the fire pit. Brush pile took a big hit as every time I walked by I took some of the pile to the pit. I was waiting all day for it to rain and an excuse to stop working outside but the rain held off till after dark and then it poured. I did some tree trimming on the apple trees and they are starting to leaf out. The new apple trees and the two fruit trees are also budding so they have officially made it through the winter. I think we are good on rain for awhile so anytime the sun wants to come out and warm things up I am all for it.

Some of my tools have found there way over to the Resorts wood shop and of course I needed them back here at the cabin. I took the drive over to the Resort and picked up my concrete trowels and spotted Vic trolling his way back to the dock. I walked down to the dock to wait for him when I heard the Clinton sputter to a stop and saw the bow in Vic's rod. Vic had one hand on a oar in the water and the other hand was trying to keep his rod tip high. From where I was it looked like he was trying to turn the boat in the direction he had just come from. I stood on the dock and stuck my hands in my pocket and watched as Vic battled something on his line. He was far enough away that I could not tell if he had a fish or a branch on. Didn't look like a snag and the weeds have not started to grow yet in our little bay. I was going to yell out to him but I remember him saying that the air cooled Clinton is so loud that he just turns his hearing aids off. He knows how well the engine is running by the vibration in the seat of his pants.

I see a fish jump and land back in the calm water with splash that echoes back at me. A single cuss word floats back at me and I see Vic turn in my direction and just raise his hands holding his rod with slack line dangling from it. Vic reels the line in and then does not bother trying to start the Clinton instead he slides the other oar over the side into the water and pulling on both heads in my direction. I sit down on the dock bench and wait for him to cover the water between us. It takes a few minutes but Vic pulls up his oars and glides into the dock, a small vee wave cut from the bow in the water spreading out behind him. "HIYA" I say and Vic just looks at me. "HIYA" again I say and Vic turns on his hearing aid and says "HIYA" to me. "Lost em eh" I say as I look out at the water. Vic tosses me a length of rope and points at the dock cleat. I catch the rope and drop the loop around the cleat and Vic pulls the rowboat close to the dock. Vic then says "Biggest fish I almost caught today" and I see the grin on his face and I know I gotta go fishing, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,104,877}

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Where did the week go or for that matter the entire month of May? I just made it to the Resort, parked the Tahoe and with Duncan at my side I open the shop door and stepped inside. The first rain drops were loud as they hit the roof of the shop and echoed a little. I open the big doors and pulled my wood three leg stool over to get a better view. Duncan stood just inside the door and watched the rain as it started to fall. Not a shower this time but finally a heavy down pour as it quickly went from a few drops to a hard steady rain. A few claps of thunder and dime size hail started to bounce off the ground and enter the shop through the open doors. Duncan took a few steps back and then started to lick up the hail but there was more then he could lick up and he was soon losing the battle.

I sat on the stool and watched the rain fall and listen to the hail ricochet off the siding and the upturned rowboat on the saw horses just outside the doors. Hail did not last long but the heavy rain fell for a few more minutes before it to stopped as quickly as it had started. You could still hear the rain as the water dripped from the tall pines to land quietly on the needles laying on the ground. Duncan ventured out from the shop and shook, rain spray had gotten his coat wet but he is a lab and he lives to be wet. Robins start calling the all clear and sparrows emerged from where ever they were hiding from the storm and go back to do what ever sparrows always seem to be doing. A couple of bees bumble by, one following the other as they went back to being bees. I got up from the stool stood in the doorway and took in a deep breath of woods and rain and tried to remember what I was going to do.

With the over cast sky darkness came quickly last night. There was a pretty sunset somewhere it just was not here at Lake Iwanttobethere. The fire pit was wet and the old remains of the last fire were not going to start with out some help. With it being so wet this month we have stored some wood under a tarp and we sent kids to gather some sticks from it. A fire was started with the aid of an expired flare that Skinny just happen to have. It took an hour or so for the fire to settle down till we had a nice bed of hot coals and we would feed the fire some sticks to keep a flame licking skyward. Kids roasted marsh mellows and after awhile the fresh air and smoke got them yawning and they headed to bed. Women folk headed for a hen chat and it just left us men to sit on chunks of Maple smoking cigars and drying the bottom of our boots at the edge of the fire.

Vic wandering down to the fire with a flannel blanket draped over his shoulders and carrying his guitar. We gave him some lip about being old and needing a blanket but after awhile sitting at the fire and cooking on one side and feeling a cold draft on the back side the blanket was looking like a pretty good idea. As the evening progress the stories got fewer and the chatter and laughter got quieter, Vic would strum his guitar. He never played an entire song, just bits and pieces that some of us would almost remember. Big Earl pulled out his harmonica and from time to time would add to what Vic was playing. They would look at each other and share something that the rest of us would only be able to hear and not really feel like them.

I made a few attempts to get comfortable sitting on my chunk of Maple but my mind was wandering as I watched the flames and listened to the radon notes that were making a song that no one else will ever hear. I'm thinking there will be Friday night fires here at the Resort that will have black skies with thousands of stars watching us. Dry fire wood and the sound of frogs singing back up for the guitar. Warmer nights and kids laying in sleeping bags. Dogs snoring and old friends becoming even better friends. Loons calling and maybe a goose honking at her kids to go to sleep. I am also thinking that maybe owning a piece of a resort is a pretty good idea, that and I need a better chair, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,106,703}

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Silent Sunday finds me sitting in the main room of the Club House with the laptop and Sunday's paper spread across the great table. Breakfast has been served and this morning Marv made flapjacks with thin slices of ham warmed up on the grill. For those who wanted eggs they were cooked and slid on to waiting plates sunny side up because that is the way Marv cooks them. Vic long ago took the rowboat out to the main lake and picked up the Sunday paper and for the first time in a long time he did it with sun shinning on him. As I sit here I have to adjust the screen of the lap top because there is sunshine coming through the big windows of the Club House.

