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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Storm started during the dance at the Lodge last night, didn't put much of a damper on it. Both fireplaces had roaring fires and with all the people we had to crack a few windows for fresh air and to let some of the heat out. A nice turn out with a lot of familiar faces and a few that we don't see to often. Nytelyer did prepare some of his famous brisket and those who were lucky enough to be there early got a taste before it was gone. Duckslayer and his wife always had someone at there booth. Cocoa seem to be the drink of choice on that side of the room but of course Duckslayer was adding to the mugs. Mindy and Mandy took turns working the kissing booth and Elmer also took a turn. Candy, Mindy and Mandy's sister who lives in the big city was in town and she with her big hair and red Christmas sweater also took a turn in the booth. I did see McGurk there, he was being led away from the kissing booth by who I think was his wife. I could over hear him saying something about it being for a good cause.

The bar was covered in hot dishes and casseroles. Several turkeys were deep fried and of course the brisket while it lasted. The ladies brought in pies and cookies, home made breads and cupcakes. Veggie trays and fruit bowls rounded out the menu. The pallet by the front door quickly filled with an assortment of donated can beer. Several times Skinny unload it to remove the temptation. McDonnell's mules were busy hauling the hay wagon back and forth. They were done by 8 as the wind was starting to pick up then and he still had to run them back to the farm. The luge run was also closed early as the wind was making it tuff to keep the plastic toboggans stacked. They had to be moved to the Ice House for storage. Tables were moved back and the dance started at 8 the crowd was treated to the fantastic fiddle playing of Fiona and Fred Fiddle joined by three fingers Fred on the banjo. I saw Dotch cutting up the rug and Dan and his dog Grace were entertaining kids.

All the Christmas lights were on in the Lodge and in the twinkling of lights the Lodge looked pretty good. Someone had brought in a few Pink Flamingoes and placed them around the Christmas tree. Those who could dance did, those who thought they could dance had a few more drinks and did then. Some people just gathered into groups and talked. A few of the younger guys looked for the hidden mistletoe and waited in ambush for Mindy Mandy or Candy to come close enough. By midnight the bar top was clear and the Johnson Brothers were done serving the Hamms beer. Those who had planned on staying in there shanties the night had all gone down in a group. We could watch them as they slipped and slide across the wind swept ice of the lake. Soon after lights appeared in shanties and the tell tale smoke coming from stovepipes to be whipped away by the wind.

Grand kids and kids and dogs came in yesterday and this morning I was woke up by the scream of the daughter in law in the bathroom. Not wanting to bother us after our night at the Lodge last night she had quietly gone into the bathroom to take an early shower. When she reached for a towel from the shelf she grabbed Buff the black cat who likes to sleep on the towels. Her scream woke everyone in the cabin and with all the dogs barking it was time to get up. Soon after Elmer came over riding on the Bomb-a-deer looking to take the grand kids out for rides. As I ate pancakes in the kitchen the kids were bundled up by there mothers and grandmother. With snowsuits secured and caps pulled down tight, scarfs knotted around faces and snaps snapped, Velcro secured they walked out the door onto the deck. To me they reminded me of a TV clip I saw of Apollo astronauts walking to there ship.

It being silently Sunday for me I just finished my pancakes and headed to the den. Over the shouts of happy kids being dragged through the snow I type this with a football game on in the background. I am not alone as all the dogs are here with me. Bud and Barney on the floor to my right, the old dogs Sadie and Lady on the couch. Pepper standing up against the window and Buster the lab looking for a place to lay under the desk. I can just make out quiet talk from the wife and her daughters in the kitchen as I am sure they are discussion Christmas presents or what ever women talk about when they gather together with there favorite tea. The old CB is crackling on the shelf and I half listen to the guys down on the ice trading trash talk about the fish they are saying they are catching. From the cabin here it is a whiteout and I can't even see Hank and Tess's bluebird shack. Sunshine Ray is predicting a foot of snow and it is to stay windy through out the day. Can't think of anyplace I would rather be then here at the lake with family. To everyone have a Merry Christmas from Lake Iwanttobethere. (21247)

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What an awesome party! I have not been kissed that much in a long time! The women folk sure did like the Hot Coco and fixin's and as the night wore on the kisses got better! Glad that we stayed at the lodge instead of trying to get back to the house. Did some serious talking to Reed the Realtor and I think that here soon that 5 room cabin on the north west side of the lake will be mine! Will be nice to have our own place up there for sure, not that the service at the lodge lacks anything, just always nice to be home. Coming back to Hooterville this afternoon was a real treat though! Normal 4 hour drive turned into a 7 hour ordeal! I guess we should have stayed another night but I had to boil the chickens and get the noodles made today for my home made chicken and noodles!

My Grandma Schmitz used to make them. We would go there every Christmas Eve and have them. Cole slaw, Old Dutch potato chips, "granny pickles", home made bread and cherries for desert! Mmmm the memories there are in those thoughts. Somehow, Santa always knew that we were gone and sure enough when we would get back from supper there would be a ton of presents there! Then Grandma was gone and dad continued to make them. Any time we were in the area we would go there Christmas eve and help devour them! Now dad is gone and the task has fallen to me. Will have them for a late supper as the young one has to work till 7PM so I suppose around 8 or so we can eat. That and red delicious apples always remind me of her. Grandpa used to own the Springfield produce and on Saturday mornings I used to get to go on the egg route with him. Went to the chicken farms and picked up eggs. It was a “BIG truck”, well at the time it was, in retrospect it was a pick up with a big box on the back of it. Grandma would always put a big red apple and a bag of Fischer sunflower seeds in the glove box for me. Shortly after we would get out of town Grandpa would say “I think Grandma may have put something in there for you” as he pointed to the glove box. Some how he found out that I had a crush on Jeanie Weber and he always threatened to leave me at their farm! Funny the things that you remember huh.

Grandma and Grandpa Frederiksen lived on a farm. Oh the good times we used to have there! One year my brother and I clobbered the mice that came out of the corn bin as we were emptying it and feeding it into the corn sheller. We took those mice and skun them out and we were going to make us some fine mouse skin gloves! Never got that done either. Grandma F used to make milk rice! Had a shaker there with cinnamon and sugar in it and that is what you topped it with along with some milk. Oh, that was some good stuff! I wish that I could make it the way that she did! I remember finally getting old enough to take the little Ford tractor to the corner of the section and get the mail, all by myself! Those were fun days!

