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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Decide to put the Ark plans away for another rainy day. Looked like to much work anyway. Gathering all of them animals and having to feed them. Well rain has stopped, yesterday I did see the sun for a few hours and had high hopes of going fishing but the wind was with us. A nice steady 20 to 30 mph breeze. The wind did dry things out some but the yard looks like a disaster area. I did have a large birch decide to commit suicide as it fell just inside the yard from the tree line. Well that got moved to the top of the do list. Spent the afternoon with the chain saw. Made pretty quick work of it as it was not to far from the wood pile. Cut to length and stacked on the end of the pile. Come some nice sunny winter day I will go out and split it all and I will get to put my feet up and enjoy the heat come spring or maybe in the fire pit next summer.

No rain but still overcast skies. Temps will be lucky to break 50 unless we see some sunshine. Think I will take advantage of it and get by mowing done. Still lots of leaves on the trees but they did take a beating with all the rain and then the winds. Was at the Lodge last night and the guys were talking about bird hunting being a little tuff with the weather but then a lot of the lazy hunters are off the roads and trails now. Birds are out there but you have to work some for them. The Pink flamingo hunters were seen in town. A few more this year then last. Earl at the General Store put a Welcome hunters sign in his window and had his wife paint it up in big Pink Letters. A few of his pink bomber hats sold. His cousin who lives in Florida says he will send him a flamingo mounted to hang on the stores wall. Don't know if that is legal or not. Rack outside of the door is well stocked with hats, gloves and hand warmers. Bottom shelf has a bunch of thermoses on it and instant cocoa mix.

Hank and Skinny put up the big tent down at the park and brought in a wagon of hay bales for the apple festival this weekend. Wife has been making pies and making apple sauce to enter in contests. As usual I have managed to be selected to the judges table. Looks like my cold has finally run it's course so I will be ready to perform my judging duties. Temps may hit the low 60's on Saturday so I will make an appearance at the festival then take the Puddle Humper out fishing. Getting to be that time of the year that any day is a good day to go fishing. I even tried to get in a last round of golf but the wind was blowing so hard that I hit a five wood off the tee and the ball went up and got caught by the wind. It landed behind me so I thought that was a promise of a bad round and no one wants to end the season that way so I just packed it in.

Grand kids will be here this weekend and the oldest has to collect leaves for a school project. We will take a walk and gather leaves. We have done this two years in a row now. I will have to teach her to keep her leaf collection to use again for next year. But I do enjoy the walk, Last year a grouse got up at her feet and rocketed off into the pines. Gave her a fright! Of course every time I go hunting for the first time in a new season the first bird tends to catch me off guard to. I am sure they do it to the dogs but they are so good at pretending that they knew the bird was there all the time. They make a big deal out of taking after them and of course give you that dog rolling of the eyes when you miss your first shot. I have run into a few coveys this season which is nice, has been awhile. Most of the birds that past few years have been singles or a double from time to time. When you run into six, or seven or more birds at one time it makes for an exciting ten seconds. Seems when I was in high school hunting these same trails that is all we would see would be coveys of birds. A couple of dogs me and Chuck with our single shots and birds flying to freedom while we blasted Pine branches. Sometime we would connect with a bird and often times we would both shoot the same bird at the same time. We would get feathers but not much meat left for the pot. Yup, those were good times.

Well I best get to mowing, lots to do and the days are getting shorter. Still no sunshine but the lake is looking inviting. Might have to toss a sucker off the dock and keep an eye on it while I mow. I see Elmer has the same idea as he has a float out off his dock already. I can see him checking it from his kitchen window. I'll bet he is making pies for the contest. Yes, Elmer can bake, You don't think I visit him just because he makes home brew and likes to fish? From Lake Iwanttobethere have a good one. (18611)

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Congratulations Bobby! 600 posts in this topic, and obviously most of them are yours. Looking at your bio with under 1800 overall posts, that makes about a third of your posts in this topic alone! Let alone that you are well over 18,000 reads, it will probably be a bit before Christmas to hit 20,000 reads! Now THAT will be an event worth attending. A full round of Wild Turkey on me for all in attendance, and 2 for you!

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Decisions decisions decisions, The woodcock are moving in. So now what do we do? Mother nature has been teasing us with a glimpses of the sun from time to time but then again yesterday when I was mowing around the cabin I had to work between periods of drizzle. I did get the mowing done and the yard looks much cleaner with the leaves mulched and the dock and decks blown off. Good enough that I can spend some time fishing and now I hear the woodcock are starting to move through. I guess towards dusk today I will take the 20ga and Bud down into Macks farm and work the logging road and cuts there. Bud will kick up the birds but he has a thing about retrieving them. He just does not like them birds in his mouth for some reason. He will find the down birds and then just go and sit next to them. I will have to go and pick them up myself. Still they are tasty and they move through the area quickly.