Couple of the Fellows are here and they have both canoes launched and are over on the other side of the little bay fishing, they are over there because as we all know fishing is always better on the other side of the lake, or in our case bay. Big Earl and his son Junior are also out on the water but I don't see them. I think they went out the channel and are out on the main lake. KCUM radio is playing softly in the background, on Sunday mornings they play nothing but acoustical music and the quiet sounds of guitars and pianos seems to go just right with the morning mood here at the Resort. Since we have been sort a open for a couple of weeks now we have had a few Sunday breakfasts at the great table. This morning is the first one that felt like a Resort breakfast should. From time to time I lift the lid of the laptop and type a few lines, mostly ideas for future stories. I could write a story just about writing stories, if I did not have a laptop these stories would never make it past my fingertips. Me and a typewriter, I would be going through gallons of white out.

I am off track here I sat down with the idea of writing about newspapers. As I said Vic brought in the Sunday paper but also laying on the table are a few other papers that have been left by visitors in the past few weeks. The papers have gotten mixed up with our local paper and guys have found themselves sipping coffee and reading about what is happening in other small towns. If you don't look to the top of the page and see Lake Iwanttobethere it could be a story about here. Local high school having graduation next week, Fishing season is open, nice picture of a kid holding a walleye and a happy grandpa standing along side. Coupons for soda pop and hot dog buns on sale if you buy a twin pack of wieners. County market is open and local boy makes it to state in track. Standings for last Friday night's stock car races and the rodeo is schedule to come to town in July. Stock market reports and tire sales, garden tips and weather maps.

I have found myself leafing through the papers and reading something if it catches my eye. Kind of like looking over a year old outdoor life magazine waiting for an open chair at Burt's barbershop. I got an e-mail the other day from a reader who says when he is bored and it is quiet at his house and the kids are asleep he will log on and pull up Lake Iwanttobethere and just browse through the old stories. They are kind of like old newspapers from home that remind him of yesterday. Fishing trips, dogs, the old guy who lived next door. The guys who always seem to get into some kind of trouble. Camp fires and Grandma's warm cookies. Thanks for reading Paul, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,107,822}

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Yesterday evening I was sitting on the deck of the Resort with Vic eating a late lunch. Actually it was my second lunch as we were both eating egg salad on Marv's Kaiser rolls. The eggs came from Chuck's free range chickens and the buns were baked by Marv right here in our kitchen. Vic says when he goes out in the morning to get the mail and the newspaper the smell of baking bread or the Kaiser rolls drifting across the bay leads him right back to the dock. The Kaiser rolls had probably twice as much egg salad in them as they should and some of it would drip out the back side of the bun when you took a bite. No matter, you just smeared the fallen salad up with some bun and ate it that way. Ice cubes clinked together in the beer mugs that we had filled with lemonade and as we wiped our bearded chins of salad we both looked at each other and just said "Tasty"

I was sitting with my back against the wood deck chair when I heard a quiet high pitched squeaking sound which quickly rose in volume to sound like what I would imagine a Sasquatch would sound like, that is if we had any Sasquatch around here. Vic and I both looked at each with raised eyebrows and we both came up to that same conclusion at the same time, The tiller.... I was eating a second lunch because I had been tilling up the garden here at the Resort and Skinny had come out to spell me for awhile. I got up from the table and made my way around the Club House with the sound of the screaming Sasquatch getting louder till it just stopped. I made my way up past the Pines where I could see Skinny standing over the tiller with one hand on his hip and the other hand holding his baseball cap and rubbing his forehead. The tiller was quiet and no fire or smoke so I was thinking that is good sign.

I followed the path to the garden and Skinny looked at me and just threw out his hands to his side. Like a mother robin I made my way to the tiller thinking the worse. You see I have had this tiller for about twenty-five years. Matter of fact we call it the NASCAR tiller as we have changed out everything on it except the transmission and the frame. Skinny didn't say anything to me, he just stood there like a doctor in an emergency room with that look on him that says sorry, we did all we could. I moved the throttle to the start position and gave the pull cord a tug, she started right up and purred away as I advance the throttle. I got behind the handles and engaged the tines and the terrible sound of the Sasquatch came from the trannie. I disengage the tines and cut the throttle and she coughed once and died. Skinny reached out and lightly punched me on the shoulder and just said "Sorry"

Skinny went and got the tractor and we rolled the tiller into the bucket and Skiing took it to the shop. Later we will open her up and see what killed her, the transmission is one of them sealed jobs so I am thinking it is probably is as dry as a bone inside. I made my way back to the Club House already thinking I am going to have to go find another tiller. I found Vic down at the dock throwing Howard the Duck some bread crumbs. "Trannie?" He asked. I just nodded my head yes. "So hard to find good equipment, sorry for your loss" and Vic handed me a few bread crumbs, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,109,896}

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Sitting here today just waiting for something else bad to happen. The old guys always talk about bad things happening in threes and so far I have two down and one to go. My tiller died and on my way back home to the cabin here I blew a brake line on the Dodge. Still had some brake left and I just managed to coast to a stop in the drive. So now I have the broken tiller sitting in the back of the broken Dodge and it is raining out, again. Other then that it is the middle of the week and the grand kids are happy and looking forward too just one more day of school. # two grandson informed me that he is really looking forward to working up at the Resort with me this summer. We were sitting on the swing and his feet were tangling over the edge of the seat not yet long enough to reach the wood of the deck.