Well, back to reality now. I hope that each and every one of you that either visits here or lurks here has a very Merry Christmas! Be safe out there! Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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yeah is was. from what i can remember. now you have to remember i have given up on the bottle. but the moon and stars were right at the lodge. and i thought i would have just one for the thought of it. so i had a nice cold hamms pooured for me as i watched the pile of brisket dissapear. thing is that glass never got empty. i would have a swallow or two and turn and it was full again. holy mackeral. welll i do need to thank whoever got me to my fishhouse at the end of the night. and even more thanks for dropping my lines in for me. as i was so rudely awakened by the THUNDERING sound of the tiny bells ringin on my rattle reels. as small as they were you would swear that they were the bells at the cathedral tower ringing. wow what a headache. i remember why i quit drinking. i was rewarded with a 12.5 lb walleye. which in my fragile condition i did wrestle with for what seeemed like an hour or so before it came thru the hole and got its picture taken before she was released. i dont think i was left alone in the shack either, as i did find some womens unmentionables in the bunk, as i was getting reclothed after releaseing that big ole hog. but i do have to say that my leggs are still a bit wobblie. not sure if from the hamms or the after party in the shack.

i do want to wish all of you the Merriest of Christmas' and in all the hustle and bustle remember that HE IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON so please do keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas. i will be back off to the shop for the 24th and scooting all of my employees out the door by 4 and closeing by 7 and will heading to the home of Mayo for our family Christmas early on Christmas day. and will be up at the lake on the 4th for a whole week off. we have some great changes planned for after the new year at the shop and will be heading in a new and exciteing direction for the new year. i will be sure to post more after this has happened. as to keep you all informed. but for now, take care and be safe in all your travels. and God bless all of you. ... paul

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Well it took awhile but we finally got all dug out from the last batch of snow. Christmas day brought a few flakes. Pretty much a story book kind of Christmas with grand kids tearing open presents. Paper and ribbon and bows flying. Dogs barking, cats attacking wrapping paper and ribbon. The ladies slowly unwrapping their presents, removing the tape carefully so the paper can be folded and used again later. Snow falling outside the cabin windows. Wet boots on trays by the door and coat racks overloaded with coats, bibs and snowsuits. Elmer appeared wearing that faded out Santa suit that he somehow got from a bargain store, so he says. Grand kids didn't notice it was old, it was Santa! Pepper barked at him a few times and then became his elf when she figured out it was Elmer under the suit. Elmer being Elmer using the Santa outfit to sneak a few kisses off the daughters and the wife and then passed out presents to all. Elmer er I mean Santa stayed for a few minutes had a shot with the boys and then with great fanfare got on his decorated Bomb-a-deer and a ho ho ho later was gone down the driveway in search of others on his list.

The cabin returned to normal, well a Christmas normal. There were dogs to feed and wrapping paper to clean up. Breakfast to be made and the smell of coffee and cocoa was in the air. Bacon and ham sizzled in the big cast iron camping fry pan and already a turkey was in the oven. Loafs of bread stood under a towel on a side counter rising. Cinnamon rolls from the oven were on the counter cooling till they were discovered. Little fingers soon found them and with dogs watching and waiting for any crumbs to fall they were soon devoured. After breakfast a kind of quiet fell in the cabin. Kids played with gifts and men started to read the directions. Gals and there never ending cups of tea took over the kitchen and chatted. Dogs found places to lay and cats hid in there day spots.

The CB in the den crackled to life of reports of Santa on a Bomb-a-deer going from shanty to shanty on the ice. Candy canes and cigars were reportedly left on door handles and a dog bone on Dan's shack. Snow kept falling, nothing to worry about. No need to shovel, just enough coming down to say it was snowing out. After lunch kids and grand kids will head down to the shanty and we will do some fishing. Talk with our ice fishing neighbors. I might even take a ride down the luge. Christmas at Lake Iwanttobethere (21323)

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Another Christmas under our belts and New Years is next on the calendar. I did make a run on the luge and it was everything that I heard people screaming about. The little light snow that came down really greased the track. I went down doing at least a hundred miles and hour, well it certainly seem like it. The grand kid in my lap had his hands in the air like he was riding a roller coaster. Easy for him as I was the one holding the handles to the toboggan so we would have something between us and the snow/ ice covered run. The luge is becoming quite the attraction here at the lake. A group of watchers await you at the end of your run and they have started marking where the longest run ends. They greet you with a stiff shot and I would have had two if the grand kid was not with me. We, well Earl and Shinny and Hank thought it would be a way to get the day fishermen out to the houses quicker but it has become a ride for everyone.

Somehow yesterday I tore the seam on one of my old winter boots and along with the grandsons I went to town to Mac's shoe repair shop. I like to introduce the grandsons to things that may disappear before they even know they are gone. I rarely come to Mac's now, not nearly as much as I would in days gone by. With the throw away shoes that we all buy now Mac's has had to expand or he would have long ago gone out of business. Even now he is open but a few days of the week and today was one of them. My first experience with Mac's was in high school over 40 years ago. I got a new pair of wing tip shoes, expensive back then and my first real good pair of shoes. At the end of the year the shoes were worn out. Walking to school and back everyday in rain and snow and of course hunting grouse on the way to and from school had worn the soles and heels right off of them. The shoes were made for sliding. You could lean up on the balls of your feet and slide down the snow covered hills on them and then just lean back and let the heels dig in and bring you to a stop.

Well my ma sent me to Mac's I brought in the shoes and watched as he peeled the old soles off and removed the heels. With some thick glue like stuff he smeared it over new soles and ran them threw some kind of big vice thingie. Cutting the extra material off he then sat down at a sewing machine like my grandma's but bigger. He would stitch the soles on and then with more glue he put heels on and like the blacksmith he would nail the heels on. Wiping them off with a cloth and adding some shoe polish I would have a new pair of shoes in my hand. Those shoes made it all through high school.. I made a few visits to Mac's and each time walked out with a new pair of shoes. I had them shoes till they were sucked off my feet in the swamp fishing trip. That is the last time I can remember wearing them now that I think of it.

I park in one of the open spaces between high snow banks along side the old green painted squat little building. Me and the boys walk past the shoe drop off window to the front door. I open the door and am greeted with the same jingling bell from my memory. The boys walk in front of me and I rewarded with the smell of leather, and glue. The small shop walls are covered in hanging straps of leather and shoe polish displays. Old pictures from the past hang on the walls. There is enough room for maybe three people to stand in front of the glass counter. A dust covered sign asks you to please take a number, it rests on four. Christmas music plays quietly in the background from an old tube radio that I remember being in the same place the last time I was here. The boys look through the old and scratch display glass at shoe brushes and boxes of assorted shoe strings. One wall has leather kits for making wallets and coin purses. Catalogs sit on the counter for ordering saddles and reins. Beyond lies big heavy black machines labeled in gold lettering from companies long gone out of business. Thread rises from them to huge spools hanging from the ceiling. A heavy wood table sits in the middle of the work shop with upside down metal feet pointing skyward. An assortment of hammers and bins with nails lay on the top. A few boots rest heels up on some of the feet. Mr. Mac sitting on a old three legged wood stool waves at me as he is talking to someone on the phone. Wearing a leather apron he looks the same to me now as he did in my youth. The boys look around and touch and tug on some of the leather. There noses twitching as they take in the smells of leather and oils. Mac comes over and shakes my hand. I put the old boot on the counter he takes it in his hands and he asks me about the wife and kids and I introduce him to the grandsons. He invites the kids behind the counter and taking the boot to the work bench he uses a tool to remove the stitching from the old boot, with some glue and several passes on the sewing machine behind him he makes quick work of the boot and puts it back on the counter and continues to show the kids around the shop.