More and more orange hats are being seen around town. With deer hunters and guys chasing ducks and grouse it is a good idea having some color on your head when you are out and about. Most all the farmers in the field are wearing some orange, carharts in that deer brown are not the best option right now. Even in the boat it is not a bad idea as some of them duck hunters tend to forget how far there shot can carry.

Neighbor down on the next point down was just jockeying his boats around. Young feller he has not decided on just one boat yet but keeps convincing his young wife that he needs several. He has a canoe and a little aluminum job and the a 16 foot real boat. He actually has then all named, the Nina, the Pinta and then of course the almost paid for. He is pretty active as the more time he spends outdoors the higher the grass gets. Must have a pretty understanding wife, I notice the other day she was looking for there daughter in the high grass of the front yard. There black lab found her after awhile. I remember them days, being able to walk for miles through mud and rain in search of birds. Dragging boats up and down steep banks in search of hidden fishing gems. Of course marriage took care of a lot of my friends as there wife's took away time from finding them hidden lakes. Of course kids fill in some more time and before you know it you become a weekend angler or worse yet .... A holiday angler... Lucky for me I had a few friends who got divorced early and did not remarry. They stayed healthy and spent there time trolling for women on the weekends so they had time to fish and hunt during the week. I of course took advantage of there situation and let them drag boats and I carried the ultra lite rods.

Most of them guys are my fellow Lodge members and they often tell me how lucky I am to be married with kids and grand kids. Yup somehow I managed to find the right balance between family and the outdoors.. At least that is what I always tell the wife. Elmer always tell me to pick my fights. I can argue with the wife for 30 minutes or just say yes dear and enjoy my TV show. She is happy and I am waiting for my moment. As for kids, just a few simple rules. Always try to say Yes more then No and when something happens will it be a big deal ten years from when it happen? Spilling a glass of milk? No big deal. Getting married? Could be a big deal... Buying a flipping stick or a musky rod, heck just buy both..

So it brings me back full circle, do I fish, or chase woodcock? Or work on the do list. Hmmm I'll have to think about it for awhile. It has been noted that there are over 600 posts on this subject of Lake Iwanttobethere and over 18,000 reads guess I have had a lot to say. Pretty easy to do though. There are a lot of people here and tourists are always worth talking about. I am sure that there are people who come here to read these little stories have a lot to offer about there part of the lake and some do from time to time. We always talk about the weather, kids, dogs and the neighbors. Don't have to get into politics, religion and mother in laws. Life can be as hard or as simple as we want to make it. Guess I prefer milk with my apple pie and Wild Turkey with my popcorn. You can come to the lake and fish and hunt. You can Jet Ski, but not to close to Elmers dock. You can hunt pink flamingoes if you choose and smoke cigars in the Lodge. You can wave at people and not have to say a word if you don't want. Wet dogs are allowed in the house and kids can run with sticks and swim right after eating. Slingshots still dangle from back pockets and grown men still drink from mason jars. Bread is baked and not store bought and there is nothing wrong with looking at Mindy and Mandy when they bend over to pour you a root beer. Guess I would rather do a few hundred stories about Lake Iwanttobethere then a few thousand two line posts of LOL wish I was there...

20,000 reads by Christmas? Be a hard number to get to. With the Lake hidden away here on a general forum I think we are just stumbled on my diehards looking for something to pass the time. I hope that once they read it they return. I like to think we are a place off the beaten trail that once you find it you only share it with your friends. Makes it interesting when you ask someone if they have ever been to Lake Iwanttobethere and they say yes. Just remember when you give directions to the lake that we are just past the old farm with the red barn take a right there and go straight till you smell water and see the Lodge on the hill. Welcome to Lake Iwanttobethere.. (18650)

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Congratulations Bobby! 600 posts in this topic, and obviously most of them are yours. Looking at your bio with under 1800 overall posts, that makes about a third of your posts in this topic alone! Let alone that you are well over 18,000 reads, it will probably be a bit before Christmas to hit 20,000 reads! Now THAT will be an event worth attending. A full round of Wild Turkey on me for all in attendance, and 2 for you!

Do I get the car? It looks like it is a convertible. with some straw it would make a real nice blind!!

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Went fishing Saturday afternoon. A mild day, light winds and even the sun was out for most of the afternoon. Don't know where the fish were. I caught and released a small northern and a bass. Saw the wakes of a few other fish and another northern flashed at the boat. The bay that I was on was higher then I have seen it in years. Already looking forward to fishing in it come spring time. I worked around the shoreline and by accident kept kicking up a big heron. Every fifteen minutes or so it would get up making that grunting ticked off noise and fly on down the shoreline ahead of me. A few people working on the grounds outside of their cabins. An occasional four wheeler driving on the dirt road. The sound of a shotgun, again and then once more. A few ducks swimming but keeping their distance. The water was clear as gin and the weeds were all but gone. A few small patches of Lilly pads but even those were below the surface. With all of the welcomed rain in the past few weeks the water level has risen and covered what is left of the weeds. I did more exploring then fishing. Getting back into corners and looking over areas that I will return in the spring to fish.