# two was spending the night since his sister was going on a field trip early the next morning and he and his brother would not be going in early to school like she had to. His brother was in with the wife and number two sat on the swing and told me of the plans he had for this coming summer. Being seven years old I was glad that he was planing on spending some of the summer working. I was swinging thinking that another boss is just what I need. I have my to do list and I have the wife's to do list, we have a to do list at the Resort and yet another one at the Lodge. Now the grandson was ticking off his to do list which included doing a lot of things with me. The to do list of a eighty-seven month old kid and a seven hundred and nineteen month old retired man share a lot of expectations.

With the flood lights flickering on we sat on the swing and I listen to the grandsons list. We have to go fishing everyday, I nodded. We need to ride our bikes, good luck I thought remembering the last time I tried that. We need to hike and build a new fort since we have all that land at the resort, No girls allowed and I nodded to that. We should visit Jeanie and the Ice Cream truck as often as we can and I gave that a nod. We should chase frogs and garden snakes and pick night crawlers after it rains. We need to camp out under the stars and cook wieners on sticks. We need to sleep in late and only go to bed when we are tired. I added no alarm clocks and he nodded to that.

As for work he said he was old enough to drive the riding lawn tractor and I didn't nod yes to that but I did say we will think about it. He also said he would help dip minnows in the bait shop when he was not selling night crawlers or guiding fishermen. I told him he can guide me anytime and he said he will have to check his schedule. Uncle Vic and Uncle Marv have already asked him to take them out, I smiled in the dark. He was quiet then and so was I, we sat swinging on the swing listening to the peepers croaking and not saying much of anything, then he said "Papa?" and looked at me. I replied "Yes" " Do you want to hear what I have planed for next week?" From Lake Iwanttobethere {1,111,903}

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JUNEUARY, that is what people around town are calling this month. I am jotting down some thoughts this morning with the sound of the furnace running in the background. Little rivers of rain water are running down the glass panes of the den windows here at the cabin. It is cool out and it is raining still, not again but still. My garden plants are resting on window sills through out the cabin and the cats are treating the plants like they are the salad line at a buffet. But summer marches on, today is the last day of school and tomorrow buses will no longer be seen on the roads. Instead we will see kids on bikes with fishing rods across handle bars and sandals without socks. Of course they may be wearing their winter jackets and the smart ones will have stocking caps on under their hoods. Enough rain already, I want a nice thunderstorm with flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder if it is going to rain lets get a good storm and then let it stop. This drizzle and shower stuff everyday has me so far behind on chores and projects that need to get done around the cabin and the Resort that I just want to chuck it all and go fishing. Except it is raining out and guys at the Lodge now have a betting pool on when we will get snow, not if, but when.

Grass is green and thick and lush and teases me to mow it. Maple trees are finally starting to leaf out and the weeds are starting to creep in around the edges of the gardens. With no school tomorrow grand kids will be here for a long weekend and I am already working on a To-Do-List for them. It may not be the same list as the # two grandson has in mind but there may be a few things on there for him. Almost the first month of fishing season has passed and except for a few casts off the dock I have not gotten to go fishing yet. I really don't know where the month went. My only defense is that it is hard to get the boat in the water the first time but it is real easy after that. High gas prices, ice on the water late, constant rain OK now I am seeing why I have not been out yet. Yesterday I tinkered with the garden tiller, that was after I saw the price for a replacement down at the General Store. I pulled on the cord and it started right up and I engaged the tines and they quietly revolved without a squeak. Not pressing my luck I moved the tiller to it's summer spot in the garage and shut it down, maybe I might get the garden tilled after all.

I then walked over to the Dodge but I knew that the brakes had not fixed themselves and saw the puddle of water under the truck, I am leaving that job for the son to tend to. With no kids at home and the wife at work I decide to take a nap. Actually I sat on the couch with intentions of making a list of things that could be done in the rain and I guess a nap was at the top of the list. A hour or so later I woke up with Duncan staring me in the eyes. I got up and stretched picked up the clip board and wrote nap and then checked it off. I let Duncan outside and Bud and Barney appeared from down the hall and followed Duncan out on to the deck. Drizzle falling, everything was wet and I could hear Chuck hollering next door. A couple of geese came flying low overhead and I watched as they flew by and disappeared into the fog. I yawned and stretched and thought about sitting on the swing except it was wet.

Looking around I saw a curl of smoke coming up from under the blue tarp on the end of Elmer's dock. I put my hands in my jacket pocket and made the short walk over to Elmer's, my footprints showing up behind me in the bent over wet grass, As I got close I saw a single red and white bobber out on the water with the line resting on the surface. I followed the line back to the tip of a rod resting in a holder bolted to the end of the dock. Elmer sat under a blue trap that had been stretched from dock post to dock post at the four corners. A 2x2 piece of cedar that once served as a clothes line pole held the center of the tarp up. Elmer sat wearing his flannel jacket on his swinging bench with a cigar hanging from his lips and his eyes closed. I stepped onto the wood of the old dock and one of Elmer's eyes opened and he watched me. When I got close he said HIYA and I returned the greeting. I held back the urge to ask if he was fishing and instead said nothing. Elmer waiting for me to ask if he was fishing was waiting to give me a smart answer and so the two of us said nothing waiting for the other to go first.