They walk on a well worn wood floor, the finish long gone around the big sewing machines and around the center work bench. He shows them baseball gloves and leather tool belts. Boots and ladies shoes, some ice house tents and backpacks. The back wall is filled with shelves holding orders to be done and orders that are done. He gives them each a shoe horn and they look in wonder at me and then the horn, not knowing what it is. " What do I owe" I ask and he looks at the kids and me and says " How about three dollars" I give him a five and he goes to the old push button register and rings it open, reaching for change I say "Just keep it Mac" he smiles and wishes me Merry Christmas. Getting in to the Dodge we drive away, me with a memory refreshed and the boys with a new memory and a couple of shoe horns. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (21364)

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After sitting around with nothing to do and the lack of gossip the last few days has got me thinking.. Since the beauty shop has been closed theres no news. So i was thinking about starting a paper called The Spoof Times.. The paper will be about the events from Iwanttobethere Lake And who knows what that will bring.

But on to some news that just came in.

Burtha was seem being taken by station wagon to the ER. It was said that she tried to use her new hand mixer gadget that Barney made for her for Christmas, it got stuck in her hair. Now anyone who knows big burtha knows that ain't all of her own hair, i mean come on.. no one has hair like Marge Simpson anymore. What she was doing with that hand mixer?, i really do not want to know..

Well tomorrow the beauty shop will open back up and we all will be back to the fresh gossip.

So its time for me to start printing The Spoof Times, so lights off here at I wanttobethere as i go to the barn to start the presses.

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Had breakfast at the Dew Drop Inn this morning, ran in to Frank the plow driver there. He looked like he had just come off a three week bender. We all know that he has been living behind the wheel of his grader. After getting 12" and then 20" and just the other day another 10" of snow he was out again all night moving the new 4 inches that came down. When I sat down with him he was mumbling into his coffee something about Florida. I made idle chit chat with him as he held his coffee cup between his hands and looked at me with out really seeing me I think. Slopping the last of my eggs with my toast I think he finally realized I was there when I mentioned that if he needed a break I could give him a hand. I did drive the grader that one time in the summer when I had that little accident with the tree and Elmers golf cart. Snow has to be easier to move then gravel.. His eyes cleared and he stood up leaving a five for all the coffee he had drank and headed out to the idling grader.

From there I walked over to Dug's garage. Hardly can get through the door with all the snow throwers in the way and of course lawn tractors waiting on parts. Dug was by his work bench trying to remove barb wire that had been eaten by a blower. Someone had gotten a little to close to a fence and chewed it up. Dug's was muttering under his breath about desert islands. We talked for a few minutes and I moved on. Earl was outside of his store, broom in hand he was sweeping away at the new snow and greeting customers. A brand new snow thrower, a 8 hp sat under the awing, a sign Last One ! (maybe) on the handles.

Reed the Realtor was sitting in his office, a fan blowing on the sign for time share property in Florida. I waved as I walked by. Doc Burriems car was tied up to the split rail fence outside his office. Seems like everyone was in town today. Short week as we are coming up on another four day weekend. I wait at the curb as a truck hauling a big trailer with four sleds on it crosses in front of me. Been a very good start to winter here at the Lake. Some decent ice and lots of snow have brought out the ice fishermen and for the first time in several years the snowmobiles are here in force. The Take Your Time gas station is actually getting a fuel tanker every other week now. The three flamingos from the Lodges Christmas decorations have somehow found there way to the snow bank outside of the gas station. I should gather them in but they look good standing in the snow bank next to the reflectors on the pole.

Town looks good, like a post card. Clean piles of white snow line the roadways. At night the twinkling of lights can be seen through windows. Later this week the power company will be out and we will string the lights at the ice town. With all the snow we have received the ice roads have been plowed and there is not much of a chance in running off into the houses. The community holes have been drilled out and are each marked with a fire barrel so you can warm yourself by the fire and fish and chat all at the same time. In the evening you can just walk down the main street and jig in each hole as you move along. Earl has his shack/ store right off the landing so if you forget something you can pick it up there. Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop has her extended winter hours so bait is no problem. Evening bite has been really good and a lot of attention out of Root Beer Island now that Nytelyter is flashing that picture of his 12.5 walleye. Which is in first place I might add for the fishing contest. Barney's 1.5 crappie still tops the board for crappies.

Launch meeting at the Lodge tonight to discuss a violation. Seems that Dan's Theim shack has been moved away from it's resting place. The information that I have is that Dan tied Grace to it and Grace pulled the shack a distance while chasing an ice cube tray that someone had disposed of on the ice. Looks like this will be overlooked and Dan will not be forced to return his shack to the original spot. Might be hard to do anyway as quite a town has sprung up around Nytelyeter shack. Of course having the end of the luge run and Mindy and Mandy all in the same area might have something to do with it. Well that's it from the Lake. Need to go out and clean some of this new snow away and I was trying to avoid it. From Lake Iwanttobethere (21420)

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A nice winter week here at the lake. Between Christmas and New Years we find ourselves with a busy but calm time here at the lake. At night a lot of the cabins are lite up and smoke can be seen from chimneys during the day. Ice town has a steady stream of visitors to and from and the buzzer on the door of the Masterbaiters is always buzzing. Earl at the General Store is going to place an order for more toboggans for the luge run and also some more snow throwers and shovels. With the first of a new year in just a few days we have almost 50 inches of snow, way above the lake average. Smiles on a lot of faces in town as the tourists are busy eating and buying gas. Rooms are rented and most of the winter cabins are occupied. Dug at his garage is fixing as fast as he can and was just complaining yesterday that he had no time to go out and ride himself. Hank and Skinny have installed Jingle Bells on the delivery truck and you can hear them coming as they deliver wood and keep there plies full down at the landing.

Fishing has been real good as of late. Night bite is the best but people are catchin during the day also. So many toys out on the ice with the tourists bring in underwater cameras and there own plants on a string. Elmer just walks by and shakes his head. Of course he is sitting over his new brush pile that he put out in a rainstorm last August. I know that as a fact as I and Hank helped him. We looked like one of them crabin shows. We were all dressed up in our rain coats except for Elmer wearing that yellow oilskin slicker that he had ever since he was in the merchant marines. With water coming over the bow of the pontoon we fought waves and straight line rain moving cinder blocks tied to old Christmas trees. We had to stand on the tossing deck till Elmer could make out his landmarks between flashes of lightning. This had to be done in the middle of the night so no one would know of the new brush pile and it's location. A few days later at the Lodge I overheard a tourists talking about a brush pile that he found with his new graph while fishing that morning. He lowered his camera and was looking over it when he found a sign attached to a trunk stating that told him he was being watched. Not being a local and having seen the movie Deliverance he decide to move on. Besides he was catching fish at his own secret spot.