I quietly move in between an island and the main shoreline. Lots of water here as the channel is deep again. As I entered the channel the sun was blocked by the pines and it felt like the temperature dropped ten degrees. Then I got a full whiff of that smell. That deep wood, water and leaves pine trees and brush, composting dirt and outdoors smell. The smell you get right before a grouse bust out of the grass in front of you. The smell you get sitting on the edge of the swamp deer hunting. That same smell you get sitting on a stump eating your lunch from a paper bag. Where a peanut butter and jelly sandwich never tasted better. The smell you don't get in the city, you don't get it driving along a dirt road or even a logging trail. You got to be out in the woods and the area has to be just right and then you get that smell. If a guy could only find a way to bottle it and sell it.

Apple festival at the park had many people show, vendors all did well and hot cider in a mug was a welcome way to keep your hands warm. Anything that could be baked or fried with an apple was there to be tasted. Already some of the pumpkins were on display and the folks out on the highway did good business catching tourists on the way in and then leaving the lake. We even sold the wagon of hay bales at the end of the day. The kids cleaned out our chip rack at the Lodge, going to have to make a note to order more for next year. Since we have the Lodge open to the general public on these events we have increased our cash flow. There is talk of either reducing membership dues or making some improvements. In the last year we have added a skylight, new pool cues and cloth for the table. A area for parking motorcycles and did some staining. Even put a new bulb in the popcorn machine. We were thinking of sending all the fish mounts out a few at a time and have them touched up. We are open to suggestions. Screens are all in storage and Hank and Skinny power washed all the furniture that was outside on the deck. We hired a few of the local kids to go out to the trap range and pick up unbroken birds. We got a few cases of birds so we are good to go for some informal shooting when we get bored.

Windy out today and there are waves out on the lake. Not to many birds flying and I have not seen a goose for awhile now. Deer on the other hand are everywhere. Have to be careful making the drive into the Lodge as the ditches have deer in them at every turn it seems. A few rabbits are zig zagging there way across the roads and squirrels are busy raiding the feeders. Not an apple to be had with in ten feet of the ground as the kids and the deer have gotten everyone of them. My corn has been picked over by them raccoons. Since Elmer cleaned out his garden they have found there way to mine. I should go out there and pull plants, maybe I can sell some of them stalks if I bundle them up and put them out by the mailbox. I think a better plan is to go sit on the deck and watch the wind blow all my leaves into Elmers yard. Monday at the Lake have a good one from Lake Iwanttobethere


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A little excitement down at the Lodge the other day. Well actually at the landing. There was a report of a boat doing circles out in the lake under power. Using the spotting scope up at the Lodge you could see a 12 foot aluminum boat with a small 6 hp on the transom running in circles out just past the access. No one was seen in it and by the time guys from the lodge made it down the hill they found an out of town fishermen sitting on the dock, wet and somewhat embarrassed. Seems he started the motor and it slipped into gear as he was out on the dock letting loose the lines. The boat motored itself out of reach as he tried to wade out and catch it. All he managed to do was knock the tiller to one side. So we sat and kept him company as we watched the boat do circles. Of course we brought him a blanket and repeated the story over and over as every few minutes someone would drive into the parking area and walk over to us. Usually the conversation was the same. " There is a boat out there" "It's going in circles" " Where is the owner?" "Do you know your boat is going in circles?"

Those 6 hp motors get good mileage, especially when the tank is full. It was a spell before it started to sputter and miss. Another fishermen launched his boat and tried to catch it but was worried he would mess up his jell coat on his fiberglass boat. By this time we had a BBQ going and brought down a cooler from the Lodge. Jim the owner of the boat had dried off by now as was making lot's of new friends. Del from the Pizza and sub shop drove by on his way into work and watching and taking some notes he said he would help Jim out. About thirty minutes later Elmer at the Lodge yelled down that Del was sending pizza's. A moment later we heard the thump of the Pizza cannon and saw two pies skipping across the water. With an uncanny accuracy they hit the bow of the small boat and turned it towards shore. The bow grounded itself on the sand and the pizza's were retrieved. Sausage with double cheese, no wonder they were so heavy. Note inside said the Pizza's were on the house. We continued to finish off the beverages in the cooler, no sense in carrying a half full cooler back up the hill.