Elmer closed his eye and said nothing and I watched his bobber, a puff on his cigar sent smoke drifting away and then Elmer said "You might as well get out of the rain and sit a spell" and I did. Two guys can always watch one bobber, especially when it was not doing anything. I am thinking that maybe I should go get my heavy coat on and go over and sit a spell on Elmer's dock. Looks like it is going to rain all day again, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,113,692}

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No calls from the Lodge so I guess everything is OK so far. Yesterday afternoon I went to town for a few things and I ended up at the Lodge. Mostly because I saw the local electrician truck parked in the lot. I also saw a couple of the Fellows trucks parked alongside which usually means something is going on or something is going to be going on. I parked in my parking spot and came in through the back door. I exchanged HIYA's with Honey Sauce who was wearing an apron and cooking burgers on the grill. Vince was also wearing an apron and came into the kitchen with a order book in his hand. Looks like Honey has been elevated to fry cook and Vince to waitress. I looked around for Gus and Honey told me he was downstairs in the basement with the "Guys."

I went down the hall past the washrooms and past the panel where the controls are for Windy the Windmill, The panel was all dark which made me pause and also a little nervous. The door to the basement was open and I could hear talking and a whirling sound. I went down the stairs careful like because I don't know what I was going to be walking into. In the center of the room the Fellows at least four of them anyway were all walking on treadmills. A mess of wires from the treadmills were scattered across the floor and ended at the bank of batteries where Windy stored her power. Gus was holding a flashlight and our town electrician, Twitch was working on the panel. Now we don't see to much of Twich he is pretty much retired and not in a lot of demand. He used to be in the guard as a bomb disposal tech and the story is that is where he got his nick name. He owns a ragged looking curly Heinz 57 dog with a few bald spots that goes by the name of Zap, he was sitting by a tool bag with a roll of black tape in his mouth. Twitch is good friends with the Fellows having helped out on some of their projects and a part time Lodge member.

Gus who is the acting manager of the Lodge noticed that the batteries are low and figured that the Lodge is just not getting the power that we used to out of Windy the Windmill. He mentioned it in passing to the Fellows who were sharing a pitcher. Well he gave the Fellows a problem and of course they ran with it and now we have four slightly used treadmills that the Fellows all bought their wives for Christmas last year but Big Earl will not take back. Seems the Fellows all customize the treadmills with bottle and chip n dip holders. The wives all made a big deal out of the treadmills thinking that their husbands were trying to tell them something, which they were. So they brainstormed up an idea to bring the treadmills to the Lodge where members could work out and help put some juice back into the batteries. Gus was thinking he could get some of the dead beat members to run a little off their bar tab and Twitch was called to wire it all together.

I stood clear of the wires on the floor and watched as Twitch licked his finger and stuck it into the panel. Gus came over and filled me in on the progress and I asked him if he had engaged Windy since the last storm, Gus looked at me and said "I thought you did that" " Nope, that's the managers job" Gus just looked at the treadmills and said "Now what am I going to do" I smiled and patted Gus on the shoulder and said "Don't tell them" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,115,534}

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Yesterday was National Donut Day and there was a long line down at Amy's Bakery celebrating it. Amy was giving away free donut holes and the rest of the donuts were buy three and get one free. I of course was down there as one should support their local business and it was after all donuts. Another over cast day but that didn't stop people from walking out with their white bakery bags and chatting on Main Street. It was also Friday which means we change up tourists at the resorts around town. Outgoing visitors stop at Ma and Pa's Grocery to stock up on Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup and all three different bottles sell well. There is Light, Regular and this year Chuck came out with what he calls "Forty Weight" syrup. Those bottles are filled with the bottom of the vat syrup and pours like forty weight oil in the dead of winter.

Big Earl wearing his red apron and holding his corn broom stands outside the General Store ushering new customers in while holding the door for exiting customer's with their hands full on their way out. The revolving post card rack is out on the sidewalk and it is the same one that used to hold nickel cards back in the day but now they cost a dollar. The rack that holds umbrellas has some slim pickings as a month of rain will reduce inventory. Bug spray and tanning lotion, their is plenty of that, especially the tanning lotion. Repeat visitors wave good-bye and those who have been here a few times shout out HIYA's to folks. The new tourists drive in with their windows rolled down and point at Big Earl and wait for the town's one street light to change.

Several times during the morning Tinker will fly his float plane low down Main Street giving his customers a bird's eye view of the town. He will then head out over the lake and drop the customers off at one of the far islands that he keeps remote camps at and will come back in a week to pick them up. Church league softball team is holding a practice down on the field and there is more standing around and watching balls fall to the grass then there is running and catching. Jeanie and her husband Stan have the mobile Ice Cream/Tackle truck parked near the access and some fishermen are getting ready to launch their boats while trying to lick ice cream cones before they melt. Down the shoreline several familles are fishing from shore. They have already set up tents at the campground and they must have been here before as the good spots looked to be all taken already.

Several cars in the lot at the Masterbaiters Shop and I saw the minnow truck headed that way with a line of trucks behind it. Rumor had it there were shinners on the truck but that was just a wish that someone was spreading. I was just coming up to where I had the Tahoe parked and my daughter and grand daughter drove up and gave me a HIYA. I leaned up against the passenger door and gave my grand daughter a kiss on the cheek and got one in return. My number two granddaughter said to me "Papa I have three days off from school" I smiled at here and said "Honey, you have three months off from school" She looked at me then at her ma and then back to me and said "Guess I got laid off" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,117,181}

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Today is National Donald Duck Day, no wonder "Lucky" the duck who lives in Chuck's pond is making so much noise this morning. Big bon fire at the resort last night, we spent the afternoon tearing down one of the out buildings so we can expand the garden into where it was standing. We did salvage some of the lumber but the siding was pretty shot so we lit er up. Was a good excuse for the Lake Iwanttobethere Volunteer Fire Department to hold the monthly meeting so the call was put out. Of course this also gave us a chance to show off the Club House and we booked a few cabins and Marv and Vic fed the group. After the fire was left to burn out the guys were good enough to rake it out to make sure there were no burning embers left. This morning I am writing and watching the approaching rain work it's way across the lake. Some chatter on the CB as guys on the lake are announcing to anyone listening when the rain starts falling at their place.