Speaking of Elmer he has been down on the ice so much that he does not have the snow shoveled from the front door of his cabin yet. Pepper has been with him so much at the shanty that he went and bought her a bag of dog food. Kind of quiet around here with out her running out the door every morning barking all the way to Elmers cabin. The Town Hall will be open with winter hours here starting next week. Time for a town meeting and of course getting to be tax time already and with some luck we will be stocking tax forms and offering help. Will be looking at the Lodge's finances to and with the decision to open up to the general public we are actually making money this year. That of course will have to be returned to the Lodge. We are playing with the idea of opening a few rooms upstairs and renting them out. We have one room that somehow Duckslayer thinks is a rental. Every time he stays over we find a twenty on the bed. Heck we might as well rent the other rooms and get into the business.

Well grand kids are yelling my name we are going to go take a walk in the snow. Bud and Barney are already out the door. Have good New Year celebration and be safe. There is a private gathering at the Lodge for members and there better halves so of course you are all welcome to that. We still have some Hamms left from the Christmas party and some hot wings. The Lodge will be open all night and you are welcome to sleep anywhere you can find a free spot. From Lake Iwanttobethere. (21535)

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New Years Eve here at the lake and a gathering tonight at the Lodge. Tonight the Lodge members will get together and exchange well wishes for the coming year and also New Year resolutions. A tradition here at the Lodge instead of writing down your resolutions and then breaking them yourself here we write them down and toss them in a hat. This makes it much easier and some what less painful when reminded that you did not follow through. Also at this time we announce to the gathering what resolution we did follow through on and share in the fruits. I am working on my list to throw in the hat. When completed I will add it to the big top hat at the front of the door when you enter the Lodge. Later in the night we will have a drawing and you will pick from the hat. You then share your list with members and we make wagers if anyone will be able to accomplish anything on the list. The money is put away in a cigar box until next New Years. We have 72.00 in the box if I remember right. Here is my list for the hat.

1) To say yes more then I say no.

2) To fish more then I did last year somewhere besides Lake Iwanttobethere.

3) To take someone out fishing that I did not fish with last year that is not a relative.

4) To take my mother-in-law on a boat ride and not bring a fishing pole, nor charge her for gas.

5) Not to buy any more plastic worms till I have used up all the ones in the three plastic worm boxes.

6) To make a real effort to cut down on ho ho's and little Vienna sausages.

7) To not buy my wife a fishing related item that I don't already have no matter how good a deal.

8) To stop referring to my boat as my "Baby" when people are thinking I am talking about my wife.

9) When looking for a vacation to not first check for fishing locations.

And #10) to lose weight, get more exercise remember anniversaries and birthdays, use my glasses when driving, put my teeth in for company not play games with telemarketers. Wave at the idiots who drive with all my fingers and not covet my neighbor boat..

These may change after I see Elmers list. See you all at the Lodge. From Lake Iwanttobethere (21621)

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The Year in review.

Beginning of the year we started with almost no snow cover and bunny hunting was almost unfair for the snowshoe hares. January brought on the membership drive and several new members were added to the Lodge. Such events as the Disco fund raising dance were held at the Lodge along with the Seed racing contests on the ice. Just a year ago Frank the plow driver was complaining of no snow to plow. Winter carnival was held with a lack of snow but the chili contest made up for it and the ice sculptures were an adventure. Fell on the ice and cracked my knee, that slowed me up for a few months. Nothing but a memory now.

Winter goes out with a bang as we get a few snow storms just when it is time to get shanties off the ice. Fishing was good and we sat back to wait out what would be a long spring. March bring temps above 50 degrees, Hammering Hank and Tess become an item and talk is making it way around town. Guys in the Lodge find the web page and discover that Lake Iwanttobethere is out there on the world wide web. Life goes on. Pigeon shooting behind the Lodge with BB guns, New Daylight saving time. Saint Patty's Day dance, Lodge's Coney sauce revealed. Bought new ten foot crappie rod, later to be destroyed by Mr. Big. The lighter of the nights birthday, the smell of Maple syrup cooking. End of March and temps in the low 70's with Eagles soaring high above the Lake.

Early trout season on the stream and the next day 12 inches of heart attack snow falls. Robins sit on top off fence posts buried in snow. Pay phone and parking meters installed outside of Reed the Realtors store front. Cow races at the McDoogles farm. Seed and fishing catalogs start arriving. CABIN FEVER strikes. Knee finally heals, BBQ season starts. It rains.... ICE OUT deck furniture goes out, crappie fishing off the dock! Tiller come out of storage and snow thrower goes in. Pepper and Elmer face off with the groundhogs. Smelting season comes and goes. Tent fry, Driving Ms Lois, fishing opener far side of the Lake, opener my side of the lake. Town is ready for fishing, main street has the flower barrels out, business windows cleaned and sidewalks swept. Touch up painting all done and the new Welcome to Lake Iwanttobethere sign has been installed. Papers and mail now deliver by boat.

Lake Iwanttobethere sounds,

Zipper opening on the tent in the middle of the night because someone has to go.

Snoring from the guy in the tent two sites down.

The call of a loon at dusk.

The drumming of a grouse at noon.

Cooling of a dove at dawn.

The distant call of a crow.

Crackling of a fire.

Bubbling of the outboard idling at the dock.

Beep of a graph being turned on.

Clicking of a reel.

Screaming of a drag ( my favorite)

Waves lapping against the side of a boat.

Rod bouncing off the gunwale.

Crushing of a chip bag.

Gurgle of the truck exhaust in the water.

Louder clicking of a winch.

Plop of a bobber hitting the water.

Clearing your throat and have it echo back at you.

Laughter from the other side of the lake.

Your heart when you have your first fish of the day.

The contented sigh of finally getting on the water!

The sound the sun makes when it enters the water at the end of the day

A Bullfrog

A Peeper

A Blue Herons cry when it has to fly.

The boom of the pizza cannon.

Honks of a flight of geese.

A barking dog on a dock.

A splash.

The slurp of a bass on top.

Snapping of sunfish feeding.

The painful sound of a jet ski.

Flapping of flag.

The cycle of a water pump.

Flip flops on a dock.

Pink flamingos spinning around on their posts.

The first of two hail storms arrive. Tim the fishing Bum passes through town. Pink flamingoes find there way from storage to cabin front yards. Bass season opens on the whole lake! Spring trap league ends with a bang. Fishing is slow as we receive a few week of much needed rain. Ray passes away. I celebrate my 648 month birthday! McGurk's brother in law makes a brief appearance. AC gets turned on. Grandsons go to the barber and are shaved clean.

Friday nights at Lake Iwanttobethere

From out of the depths of the freezer Mint Girl Scout Cookies

Red and Green bow lights heading across the lake towards the landing

Nytelyters catamaran cutting through the water with Nytelyter smiling face at the helm.