Jim loaded his little boat on his trailer and said he would stop by the Lodge his next time in town Must admit it did kill the afternoon.. Returning to the Lodge we put the Pizza pans in the return box for later pick up. Even when it is quiet it is never dull here at the lake. From Lake Iwanttobethere (18744)

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Perhaps I acted in haste putting them Ark plans away. A steady rain here today, actually most of the night it has been coming down. Some strong winds off the lake at 30 to 40 with some even bigger gusts from time to time. Some serious waves building on the lake and crashing into the shore line here. Lucky for us the bay is at somewhat of an angle to the wind so we are not getting a straight shot of waves coming in. Phone has been ringing away and the old CB radio is on and crackling away in the den corner. Usually it is just used during ice fishing season but when we get a good storm here at the lake everyone likes to get on and pass information on. Old man Johnson was on this morning announcing he was done fishing as he found his pontoon boat up on shore when he went out. His dock was turned sideways and Skinny and Hank went out to haul it up on high ground. I donned my good rain coat and did a walk around the property. Bud and Barney came as far as the deck door and retreated back to the warm spot on the floor in front of the fireplace. Other then a lot of leaves down I was ok. Greenhouse still standing and yesterday I had put a tarp on the Puddle Humper. The red Dodge was in full camouflage as it was covered in yellow wet leaves that the wind had blown off the trees. They were like stickers applied to just about every space on the truck.

Checking for washouts in my driveway I found Elmer doing the same thing. Dressed in his old fishermen oil soaked yellow slicker with that funky looking Maine hat on. He was walking back from the main road with a cigar burning brightly hanging from his lips. His head down he looked at the ground and kept the water away from his cigar. He stopped under the big pine that was swaying back and forth from the wind and looked up to see me. With a wave of his hand I could just make out him yelling something about a great day to be a duck. I waved back and continued out to the main road. Sure enough a rut was opening up from the rain, will have to talk to Mark about grading when he gets a chance. Good thing it was not cold out because this storm was like a blizzard with all the driving wind and rain. We would really have some snow if it was colder. Just about then I notice a little gray car, no lights on slowly driving in my direction. I waited with my back to the wind as it crept closer. When it was next to me a guy rolled his window down a tad more and said howdy. "Howdy" I said back Wiping water from his brow he asked if I had seen any birds out this morning. I didn't say what I was thinking but just told him no, thought it might be a little brisk for birds on the road this morning. I did suggest that perhaps he might want to turn his lights on. He just waved and continued on down the road to disappear in a swirl of leaves and rain.

Cutting through the woods between Elmers and my driveway I made my way to Elmers garage. He was standing just inside the doorway smoking his cigar and watching the waves pound the shoreline. Standing next to him out of the wind I watched as water dripped from my rain coat to make a circle of water on the cement floor of the garage. Elmer and I chatted and talked that this storm had the potential to be a good one. A few power lines down and some more rain to the mix and if it holds up till dark people will be talking about it. Just then we heard a roll of thunder come across the lake. A little lightning would stir the pot some to. Elmer and I share the love of a good storm. Rain or snow more often then not I will be outside in it. I feel storms are not something to hide away from but to embrace and enjoy. I am the guy you will see walking across the parking lot in a down pour. Not hiding under an awing. I walk through water puddles not around them. I still make snow angels but I am not stupid. We keep an eye out for lightning and don't put ourselves in a position to get hurt. But still weather is something to be enjoyed. As we talked we made plans to head to the Lodge. Should be some good waves coming in and maybe we can get a few pictures. Did I mention that when we do have days like this there is no way we can do anything on the Honey Do List. Have to keep an eye on things you know. Well I am going to go and spend some time on the old CB looks like the wind has picked up some and shifted. The only bad part is all of Elmers leaves are heading in my direction. From a windy, wet but alive day here at the Lake Iwanttobethere. (18777)

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[image]Oct18218.jpg[/image]Well it is official, as of early this morning we finally caught up on our water total here at the lake. We are now a few tenths above average. Yesterday in the afternoon the eye of the storm came over us and people came out from their soaked cabins to see the sun for a few hours. It then started to rain again. Come morning the rain has stopped again but the wind has returned and the sky is overcast. The big bay on Lake Iwanttobethere drew a crowd as some large rollers came to shore. This had been going on for quite some time but with the wind and rain you could not see to far out on the lake. Attracted by the crowd of people on my way to the Lodge I pulled over and took a few pictures by the old wharf where the fish canning factory once was. No one going out fishing in those waves,

Lake is up and the streams and creeks running into the lake are full and loud with the sound of rushing water. Today is going to be blustery but tomorrow is going to be in the 60's and some sun will be out. I do believe the tarp will come off the Puddle Humper and we will do some fishing. A smart person would say I will be wasting my time after a storm like this but I am a fishermen and sometimes even a fishermen get lucky!