No grand kids here and I was going to put them all to work planting in the garden. That's OK with the coming rain I can wait till tomorrow to plant. The daughter had a day off from her job down at Diggers Garden Center yesterday and came out to help her dear old dad work in the resort's garden. Had a bad ten minutes as in that time span as she broke her glasses, walked into the corner of a picnic table, dropped a ladder on her shoulder and scraped her elbow on a big plastic planter. I told her to just head inside and see Vic and take a break. Ten minutes later I found her with her feet up in the main room an ice pack on her shoulder, her elbow resting on another ice pack and her good hand holding a cold beer with Vic working on her glasses. As I came in the room she told me she was done for the day and I told her bad things happen only in threes and she should be good for the day and just walk it off. "Nope, I am going to stay inside where it is safe and help Vic" and with that I lost the daughter for the rest of the day.

Arlo has been coming in and buying his crawlers from the grand kids, they have their own small fridge in the bait shop. We are also getting a little dock business as guys are making their way down the narrow channel and coming into our bay to fish a little before tying up at the dock. Selling a few sodas and the occasional beer but the weather has been cool and I think most of them are just buying something so they can use the outhouse. Everyone who stays here knows we have indoor plumbing but if they don't ask we don't tell.

This afternoon I am going to spend it all in the wood shop. Going to build some clothes poles so we can put a set for each cabin in. Looks better than having ropes hanging off the trees and there is a split double header of baseball today so I will have something to listen to while I work. I will pre cut the posts and cross member and screw the hooks in, make the braces and Hammering Hank can dig some holes with the tractor when it dries up. Concrete the posts in and come back a day later and put the cross braces in, hang line and I can say I did something. Not a bad way to spend a silent Sunday, baseball and finding a way to stay out of the rain, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,119,600}

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National Yo-yo Day today and of course Big Earl at the General Store has a display of Yo-yo's just inside the main entrance. In an assortment of colors and a few different sizes, I don't think any of the kids coming in to the store have a clue what they are. The old guys do and it was kind of interesting watching Elmer doing a few tricks with a bright yellow one. Of course Earl told me that Elmer has been playing with the Yo-yo for two hours trying to remember how to get it to walk the dog. I just happen to be in the store early this morning as I needed more hooks for the clothes poles that I built in the shop yesterday. Drive into town was quiet and wet, a lot of standing water in the ditches and the sides of the roads have really greened up. Have to be careful coming around the curves as the deer are out early or should I say still out. Speaking of deer they are looking better, not so ragged as they did just a month ago.

Stormy Clearweather is calling for a dry week, just a chance of a shower this morning but then it is going to stay cloudy and dry the rest of the week. Going to take a few days for things to dry out as yesterday was a soaker with it raining just about the entire day. Vic still got wet though as he had to take the boat out to get the Sunday paper. He told Elmer he needs to get one of them bilge pumps in his rowboat, said he had a few inches of water sloshing around the bottom. His boots got wet and his tackle box was floating so today I think Hammering Hank and Skinny are going to rig some kind of awing to keep the weather off the old rowboat when it is docked.

Today Vic and I am going to start doing some planting, should have had stuff in the ground two weeks ago but better late then never. Vic told me he has a feeling that summer is going to take a turn for the good here soon and we are going to have a nice long warm fall to make up for spring. So today we are going to plant cherry tomatoes anywhere we can put a pot, so that means on the deck and porches of the cabins. Even going to put a few in the window of the Bait Shop, that gets good sun when the sun is shinning. With any luck the son is coming over to the cabin this afternoon and will get the brakes fixed on the Dodge. Of course with the Dodge out of action I of course need it. That is always the way that works, The old truck could sit for six months and I would not have to haul a 2x4 but now that it is down I have to get more fence posts and I need a load of wood chips and some more fencing.

Going to give the ground a day to dry out and then I am going to see if I can get the gardens tilled up, got my fingers crossed that there is one more day of tilling left in the old tiller. If I am lucky then the grand kids will be put to work planting both the gardens here at the cabin and at the Resort. Vic has a mess of flowers for the grand daughters to plant in hanging baskets as the boys would rather get dirty in the dirt planting spuds. For me the day will not be wasted as I am going to get the cover off the Puddle Humper and get it loaded. Rods are ready and tackle boxes sorted. Gas has gone down fifty cents at the Gas-N-Go so it is time to fill the boat tank. I plan on fishing later this week so we can get a real fishing report from here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,121.520}

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King Kamehameha Day here at Lake Iwanttobethere and the weather for it is just perfect, highs to be in the mid seventies, calm winds and no rain on the forecast. The Ladies Auxiliary is the sponsor of today's events and they will be down in the park this afternoon. Lucky for us there will be beer sales as some of the Ladies might be passed their prime for wearing grass skirts. A Hula hoop contest will be held and this summer's first BBQ feed. Mindy and Mandy will have their world famous Lake Iwanttobethere root beer for sale and of course Jean and Stan will have the ice cream/tackle truck on site. Tourist and locals alike are welcomed to come down and take part.