Dan's runabout with Grace filling the bow

The boom of an early firework

Crackle of the fire in the pit and the sizzle of a hot dog on the end of a stick

Heavy and damp smoke filled air

Haze settling in over the marsh

Splash of a bass feeding on top

Snap of blue gills in the pads

Tears in your eyes when the smoke from the pit gets to close

Stars coming out as the sun goes down

Laying on your back looking for satellites

The deep croaking of a bull frog

The crash landing of a loon in the bay

A Blue Heron working it's way through the pink flamingoes, hoping for a live one

Paper plates curling up in the fire

A pitcher of lemonade with ice and lemons floating on the top, the drip of water down the side

The whistle of a bottle rocket

A barking dog across the lake

A mooing cow from the farm

The 10 PM freight train working it way around the lake, the diesel chugging and the headlight flashing through the trees.

The smell of fresh cut grass

A Harley riding along the dirt road

Creaking of oars on the old wood row boat and the bump it makes when it comes to a stop against the dock.

The now distant freight train, if you cock your head you can still hear it, faintly

The sound of a propane lantern

Then the sound of silence

Maybe a cough or perhaps a fart

But mostly just silence

A log falls in the pit and a dash of sparks float upwards

You kick back in your chair a little deeper and look skyward

The moon creeps up over the trees and you get lost in it

Sharing it with everyone else here at Lake Iwanttobethere

Nytelyters 4th of July fireworks, Fiona and Fred Fiddle the fantastic fiddle players. Buzz cuts for only 5.00 Mark the mailman new mini van. Wanda our sea creature emerged from the depths off Root Beer Island. Summer storm with 60 mph winds hits. Lake association meeting. Blueberries and a good tender brisket. Our very own foreign exchange student Becky O"Brien wandering through the park with her friends singing Irish folk tunes. Twins baseball road trip. Logger Days, Lightning strikes, County Fair. 229 pink flamingoes. Hank and Tess's wedding!

Elmer and Marv fishing, Grouse Hunting, Football and the sound of the Pizza cannon. Grace and the Ice House. Daily fall rains and the smell of apple pie. Plans for an Ark! Wild Turkey, Ranger Rick. More rain, Woodcock and fall fishing. The old Grain Mill the arrival of the first orange barrels. First frost, Deer Camp. Doc Burriems 75th birthday. Turkey day and the dinner roll scalper. 20,000 visitor

Winter arrives with three storms a 10 and a 14 and then another 20 inches of snow. Freddie and the freight train snow thrower.

The Ice House Fling

Alert One

The Luge, Christmas Dance, Christmas and Ice fishing. 21,700 visitors!

Wow I guess there has been a lot going on here at the lake. If you have been here the whole time or even just part of the time a few bells should have been rung. If you can remember all of what happen you are a real lake Iwanttobethere resident. Over 14,000 visitors came to our town this past year as busy body Polly counts every car that pulls in off the highway. We have modest goals for the next year. Just good fishing, good cigars and cold Hamms on the deck of the Lodge. Happy New Years... from Lake Iwanttobethere.. (21709)

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Happy New Year!

Hard to describe the scene here at the Lodge. I am somewhat caught between saying the main room of the Lodge looks like the aftermath of a toga party but also has the strong flavor of a cattle drive. When I came out of my office I found bodies scatter around the floor and slumped over in chairs and stuffed four to a couch. A few were starting to stir and discover they were not home and alone. A low glow from the fireplaces put out an eire light into the room. Slivers of light escaping from behind closed drapes divided the room. Party hats and ribbons crisscrossed the floor. Balloons from the balloon drop still hover near the vaulted ceiling. ( Skinny filled them with helium, and they did not drop) Gus standing behind the bar with towel in hand was busy putting away the last of his clean glasses. The bar was clean and ready for the days business.

The smell... Chili and sparkling wine, beer farts and the stale smell of cigars. Bean casserole, I think. What had started as a small Lodge gathering had some how blossom into something bigger. The Sparrow Club had a water pipe break and trying to start a new year right Elmer driving by had invited them all up to the Lodge. I can only guess that they could not handle the chili and bean casseroles. Before the arrival of everyone the Lodge did have a meeting since we had enough members at hand. The biggest thing to come from the meeting is that the Lodge will not raise dues this year. With the increases that everyone is facing we decide that someone has to hold the line. Of course having the Lodge open to the general public has also increased the bottom line and reduced costs to our members. We will also be able to start paying our employees instead of asking for volunteer hours to man the bar and kitchen. This means Gus will be able to start paying off his bar tab.

As women tend to do treating the day as a new day, not a day after the drapes were ripped open to let beams of sunshine flow into the Lodge. Soon the smell of coffee replaced the odor and slabs of bacon found there way to the grill. A few coughs some quiet "excuse me" and folks started to unfold themselves from the furniture. As is the custom of some a few made it to the bar and order a drink. Some just sipped on a pop and others dug into bacon and eggs and called for seconds in there coffee cup.

Looking out from the Lodge deck a chilly day greets me. Activity down on the ice as those on the ice are moving about and smoke is coming from the shanties tin pipes. Trucks and cars start leaving the lodge parking lot and soon there is quiet in the Lodge. The wife and Tess along with Dorothy are tossing garbage bags at Hank and Skinny to haul to the dumpster. Elmer sitting in his wicker couch has a pillow behind his head and the tv is on to a football game. Going to be a lazy day here I think. From Lake Iwanttobethere.


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Were making ice here at the lake today. Little sunshine came out just to tease us some and then went back behind the clouds. Slow fishing day as the cold may have something to do with that. Of course with the holiday done some fishermen had to return to the city and back to the daily grind. Christmas tree is down in the Lodge and the last of the decorations are back in boxes and in the storage room. Lodge looks like a men's lodge again, just a little cleaner. The helium balloons were herded to the women's washroom and escaped through the open skylight. Another good reason for having installed that skylight. Town hall meeting coming up soon and we will discuss and review the past year. I think everyone is happy with the new visitors to the lake and we have brought in some really nice folks who have decide to become residents. Lodge will be having our membership drive here later this month and we hope to add a few more fishermen and hunters. Not to mention some more dues paying members. Heck we are cheaper then the local golf course and think of all the things you can get in trouble with here..

Winter Carnival in a few weeks and we are starting to get calls on it. This next weekend would have been a good time with temps to reach in the upper 30's according to Sunshine Rays long three day forecast. Today as mentioned we are making ice as it was quite cold last night and has not warmed up much today. We need the thick ice as next month we will be cutting ice for the Ice House to be used for Lodge events. Dan has been training Grace to a harness so she will be dragging her own ice up to the storage. Light poles have been installed on the ice and now for a fee you can have power ran to your shack. I will be hauling the other half of my shack out later this week. Looking forward to having my barbershop fighting chair with the heated seat. Frank the plow driver is all caught up with snow for now. Banks have been pushed back and the access is all cleared and waiting for fishermen.