Depending on where on the lake you were at you got a drenching or you got soaked. In other words it did not matter where you were you got wet. A lot of wet basements and a lot of wet wood piles. The strong winds removed tarps and shingles. A few trees down and some boats were picked up and tossed on shore. I saw a dock floating by yesterday. Hank has his back pocket filled with a new stack of index cards with new jobs related to the storm. We came through it fine here on the point. Lot of leaves down and some of my hanging pots are empty. The wind and rain having cleaned then out for me already. Won't be doing any cleanup for awhile as the ground is soaked and very soft. Guess the only thing left is to go fishing.

Coffee pots were on down in town as people came in to see Earl at the General Store. The cart outside of the door was well stocked with portable sump pumps, brooms and blue tarps. The ever present rolls of duct tape stacked on the counter by the cash register. Trees along main street were bare of leaves and empty branches reached skyward pleading for the rain and wind to stop. At least that is what it looked like to me. With a few business already having Halloween decorations up it did kind of look a little eerie. The wind really took a lot of leaves down and who knows where they all ended up at. Looks like spring only now we have water!

I sat myself at the counter at the Dew Drop Inn and listen to stories of the storm as I had apple pie and a big glass of milk. The bell on the door jingled every few minutes as some one left and someone else entered. The sound of coffee cups and spoons, the low hum of voices and the occasional out loud laff. Mandy was working the counter and she told me they had a few waves break over the top of there dock and water splashed all the way to the main cabin but they were fine. Best part is they have no raking to do as the waves and wind clean all the leaves right off the island. The lodge had some water in the basement and Gus was mopping the last of it up when I arrived. Good thing we had done that caulking around the windows and had already closed the skylight. Last big storm we forgot about doing that and the women's bathroom was somewhat wet. Wind is blowing pretty good out, not as bad as in the height of the storm but good enough to start drying things out. Seagulls are down in the park working there way across. Pretty much a ragging line of them. Must be a lot of things for them to look over. In a few days we will be all back to normal around here and in a month we will forget about the storm. Next year at this time you will be scratching your head trying to remember just when we got all that rain. Good to put it on paper so to speak. From Lake Iwanttobethere, where the sun is shinning, the waves are high and fishing is always good somewhere.. (18818)

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Just got done here mailing out the membership and dues packets to our Lodge brothers. We addressed a question regarding the smoking band movement sweeping the nation. Since a lot of our members do like to smoke a good cigar and a few smoke cheap ones ( you know who you are) We had to take a look at smoking on our deck looking out over the lake. We could close our doors to the general public but then we would lose our new found revenue selling coney's and chips and chili. So we have discussed several options so far. To continue to smoke our gars on the deck, to add more green firewood to the fireplace creating more smoke as a smoke screen so to speak. To accept donations to be placed in a mason charge to cover any fine that we, the Lodge might incurred if we are ever cited. If you lite up you make a donation to the jar. Of course that would be illegal and not really an option of the Lodge. However a jar is on the end of the bar and donations will be accepted for any legal fee.....

There was also some talk of using the old bomb shelter as a smoking room. This idea does have some merit for summer use but is is right now flooded with all the recent rain. The storage space over the ice house is another option but that is pretty cool. Good for summer but not so good come winter. After much discussion by core members it was pointed out that the Lodge is somewhat off the beaten path and we as a town have been told we are twenty to thirty years behind the times. We have decided that we are going to just ignore the ban and continue to smoke our cigars on the deck and drink Wild Turkey and Hamms on tap. We figure we will have the ban come find us. We at the Lodge will continue to allow wet dogs on the furniture and hunting vest with shells can still be worn at the bar. Popcorn can still be grabbed by the handful out of the popper and you will still have to ask for a glass for your beer. Stories told will be taken as the gospel truth and if you don't want your wife to know you are here, then you are not here. Things change, we just take longer.. From the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere...

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Ranger Rick has climbed out of his fire tower and is back on firm ground again. Ranger Rick has been in the tower since last Spring keeping a watchful eye over Lake Iwanttobethere As you can imagine Rick is a quiet kind of guy and spent most of Saturday night in the Lodge. As a matter of fact he slept there that night as he was in no condition to go back to the motel. He hooked up with Dave from the lighthouse and they talked shop for most of the night. Dave did have to return to the light house as he has a job till the water gets hard. Ranger Rick has his tower on the north end of the lake and has received 27 inches of rain in the past month there. The fire danger is a none factor there so he was granted his vacation. Drinking his favorite drink of Wild Turkey followed by Mindy and Mandy's root beer he entertained anyone who would listen to him and Dave talking about the quiet of the great outdoors and dish TV

Saturday was a pleasant surprise with temps in the mid 60's I took the Puddle Humper out fishing and we caught a few bass and a half a dozen northerns. Spent most of the afternoon fishing in spots that I have not been in for awhile. The water is up so high that I was exploring back bays that I have not been into for years. I did go back to Mr. Big's lair but the tree that protects his home is almost completely under water. No way to even get a lure close to him. I'll be back in the Spring I am going to bet we have a real good spawn next spring. Water is only around 51 I know that first hand as I was tying to put the Puddle Humper back on the trailer with out getting wet and failed. Having fished in the fall before I had the truck heater on high and while I secured the trailer and my gear the truck was nice and toastie when I got in. Always a good idea to have a change of clothes and an extra towel. The drive home was slow as it was just about 6:30 when I was heading back. Deer around ever corner of the lake road. Surprising they were a few other boats out fishing. I didn't see a lot of catching going on but they like me were avoiding the honey do list.