Yesterday was a good day, amazing what you can get done outside when it is not raining. Dodge has a new brake line and is back in service and I want to thank Dan down at the auto parts store for going that little extra and finding us that fitting that we needed. Cherry tomato plants are now planted all over the Resort but that good idea might have one small problem. Watering the plants that we have stuck almost everywhere. I think we are going to have to put a water barrel in the little trailer and drag it around with the garden tractor, sounds like a job for Vic to do.

Grand kids were over and put to work, Gave them each a hard hat and a hammer and told them to go to work on the old patio block sidewalk. Good thing I didn't want to keep any of the block as they destroyed the blocks but did load the wheel barrow up several times. Vic made them a lunch of hot dogs and strawberry smoothies and after a break they were ready to go back to work. Number two son wanted to go swimming but as soon as he stuck his toe in the cold lake water he was headed back to the Club House announcing he was going to take a shower instead. Windows were open and I had a few screens to repair, kids ran the screens to the wood shop and I fixed them and they took them back to Vic who did the installing. I am jealous of the energy little kids have, I hardly had any time to take a break and there was a kid with a screen back for repair.

It did get a little humid as it was overcast and it took a long time for the grass to dry and the garden is going to need another day to dry out before I can till it. Tomorrow we will till maybe because today is going to be a mowing day. Kids are planning on taking the day off and fishing and if it gets warm number one grand daughter says she is going to spend her day in the baits shop reading a book. Marv is going to wash his trailer today and he has both grandsons enlisted to help with the job, anything with hoses and water and they are up for it. The Resort is getting so busy with chores all over the place that we are thinking of putting one of them white marker boards up so we can keep track of where everyone is. We did have a discussion that all work at the Resort has to be done by five PM so everyone has time for some fishing or reading or just doing nothing.

I am thinking that I will need to take a mowing break and perhaps head into town to take in some of the King Kamehameha Day doings and maybe a beer. If we can stretch a few days into a week of no rain I think we will finally have it feeling like summer around here. It might take that long just to get the grass all cut and flowers and gardens planted. Once that is done fishing will be the number one thing to do and work can wait. So I better get to mowing, I need to get into town in time to catch Mindy and Mandy compete in the Hula hoop contest, that should be worth the trip all by itself, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,123,514}

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National Machine Day here today at Lake Iwanttobethere and I have decided to celebrate the day by giving my lawn tractor the day off! I figure it is the least that I can do. I am not the only one around town with the same idea as I overheard a lot of guys down at the park last evening talking about giving their machines the day off and just doing nothing. The wife's don't have the same appreciation as the men do for our machines and most of them said they were still going into work this morning, we are going to miss them.

Yesterday was as you know King Kamehameha Day and I am sure a lot of our tourist will be taking back some memories when they leave on Friday, but I am getting ahead of myself here. I did get mowing in and the grass was green and still a little damp, with Machine Day today I will have to go back and finish mowing on Thursday morning as I am planning on go fishing that afternoon, yup finally going to get the Puddle Humper wet. Yesterday in the park the Women's Auxiliary had a quiet event going on till dusk. Pretty much just an excuse to have a big BBQ with a Hawaiian theme. The ladies wore grass skirts and a few of them looked out of place as they were still wearing their oversized sun bonnets. It was also bocci ball women's league night and Mindy and Mandy both play. They were wearing their grass skirts and bikini tops and quite a crowd was watching the game they were playing. I for one was surprised at how many people the bocci league was attracting. Of course I wandered over to see what was happening and noticed there is a surprising amount of bending over by the ladies when they toss their balls.

I don't know who won the match, I don't think any of the guys were really watching the score board. Mindy and Mandy went back to the root beer stand and even though there was another match going on the crowd pretty much disappeared. As dusk arrived the tiki torches were lit and the drumming seem to get louder. Of course by now people had a little more time to drink beer and it was a pleasant evening. I still don't know if it was planned or not but Tiny who is one of the Fellows is also married to one of the ladies of the Auxiliary. Tiny dressed up as King Kamehameha was going to do a fire walk and it looked like he was going to get away with it till part of his grass skirt caught fire.

Now here is where it got interesting because this is going to take you longer to read then how long it took. A tourist was out fishing on Lake Iwanttobethere and ran out of gas, he was rowing his boat towards the sound of the drums and the flickering lights of the tiki torches. His first time on the lake and he was later overheard talking about how the memory will stick with him the rest of his vacation, maybe even his life. So he is rowing for the dock when he hears a roar from shore and looks up to see a really big man holding a spear with his grass skirt on fire lumbering down the dock in his direction screaming. Behind him he can see a crowd but not really see any faces as everyone seems to be carrying flaming torches. Just as the big man leaps from the dock to land in the water alongside his boat he looks up to see flaming arrows raining from the dark sky.

The guy does what most guys would do, he abandons ship and jumps into the water hiding behind his boat and finds Tiny holding on to the side with him. He looks at Tiny and says "What did you do?" Tiny wiping his wet beard with his hand just looks at the guy and says "My wife." The flaming arrows were really just the tiki torches, When Tiny started running for the lake a few people grabbed torches to follow and of course if one does it everyone else follows. When they got to the water's edge and saw Tiny jump off the dock one of his Fellows tripped on the edge of the dock and tossed his torch and of course everyone thought it was all part of the show and everyone tossed their torches in. In the end no one got hurt, it was a great ending to the evening and the guy can go home and spread a good story about his vacation here at Lake Iwanttobethere {1,126,230}

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National "Pop goes the Weasel Day" today here at Lake Iwanttobethere, yesterday was National Juggling Day and somehow the Fellows got the idea that if they combined the two days and Juggled Weasels it would attraction some attention. Trouble is they could not find any live weasels and Big Earl at the General Store was sold out by noon of the Weasels in the box. Big Earl does have a sale going on of slightly used Tiki torches that are drying out nicely leaning against the wall in front of his store.