The ongoing fishing contest is on and Nytelyter sits on top of the board. Lot of them blue suits out on the ice and a few fishermen got some wished for Christmas presents. Skating ring has it's boards up and the area for the winter carnival has been cleared. The oval track and short track for seed skating and the beer can jumping is open for practice. Fire pits have been dug out at the access and some of the snowmobilers are spending time standing around the fires. Not a lot of riding going on once the sun goes down.

I did get one last hunting trip in on New Years eve. Bud and I took a short walk out behind the cabin. We followed our tracks from our last time out but this time no birds were found. Bud tried his hardest to find something for me to miss. Not even a bunny for Bud to chase. Pepper tagged along but the snow is to deep for her and she cut back to the driveway and headed back towards Elmers cabin.

Hammering Hank did haul his shack down to the ice. It is parked right behind his wife's but close enough so that they can just have there windows open and yell at each other. She found herself a good spot and must have Hank just a little off to the side of her honey hole as she is the one catching supper every night. Baby Blue next to a camo shack, just like Hank and Tess, they do kind of go together.

Tess's dad Marv made a surprise visit and was here for almost a week. I didn't even know he was here as he spent most of the time down at either Hanks or Elmers shanty. I saw him for the first time at the New Years Eve celebration. He came bearing gifts and looking to spend time with his son in law and new found fishing friend. From what I heard Elmer and Marv spent a lot of time on the ice and went through a few of them little brown jugs. Marv left this morning and vows to return in time to catch some trout in the spring.

Well the sun is setting so it is time to catch a ride with Elmer and get in on the evening bite. Some pan fried walleye with spuds and onions and a cold Hamms would taste good in about an hour or so. Come on over if ya se any smoke coming from the stove pipe. Come on in and will sit a spell, trade a few stories, some may even be true and enjoy listening to the ice sing beneath us. From Lake Iwanttobethere (22004)

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Flags are snapping in the breeze here at the lake today. Strong winds off the lake are making people walk with there heads down some and scarfs are pulled tight. Lake is quiet as no one is outside of there shanty. Wind is picking up snow and driving it across the lake in waves. The ice road is all but clear of snow and you can see the sun shinning off the ribbon of clear ice that curves out from shore past Tess's shack to curl towards Root Beer Island and then back again through what is now main street of the ice town. The tops of orange barrels buried along side of the ice road in the snow from the plow can just be made out. With the sun returning they will heat up and the snow will melt away from around there sides. With temps rising I expect that when the wind dies down there will be a lot of fishermen spread out looking for the bite this late afternoon.

Only a few more days and all the kids will be done with break and heading back to school. Except for the Johnson brothers. College is still out awhile longer. Barley has a fish in the northern division of the fishing contest so they have been doing some fishing out there in the VW shack. Town meeting tonight at the Town Hall I am sure everyone knows where that is but some of you may be visitors here at the lake and would like to attend. You are of course welcome as we know that some of you are interested in moving out here to the lake and you should see how the town is run. The Town Hall is a converted 70' mobile home that was once used as a ice shack with 120 holes. Town Hall meeting used to be held on the ice during the winter but since it is getting old and the town lacked funds to replace the worn tires it was retired to it's current position just off the landing. The office of the mayor is here as are a few other town offices. I have a small office that I work out of when I perform building inspections. We also have a free tax service here to help our seniors and forms can be picked up here. We will have to talk with Mark the mailman in regards to this as with his new post office he might be taking over with providing that service.

So I was in town this morning looking for some reading material. It being just after the first of the month the new outdoor magazines are out. I went to see Doc Burriem and he was busy, which was good as that gave me time to go through his new magazines in the waiting area. Not much there just a lot of retirement and vacation ones. My next stop was over to the barbershop and I did find a new sports one so I read some there till it looked like I was going to be next in the chair then I moved on. Ma and Pa's had a new Out Fishermen in but it was nothing but stories about fishing in England with 16' rods and bug eggs. Didn't think anything there was going to give me any insight in catching Mr. Big. Elmer is the one who told me about just taking trips to the office and reading there magazines. Cheaper then buying your own and you don't have to pay to get rid of them. He likes taking Ms Lois to the city to them clinics, They have a pretty good selection in there lobbies and he can spend the whole afternoon catching up wile Ms. Lois does her monthly exams.

Well time to head over to the Town Hall and make sure the stairs are all cleaned off and sanded. Will need to start a fire in the pot belly stove to warm the place up some. Cider and coffee pots filled and light bulbs screwed in. Got to check the mouse traps to and sharpen pencils for the minutes. Meeting will be at 7 so we will not miss to much of the evening bite. From lake Iwanttobethere.. (22082)

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Town meeting started about half past 7 as there was a flurry on the ice with a school of crappies coming through at 6 or so. The last of the people came up off the ice and the meeting was started. We read through the last meeting minutes but I don't think many people heard them as they were busy getting coffee and grabbing cookies from the boxes that the ladies auxiliary and brought in. Mayor Tom held the floor took a few questions and then retired to shake hands and campaign. Town fathers then took turns in reporting on the welfare of the town. The town as we suspected is growing. Some new business have open up and other have grown and added new ventures. We were all encourage to of course to visit our local stores before heading in to the big city. There has been some turn over in cabins along the lake and we have lost a few members over the past year, a moment of silence was held for them.

The ledger was open and we are in the black! Taxes will not be going up this year at least the towns share. County is doing OK but the state is another question. Public pay phone and parking meters are holding there own. But now we have been told that the state will no longer require the public pay phone since we were the last town to compile with the law. So we can remove it if we want. That was tabled for later discussion. Also noted that the parking meters are doing actually quite well as they are made for a nickel an hour but are being filled with quarters. Seems the visitors don't read the small print and are feeding them with quarters. Was decide to just do nothing about the printing of the price of parking.

A question was raised in regards to the Post office and services. Mark was there and explained he had nothing to do with the changes. As some of you may know there will be no stamps sold after hours at the Post Office from vending machines and tax forms will not be available there. The new office will be just an empty space for mail boxes and wanted posters for the FBI. Earl and Ma and Pa's will sell post stamps at no extra costs as a thank you to there customers. They both received a nice round of applause. Mark did add that he will make an effort to have some stamps on him for purchase when making his boat rounds.

Some other topics were discussed and meeting broke up in to smaller groups. A good meeting and the town is in good shape and growing. We are still far enough off the beaten track and the freeway that you have to look to find us but not so far away that you can't get here. A lot of town events, at least on this end of the lake start here at the Lodge and we are happy to be a part of the lake. I of course can only tell you about a small portion of what goes on here at the lake but it is slanted towards the Lodge and our public access which I have been told most of my life revolves around. We have not done a census count so we don't really know how many people live here at the lake and how many come and visit. Other then a pretty accurate counting of cars from Polly. We do know that everyone is always welcome here and stories were always meant to be shared. If you look out at the ice town from the deck of the Lodge there is a story going on in everyone of them. From a partly cloudy but calm day on the ice here at Lake Iwanttobethere.(22211)

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The Lake is not gone. The people and stories of Lake Iwanttobethere are still being written and spoken about just now you will have to contact me for the daily events. I will still write about the Lake and from time to time will keep you updated. Just that with out anyway of seeing how many people stop and read about the lake there is not any feedback. The Lake is real, or is it? If the lake is being talked about over the kitchen table then we have succeed in spreading the word of the lake. Thanks for reading and e-mail if you would like to learn more..