Sunday was not a bad day, overcast and a few sprinkles. Did manage to spend some time on the tractor mulching leaves. I can get away with that as I was not really mowing the lawn. The lake was pretty quiet, other then the echo of the tractor I didn't hear anything other then an occasional gun shot. Took a ride on the tractor to Elmers to see what he was up to and he was busy in his kitchen canning. Making pickles and putting up tomatoes. He had a pot of chili going and was adding scraping from his cutting board to it. Was making a tomato chowder and some extra onions and tomato juices found there way to the chili. Bread was rising on the shelf over the stove. Apple pies were already cooling near the half open window. I sat on a stool and listen as he told me stories about how he first started cooking and baking. Waving his butcher knife around in the air to accent his stories. From time to time he would look out past the dock at the bobber floating off the end of his dock in the calm waters of the lake. Barney sitting at the end of the dock was also keeping a watchful eye on it. Bud was out hunting with Chuck and Pepper was back at the cabin sleeping with the wife who has a head cold and did not want me under foot.

We turned on the small 12 inch black and white TV in the kitchen and continue to chat as we had the football game on. I did manage to sample the pie and of course once the bread was done slices were cut and then dipped in the chilli to check on it's progress. Just about the same time the football game ended Barney started to bark and we both looked out the window to see the bobber gone. A foot race followed down to the dock. Well if you can call it that. Just two old guys going down the trail and trying not to fall. Laughing like a couple of ten year olds. Elmer reached the rod sitting in a pole in the end of the dock We looked over the water for the bobber and Elmer slowly reeled in, the click click of the old reel as he turned the handle. Barney leaning into me, tail wagging looked off to the right. Since he has better eyes then me I followed his gaze and saw the bobber. Pointing to Elmer he turned that way and continued to reel, a little quicker now. Feeling weight he pointed the rod at the bobber and giving a mighty set and grunt he set the bobber flying back at us. Ducking just as the bobber came over our heads to slam up against the boat house. The hook bare. I looked at him and he said " I meant to do that" " Ya right " I replied" reeling in the rest of the line he set the rod on end up against the boat house and we walked up the dark trail to the cabin. Just as we reached the top the outdoor lights came on. Going to have to reset the timer, days are getting shorter. From the lake..... (18885)

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Yesterday was pretty much a chore day as I had to get mine out of the way plus a few that the wife had on her " need to be done list" Of course she has no such list in writing as it is kept all in her head. The need to be done list is not to be confused with the "Honey Do List" Since the wife is nursing a head cold and not going to far away from her couch and box of tissue paper it was up to me to attend to some of the things on the need to do list. So I washed a load of clothes, fed dogs and cats and took out garbage and folded towels. Well I folded a few towels but they were not up to cabin standards and she took over. You think she was on her death bed as she folded towels on the coffee table instructing me with each fold. I did put them back in the cabinet when they were done and made sure they all pointed the right way. Funny how her towels seem to be newer and fluffier then the ones on my side.

Went into town and started checking off items on the list. Went to the bank as we were low on pocket cash. The Lake Iwanttobethere Bank has been around for over a hundred years. A stately three story brick building on the corner of Main and Furst Avenue. Carved stone eagles sit at each corner keeping an eye on the tourists below. The bank takes up the first floor and the second and third has a few lawyer offices and also house Doc Drillme our town's dentist. The bank has a long and colorful history and is one of the last banks to have been robbed on horseback. Or a bank robber on horseback I should say. Rode right in through the main doors and demanded money and oats for his horse. The bank was open by one of the founding fathers and has stayed in the family resisting attempts to be taken over by one of the big city banks. In it's way it has attempted to stay current with other banks. Since I just needed to make a withdraw and it was a nice day I just drove to what we refer to as our ATM Sitting at a card table in the parking lot with a metal cash box is our very own Anne T. Martin or ATM as she is referred to. I just tell her what I need to withdraw from my account and she has me sign the ledger and I am on my way. No thump print required and I get to pick my own piece of candy out from the bowl on her table.