No story was written yesterday as I am finding out that owning a Resort, still working at the Lodge and maintaining the cabin can be demanding. I did not get the Puddle Humper wet as planned yesterday either. Got the grass all cut and I had the trolling motor battery on the charger all day. Checked the battery and it was not holding a charge, Thought maybe I needed a new battery but first decided to check the charger, charger had died on me. I am thinking the charger was bought about the same time as the tiller was and thirty years later I guess it had decided it had enough. Went to Big Earl's and bought a charger and eyed a new trolling battery and of course Big Earl came up to me and said that I should buy it "It's the last one" Of course it is, Big Earl always tells everyone that no matter what they are looking at in his store, it is the last one.

Brought the new charger back to the cabin, connected the old battery up to it came back a few hours later and nothing happening, the battery was dead. Got back in the Tahoe, drove into town exchanged HIYA's with Big Earl at the door. Walked back to the battery rack and the marine battery was gone. Had Earl paged, or I should say Hollered back to the batteries for assistance. Earl showed up and saw me standing at the rack and said "I told you to buy it when you were here" I looked at Earl and the empty rack and said "I know you got some in back" Earl shook his head and said "Bobby, I really am out of batteries, that really was the last one"

Next stop Dan's Auto Parts store, guess what, no marine deep cycle batteries, got to be kidding me. I was feeling a little desperate so I drove into the next town over and went to the Al-Mart store. Big wood pallet sitting on the Auto department floor right next to stacks of tires completely empty of deep cycle batteries. I call my buddy Chuck on the cell and tell him I need a marine battery, he tells me I should go over to the Close Enough store, lots of batteries there, all less then a dollar. I shake my head over the phone at Chuck and tell him I need a big battery for the Puddle Humper and Chuck's answer is to just buy a lot of the little ones and have Twitch wire them together for me. I don't see that having a happen ending so I kept looking but I didn't have any luck finding a battery last night.

This morning on my list of things to do was to get some spray down at Diggers for the Resort. Need to knock some of the weeds down around the cabins as no sooner do I mow then the place is covering in dandelions. I am going through the check out at Diggers and sitting right next to the tomato cages is a deep cycle trolling battery, with the plastic caps on the posts. I wave Digger over and ask him if it is for sale, he tells me yes and I used the daughters discount and ten minutes later I am on the way back to the cabin with a battery. Battery is now in the Puddle Humper and I check it off the do to list. The wife just looks at me and says "Now that was easy enough" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,130,251}

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Today is National Smile Power Day which looks kind of stupid to me. I say that because last night late at the Lodge the Fellows were all sitting around the big round table and exactly at midnight they all had these big grins on their face. They kept the grins on right up till closing. Honey Sauce the waitress made the comment that the Fellows are looking a little strange even for them. I wandered over and asked what was going on and they are the ones who told me about Nation Smile Power Day.

Already today I have been up and getting a lot done. I started the morning by taking the rowboat over to the Resort from my cabin. I picked up the mail and the morning newspaper and I found Vic at the dock just getting ready to go out. Vic just shrugged his shoulders and climbed down into his boat and pushed off. A moment later and the line was dragging out over the transom and he pulled on the oars heading down the shore. I watched for a moment and headed up the path to the Club House, Don't think I am quite in rowing shape to be coming from the cabin to the Resort everyday just yet.

Grand kids are coming over later in the afternoon and we are going to finish putting in all the flower gardens and vegetables. I am getting a lot of "It's not going to grow" comments but I know if I don't get it in the ground then it is not going to grow for sure. So I am going to try and finish tilling and planting today and maybe just maybe I will go fishing tomorrow. Last night I was working in the Lodge, catching up on paper work and working the room so to speak. Gus has things pretty much under control and to the surprise of both of us guys are actually using the treadmills down in the basement. With no rain and sunshine the Lodge is feeling more like a middle of the summer Lodge should be. Finally no fire going in the fireplace and just as many people sitting out on the deck overlooking the lake as people sitting inside watching baseball.

Since summer is so late getting here this year we have not even mentioned the skeeters, they are here there is no doubt about that. Come evening and the sun goes down the fly swatters have been coming out and this years crop are big enough to hit with the swatters. Arlo is saying that there is a creek that he has been fishing on that the skeeters are so big he just catches them in his hand and ties a #10 hook to them and then uses them as bait. Big Earl was in and told me that he found me a battery but I told him I found one at Diggers. He was OK with that and then told me that he is now sold out of tiki torches. He is thinking of sponsoring a fire walk in the park every month. It would appear the Fire Walk was a big hit with the tourists and they all bought out all of the General's Stores tiki torches to bring back as a souvenir of that evening. Earl has already talked to Tiny about reenacting his fire run off the dock but Tiny is having second thoughts. His wife gave him the once over and it looks like he burned all the hair off the back of his legs, The wife likes the look but the Fellows have been giving him the business about being hairless.