Warm weather here at the lake and we are hoping we get enough of the storm later in the week to drop temps so we will still be able to spray Main Street and have our seed and beer can jumping contests. Talk of the town is still Nytelyters monster walleye and now that he is up at the lake for a week he is being followed around town and on the ice by fishermen. Business is booming anywhere he goes so we hope he spends a few nights at the Lodges bar. From Lake Iwnattobethere [email protected] Home of Lake Iwanttobethere Fishermen's Luge

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One thing about having time on your hands, someone always finds a way to fill it for you. Having adults kids they all have homes and they all need something done to them. This weeks current project is replacing cabinet doors in the oldest son's kitchen. After cutting out replacement cabinets doors and routing the edges I was in the work shop sanding when I got to thinking about what kind of things one can never have enough of. ½ wrenches came to mind right off, if you have boys you can never have enough wrenches. Clamps were the next thing that I thought of. My youngest daughter is an art major and I always seem to have a picture frame or two with clamps on them. Frames waiting to have canvas stretched on them usually tie up some more of my clamps. Sanding away some more fish hooks were next. Can anyone have enough fish hooks? No matter how many times you go to the bait shop you can always feel better if you are wandering around with a box of hooks in your hand. When I was a young lad I don't think I owned a pair of pants that didn't have an extra box of fish hooks in one of the pockets. When I got up everyday I would go through the same routine before going out the door. I would check and see that I had my comb, wallet, watch, keys and a box of fish hooks. Latter the box of fish hooks were replaced by a wedding ring, still a hook if you think about it., just someone else's.

Took advantage of what should be the last warm day and washed both my truck and the wife's. Line was not to bad at the car wash and since I had a pocket of quarters I put them to good use. By the time I got back to the cabin they were both dirty again but at least the tops were clean! Had to stop at Earl's and pickup tack clothes and a box of plastic gloves. Will stain up doors and maybe put the first coat of poly on. Son is suppose to be over to help on his doors but we know how that goes. I'll have them done before he makes it over here. Having to do staining in the wood shop I had to clean first. All that sawdust had to be removed and Elmer came over to watch me work. He is good at that. Sitting on a stool he made it a point to waggle his fingers at spots I had missed or like the wife, spots that I had not even gotten to yet. Speaking about the wife her and Tess got together and did a little after Christmas shopping at that store with the bulls eye. They came back with bags of decorations for the Lodge all at what we were told was 90% off. Now even I know that must be a good deal and I wrote a check to cover the expense. I never got to see what was in the bags as they were off to the basement. A new chicken wire wall with lock and key divided a section of the room that some how was built while I was away for a day. I think Hank had something to do with it. Well it is for the good of the Lodge and I guess the old popcorn strung on the power pro line was "reaching" for it some. from Lake Iwanttobethere

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It is a sad day to see the thread come to a conclusion. I have spent many a day reading and dreaming of this place. To be totally honest I am not sure I totally got it but it sounds like a place just shy of heaven. My wife and I spent many hours debating weather or not this was a real place. Either way it was a GREAT place to visit and relax.

Thanks Bobby, you truly paint a beautiful picture with you words.

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The Lake is not gone. The people and stories of Lake Iwanttobethere are still being written and spoken about just now you will have to contact me for the daily events. I will still write about the Lake and from time to time will keep you updated. Just that with out anyway of seeing how many people stop and read about the lake there is not any feedback. The Lake is real, or is it? If the lake is being talked about over the kitchen table then we have succeed in spreading the word of the lake. Thanks for reading and e-mail if you would like to learn more..

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Been a busy few days on this end of the lake. With the announcement that Duckslayer and his wife have pulled the trigger so to speak and bought the little cabin out there on point # 4 As the building inspector I have been in it a few times, Nice little place with a lot of room to expand. As far as point # 4 goes all I can tell you is that it is just down from point # 3 Did Reed tell you of the marsh between point 3 and point 4 ? You should be able to set up a few blinds there. When the water gets high it might creep up into your yard but you being a duck hunter and all might like that.

I expect that Duckslayer will be coming around to the Lodge more and I can of course wait for my drink. Somewhat of a tradition around here that you buy a round or two when you join the tax rolls. I did see the paperwork on my desk at the town hall on your purchase and also on McGurks which some how was misplaced by the towns part time secretary Shannon. Not a big deal as she also works part time at the paper and just had a baby. Just nice to have someone help out down there.

Since today is the 11th yesterday was 30 days since the ice house fling. A lot of shanties were moved around yesterday and the entire town has moved southward. A few houses are still out by Root Beer Island but more seem to have followed me down the lake some. A few have referred to me as an outdoorsman so I guess that they think I know what I am doing. Hammering Hank plowed a new road this morning and we now have a sign at the cross roads directing people to the old site and the new site.

Nothing but a dusting of snow to wake up this morning to. Sunshine rays 3-5 I guess was not in inches but in snowflakes per square inch. Tourists and visitors are already making there way into town for the winter carnival. Reed the Realtor's office has been quite busy for some reason as he has been showing a lot of cabins in the past few days. Might have something to do with Duckslayer purchase as now he has some cash flow. He even settled up his tab at the Lodge last night. Some sledders punched a hole through the woods a few days ago into another bay. Found an isolated group of ice fishermen there. Since the trail they have been coming into town and are slowing finding out about the lake. Some new outdoorsmen are always welcome in the Lodge and they tip good. That is what Mindy and Mandy told me!

Well busy day ahead. Need to find someway of getting some snow to main street for the snow thrower races and then have to clean it up for the seed races. We just about have enough beer cans for the can jumping contest, after tonight at the lodge we should be there. Will be chain sawing ice this afternoon for sculptures and fishing contest starts tonight. From Lake Iwanttobethere see you here

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Just received my wedding gift for taking part in Hammer Hank and Tess's wedding this past summer. I had forgotten all about it as I had received a card inside a beer mug with a promise of a gift to come. Today it arrived in a securely wrapped brown paper package. Not knowing what it was and thinking that Elmer might have had one of them there dolls shipped to my cabin again I took it to the garage to open. Cutting away the wrapping paper I found a wood box with a survival tool inside. Engraved with my name on it and stamped Lake Iwanttobethere, patient pending.