Had to stop at the Bobbin Stop and pick up an order of flannel and thread that the wife had already phoned in. I had a note that I had to give to the clerk. I felt like I was a little kid not entrusted with being told what I had to go to the store for. Good thing to as the clerk made a frown on her face and shrugged her shoulders as she went through drawers of colored thread and needles looking for what was on the list. She almost asked me a question but then just turned away. When I offered to pay she just told me the wife had put it on the account. Matter of fact every where I went that day and all the stops I made I didn't pay for anything, It was all just put on the account. I wonder if I can get an account at the Masterbaiters shop?

I arrived back at the cabin and carried in the assortment of bags and boxes from all the stops I had to make. Piling them on the kitchen table I went down to the dock to pick up mail and rub Barney between the ears as he was fishing. Elmer was raking leaves into big orange bags and I could hear music coming from Chuck's garage. I made my way back to the cabin and when I entered the kitchen the table was bare. The wife had already put away everything that I had brought home. I don't know where she hides it. I am rewarded with a peck on the check and she tells me I'll need to make another trip into town tomorrow.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (18915)

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I think I will have to conceded that fall is here. Got up this morning to go into town and the windows on the Dodge were covered in frost. That and the fact that the cats were playing soccer in the kitchen with a field mouse that had some how found it's way into the cabin and past three cats and three dogs. I have no idea what the mouse was thinking. For all I know it was on a dare with the other mice. The mouse was escorted outside and the cats were rewarded and the dogs scolded for not doing there part in keeping intruders from inside the castle. Added some stick-em traps to the shopping list.

Had to get gas so I stopped at the Take Your Time. I went inside and thought a couple of hot dogs would hit the spot for breakfast. Lets face it guys eat a little different then the ladies do. And since Andy had just put a dozen fresh dogs on the rolling grill and buns in the steamer I knew I was going to get fresh dogs. Was going to be at least fifteen minutes before the dogs would be warm enough to eat so I browsed the store. Andy was rearranging the spoons on the metal fish bucket over to the side of the counter. The basket was pretty well picked over as it had been there all fishing season. Now just some of the more interesting color patterns were all that were left. Like all small town gas stations and convince me stores the Take Your Time had just about all your one shop shopping needs. In a pinch you could even pick up a wedding present or birthday gift here. Blenders and other small appliances were on display. Along with imported toys and a few bins of surprises. The shelf's were dusty and a few spaces were empty and never refilled. The magazine rack still had some back issues of Trucker Mag and Guns and Slingshots from last year. Good to know if I needed to get a back issue.

After looking over the display case of watches I waited as Andy diced up an onion and filled the relish bucket. Buying two of the now warm hot dogs I paid for the dogs and my gas. Chewing on my hot dog and driving along the lake road I came up on McDonalds farm and saw him out in the field test firing his pumpkin launcher. I picked relish off my bibs as I watched him load and then fire a pumpkin skyward. Had almost forgotten the open house to be held at the farm this weekend and the pumpkin launching contest. I know that Del was going to bring the Pizza cannon out and see if he could get in the contest with it. Another sign of fall as I was passed by a pickup with a snow thrower in it, a plow bouncing off the front. Of course out here at the lake we are pretty much ready year round. The snow thrower sits right up front in the shed next to the lawn mower and the ice scrapper is always behind the truck seat. Weather is going to warm into the high 40's today and tomorrow a brief warm spell and we might see the mid 60's I have on my short list a stop at Amy's for a couple of loose meat sandwiches because I have fishing penciled in for tomorrow. The wife is feeling better but still at home. Since she has taken a few sick days she is not making her lunch and that means she is not making a bag lunch for me either.

Except for those rare times when she is not going to work I can always count on just going to the fridge and finding a brown bag lunch already made up. So if I decide to go fishing or take a walk in the woods all I need to do is grab my bag and be surprised later. She has long since stop trying to surprise me with yogurt and anything diet. This time of the year there is usually a healthy slice of apple pie and home made jelly sandwiches. The portions are smaller and maybe the bread is not sliced so thick any more. It still hits the spot when you are out on the water. Well a trip to town and picking up a few more things from her list. Going to parts of town that I don't visit to often. Will have to stop at the Lodge for lunch as I think I'll need to get a few conies to cover up the taste of them store bought hot dogs. Maybe a few root beers to. From Lake Iwanttobethere where we had first ice, even if it was only on a window. (18942)

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Going to parts of town that I don't visit to often.

Not that haunted old grain mill down by devils kitchen I hope. Every year around Halloween something strange happens down there. Bobby, even I don't go there near the end of October. I hope that's not where your going.