Father's Day, the wife's birthday, my 720th birthday all in the next few days. Matter of fact as I was sitting at the bar last night Big Earl told me an interesting fact. Men spend three times as much money on Mothers Day as Women do on Fathers Day. Don't really know if that has any real meaning but after I bought the new battery charger and the new boat battery the wife told me "Happy Fathers Day and I hope you enjoy your birthday present." Not only did she get out of shopping for me, I ended up paying for them, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,132,435}

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Today is of course Fathers Day but it is also National Hollerin Days, somehow I think the two go together. It is not Hollering Days here at the lake though as you see in order to get to the National contest you first have to get through your local town Hollerin shout outs before advancing to county, regional, state and then nationals, that can take all year. To all you fathers out there here at the Lodge we want to send you out a pat on the back and a job well done. Also if you mention you are a father when you order we will give ya a free drink on the house. Just our way of saying thanks.

There has been growing ground support that there should be a second father's day, a grandfather's day. I did not really hear about this day till I became a grandfather myself but now that I talk to a lot of other grandfathers I agree that we should have our own day. Sure I know father's day is our day too but we have to share, we should have a day where only grand kids and grandpa's celebrate. No cards or ties or the dreaded gift card but we should have a day where we get kid time from our grand kids. Hot dogs and melting ice cream cones, maybe some fireworks. Dock fishing with bare feet in warm water, bluegills nipping at your toes. I suppose grand ma's should have a day to, but they should not be allowed to share with the grand pa's.

Kids have been hinting the last week what I want for Fathers Day I tell them I want the same thing they got their ma on Mothers Day. My oldest daughter said "You really want flowers and candy" and I nodded my head yes, yes I do. You see I have a plan, tomorrow is the wife's birthday, if I can get a mess of candy and flowers I will just regift. Would save me a trip trying to find her a present and I would for sure find something she likes.

This morning I slept in some, not because I wanted to it was because I was sore from yesterday. Maybe rowing the boat over to the Resort might not have been the best idea. It took five hours to get the big garden all tilled up and with the help of the grand kids it is now all planted. With no way back to the cabin I had to take the rowboat back. I was pretty loose from all the shoveling and raking but when I pulled up to the dock I was having a hard time standing up, Back had stiffen some and I finally got out of the boat and headed up the path to the cabin. I had my head down and my back hunched over some, but I made it to the cabin.

Today finds it sunny out and just enough of a breeze to keep the skeeters away. I am sitting out on the deck watching Duncan trying to catch butterflies and enjoying some peace and quiet. My neighbor Chuck just left as his son is taking him golfing for Fathers Day, lucky guy. When their round is over we will meet up at the Resort as Vic and Marv are planning a big BBQ and all the fathers are invited. Will be a big family event as Hammering Hank and Tess will be there along with Marv and Vic and I do believe Vic has invited Elsie from down the road to be his date. Elmer will of course be there and everyone staying at the Resort has also been invited. Throw in all the kids and I heard that Nytelyter might make a run through the bay will his catamaran and launch a few fireworks at dusk. Might just turn out to be a pretty good day, as long as I can get some candy for the wife, from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,135,097}

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National Eat your Vegetables Day and also the wife's birthday. I think the Eat Your Vegetables Day is sponsored by the farmers and most kids think that day is everyday. After spending the other day putting in the vegetable garden I have had enough of vegetables for awhile. Yesterday it rained off and on and when the first shower fell the number two grandson starting jumping up and down and yelling. I could not hear what he was saying as I was inside the cabin so I went out and waved him over. Never saw him so excited about falling rain till I heard what he was saying " I don't have to water the plants" over and over. One of his chores has been to water the tomato plants that sit in pots on the deck, he assumed that with the gardens all in he was going to have to carry water to all the plants and water them. Then it dawned on me, with the rain I don't have to water the plants either and I joined him jumping up and down cheering. The wife stood at the screen door drying her hands on a dish towel and watched the two of us jumping up and down in the rain and just shook her head.

Sheriff Tim came by this morning, I was surprised to see the sheriff car come up the drive and I saw that he had his dog Bailiff with him. Tim got out of the car and open the door for Bailiff to climb out. The old dog stretched a little and then went sniffing around. I walked over to the car and we exchanged HIYA's and I asked what brought him over. He told me he wanted to get right to it, and I started wondering what I might have done wrong. Tim told me that there is a story going around down at Diggers that I was digging a hole for the wife and I had also ordered some dirt, he was just here to ask about the hole. I just kind of stood there for awhile and noticed that Tim was kind of watching me all sheriff like. I then heard Bailiff let loose one of them hound bark howls and it was coming from over by the garden. Sheriff Tim looked at me and said "Lets take a little stroll"

Bailiff was standing alongside a hole in the ground and Duncan was next to him. Sheriff Tim walked up trying to look in the hole and keep an eye on me at the same time. Alongside the hole was a blue tarp about six feet long and maybe three feet wide covering something. I walked over and scratching my head I asked "What is the big deal about digging a hole" Sheriff Tim looked at me and said "Bobby, you want to pull that tarp back so I can get a look?" I walked over to the tarp and bent down to grab a corner, sheriff Tim said "Do me a favor Bobby, do it real slow" I shook my head and with Duncan scratching at the tarp I pulled it back to reveal..... Strawberry plants.

Bailiff howled again and Tim leaned over for a better look. "What are you doing here Bobby?" He asked. I stood up and said "I am putting in a raised bed for a new strawberry patch for the wife, I needed some more dirt so I dug a hole in the garden but that is not going to be enough so I ordered a load from Diggers, what did you think I was doing here? " Sheriff Tim looked at me and with perfect timing the screen door to the cabin slammed and the wife and Buddy and Barney came down to the garden. They exchanged HIYA's when the wife got close and she asked if Tim hand made the trip all the way out here to wish her Happy Birthday. Tim looked at me and back at the wife and said " It was no trouble at all, Happy Birthday" from Lake Iwanttobethere {1,137,400}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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