A stainless steel tool with a multitude of knifes and screwdrivers and other protruding objects. At the bottom of the box was a folded guide and information sheet. Pulling it from the box it open up like one of the wallet holding picture thingies. All the way to the garage floor it unfolded. It had writing and illustrations on both sides. A reinforced belt holder with a quick release was also included. A order form for replacement instructions and CD was also included. A coupon for ten dollars off on a tool suspender for extra security. Holding the "tool" in my hand I started going over the instructions. I had already tried to open the knife and had made no headway. Being old like and getting wiser every day I have learned that in the quiet of my own garage and with no one looking I can read instructions. Fifteen minutes later I had the blade open and twenty minutes later I had it closed. My attention was then turned to the "new line cutter for braided lines" this is something I might even use. I was deep in thought when Elmer came in holding his "Tool" " How do you open this dang thing" he said. With a non chalance I flicked open the knife blade and held it out for him to see.. " Read the directions, did ya?" He said. I just nodded. Elmer pulled up a stool to the work bench and we both looked at the directions. Me working on the scissors and he on the retractable tooth pick. After another half hour we had success, only 38 more tools to master. From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Ice fishing on Lake Iwanttobethere, just kind of rolls of your lips and says it all. This time of year the mere mention of ice fishing can turn heads at the water cooler. Make a yelling boss stop in mid sentence and ask "How was the fishing" Well maybe not the water cooler as it seems everyone now carry's their water in their own little plastic bottle. Now if you want to talk you have to find an out of the way cubical that is off the beaten path. Or down by the loading dock out of the wind where the guys gather to check over orders and talk about the last time they were on the lake. Fishing.. Yup there's that word, Fishing.. Has a different meaning in winter then it does in the summer. Smelting is not to be confused with Fishing just like shopping and buying are two completely different things. Most men go buying, where as most women go shopping. But fishing, that is not confused with anything. You just have to say what kind of fishing. Ice fishing, Trout fishing, Bass fishing, Pig fishing. Trolling... Something different again. Fishermen troll, young guys in bars also troll sometimes with the same results. A tap, a pickup a good line the set and reeling them in. A fishermen talks of a release a troller talks of being yanked overboard and almost drowning. Losing everything and waking up some place they have never been before. Fishermen and trollers can both nod, been there, done that.

So back to ice fishing, I spend my evenings ice fishing. Why? I have no real answer. I am a bass fishermen at heart. I like to be on the move, Sitting and watching a bobber is just against my nature. But here I am in the shanty watching a bobber, or two. Of course ice fishing allows you to multitask. Something that ice fishermen invented long before computer geeks took over the word. In my shack on any given evening I can tend to my little wood fire, listen to the radio, watch two bobbers in two separate holes using my mirrors that are placed against the walls, also watch my partners two bobbers in his two holes. Make supper, drink a cold beer, keep track of traffic on the lake, monitor the CB and play cribbage. Did I mention avoiding the wife and not answering the cell phone? Might as well add solving the worlds problems but I forget to write those answers down. From time to time I catch a fish, admire it and put it head first back down the hole to get caught in the summer many times bigger.

When fishing alone I make up stories for telling at the Lodge with little or no proof to backup my claims. But all stories are the truth when spoken inside the walls of the Lodge. The days are slowly growing longer and we have a little more light to spend taking our time to get to the shack. Sometimes we are early and put a five gallon pail out on the ice and sit with the door open so we can watch our holes and speak with a passer by on the way to there houses. Polite waves are exchanged and maybe little white lies. At sundown the doors close and the ice is quiet. Not until it gets dark and then when someone opens a door a sliver of light from the house escapes to light the night. Ice fishing, nothing better right now... From Lake Iwanttobethere (22833)

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McGurk you can't be bad mouthing my Shanty!! I suppose since I have the shanty complete I should tell people about it. If you have been out on the lake and have seen it then you would rememnber it. It comes in several sections and when they are all screwed together it is quite the shanty. The best way to describe it is it in the shape of a cross. The top of the cross was the section flung in this years ice fling. It is the command center of the shack. Here is where you find the barbershop fighting chair bolted securely to the ice and facing the 20" main hole. On the long leg of the cross you will find the two lane bowling alley. The lower arm of the cross contains the kitchen with the BBQ that is attached to the outside of the shack but can be cranked inside to check the meat and then returned outside for cooking. On the other side the upper arm is the cold room where the Hamms beer and train trolley is located. The entire house is served by the trolley which allows cold Hamms beer to be delivered anywhere in the house. Half of the fun is delivering beer. Also the wine racks which have been converted to Wild Turkey bottle holders are here.

The center of the shack has several hammocks that are lowered as needed. This is also the power center for the shack as we are heavy into solar power. The clear dome that rises over the center gives us light from any direction. Along the roof over the bowling alley an array of solar panels provide energy for the shack and one wall alongside lane 2 holds batteries. Should be noted that the Hamms is kept at proper drinking temperature by running the beer outside through a hose to chill before returning to the tap. A ten million candlelight spot graces the roof and acts as a beacon when the rescue team needs to be sent out on fishermen recover missions. On the North side a shooting deck is located, I have a waiver for shooting clay pigeons here on Sunday afternoons.

The shack takes most of the first half of ice fishing to put in place and by mid Feb. I will have to start taking it all back in to shore again, piece by piece. If the sun is not shining it can burn a little bit of wood in the potbelly stove located in the center section. So lets hear about your shack? From Lake Iwanttobethere

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A little strange here at the lake last night. Not that there has not been a lot of strange going on around the lake in the past few days. I was out in the shack and I came out to start up the Jeep. I left the cozy warmth of the shack just as the ten PM freight was making it's way along the tracks on the far side of the lake. With no leaves on the trees and the cold to carry the noise you could hear the clicky clack of the wheels on the tracks. The big light on the engine flashes through the trees and onto the frozen waters of the lake as the train weaves it's way up and down the grade. As the train pulls even with the ice town our friend Freddie lets out a long)))))))))))))))))))))))) then short)))))) then one long)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) blast from the freight's horn. Lights from the ice town wink back at him, nothing strange there. But as the freight made it way out of sight and the clickly clank disappear in the night another sound replaced it.

I stood under the bright light of the half moon washing across the ice town with my ear cocked to one side. Elmer came out of his shack and stopped in mid stride looking at me. I pressed my fingers to my lips and then pointed to the West Lifting the ear flap from his fur bomber hat he turned his good ear in that direction.. We listened...... The noise from the freight train as it disappeared farther and farther away was being replaced by a sweet drawn out melody. With the clear sky overhead and nothing but bright points of light flung out from stars we could hear a violin.

Someone was playing a violin out on the ice, other doors to shanties were opening and people were heading to start their trucks and they were captured in mid stride by the straining voice of the violin playing in the night. Searching with our ears both Elmer and I turned out heads trying to locate the source of the music. With nothing but clouds of our own breath rising from us we listened. Then it was gone, just the last note held until the lake claimed it. We stood for awhile waiting to see if it would return, but it did not. Someone started there truck and soon others did. The moment was lost as the exodus from the ice back to shore and warmth of cabins started. Elmer just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, I did the same in return. Yes sir, a lot of strange things going on around here lately. From Lake Iwanttobethere (22834)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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