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Except for those rare times when she is not going to work I can always count on just going to the fridge and finding a brown bag lunch already made up. So if I decide to go fishing or take a walk in the woods all I need to do is grab my bag and be surprised later. She has long since stop trying to surprise me with yogurt and anything diet. This time of the year there is usually a healthy slice of apple pie and home made jelly sandwiches. The portions are smaller and maybe the bread is not sliced so thick any more. It still hits the spot when you are out on the water. (18942)

I know exactly what you mean. A good bologna sandwich can always be had in the duck blind. They just always seem to really hit the spot when you are out hunting. I guess the same is true no matter what you happen to be hunting that day! My brother in law always give me dump about it but dang, they sure are good out there. The coffee seems to taste better when shared in a blind as well. Another thing that tastes real good is sausage and peanut butter sandwich's. Be it summer or venison sausage it tastes great. Most folks I know simply say ewwww when I talk about it but once they try it they ask for more!

When I was in England I used to work for the "woodman". I would take a day or two each month and go out in the woods with him. Rode out there in a manure spreader that had 4Ft sideboards on it. Of course it had not seen any manure in lots of years! Used to pack a lunch and then we would go sit round the fire and eat lunch. His wife and kids were always there and there was always a big fire going to burn the branches that were not going to the mill. She used to bring along a jar of Bird's or Byrd's instant coffee. I remember having that coffee with hot water heated on a bunch of embers was the best coffee in the world! I went and bought some and made it at home... well let's just say it lasted a VERY long time at the house. Just not the same.

Dad and I shared many a bologna sandwich in the blind. Each year on opening day we always had meat loaf sandwiches. I still make them every year and leave a couple at the grave for dad. They are still the best as far as bringing the memories back! I had a hunt Sunday that brought lots of those memories back. You see, dad and I used to get the dump scared out of us by Wood Ducks that would come from no where and sit down right in front of us. We would stand to chase them off and we very rarely ever hit one of them! Was always kind of a standing joke between us about it. Well when dad went to the big slough in the sky I promised that the next Drake Wood duck I got I would get mounted in dads honor and memory. Well after two and a half seasons of trying dad sent that bird to me on Sunday. The God's of hunting smiled on me and I was able to harvest it. No damage to the bird at all. I have it in the freezer now waiting to go to the taxidermist. I got back and set down in the weeds and sitting there holding that beautiful duck I cried my heart out for twenty minutes or so. Gosh dad I sure do miss you!

Soooo I guess I kind of hit a soft spot and rambled on for a bit there so I better close. Let me leave you with this one thought though... give some one you love an extra hug today because you never know if they are going to be there tomorrow. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Soooo I guess I kind of hit a soft spot and rambled on for a bit there so I better close. Let me leave you with this one thought though... give some one you love an extra hug today because you never know if they are going to be there tomorrow. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

Good for you Jimbo. Stories like your are exactly why Lake Iwanttobethere is here. Thanks for sharing your story about your dad. He now becomes part of the lake here and I am sure he has a blind on one of the points here. As for rambling on I am so glad that I am not the only one. Bobby

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Soooo I guess I kind of hit a soft spot and rambled on for a bit there so I better close. Let me leave you with this one thought though... give some one you love an extra hug today because you never know if they are going to be there tomorrow. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

Done and thanks! laugh.gif

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Getting to be that time of the year here at Lake Iwanttobethere and I guess every where else to. Halloween will soon be on us and with it the stories will resurface. Dan mentioned the old grain mill down by what some refer to as the Devils Kitchen. A part of town that was a part of Lake Iwantobethere's rich past. When logging was big business here that is where the loggers set up a tent camp. Of course loose women and stew pots were soon to follow. You didn't go down there unless you were looking for a hot woman or a burning belly from there food from the stew pots. Later as farmers started to work the clear cut areas a grain mill was built on the spot. Farmers would gather to sell there grain and also to pick up feed for their animals. The place was a hot spot among the farmers and kept it's name of the Devils kitchen. As with all grain mill's it can be a dangerous place to be as fire is a constant threat. Well there is a story that goes with the place and how it came to be abandoned. If I get a chance I'll have write about it but like all good stories it gets better if you have to wait for it, I can tell you a pretty girl, at least for these parts was involved and of course a mystery.

But it is going to warm today and I am just getting a few chores done to make it look like I have done something and then me and the Puddle Humper have a date on the water. Going to chase some fish and see if I can stay warm on the water. Not a cloud in the sky and the south shore is looking inviting. So I am going fishing, but I'll tell you the girls name, it's Marion..... From Lake Iwanttobethere (18995)

I think Duckslayer has a fitting story for the 19,000 vistor to read...

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ok and as i reached the bottom of the last post and looked at the thread posts it reads 19000. i would have figgered it had been reached yesterday. looks like i will be at the lodge friday nite. i cant wait.

did spend the last nite in the boat with dad for this fall yesterday eveing. and managed another eater for todays lunch.

when we got back to the launch, he was a bit chilled and still fall skunked for the eyes. but he did say that it had been a fun fall and he would be covering the boat today and i will go over tomorrow with the quad runner and pull it up into its winter storage space in the back yard for him. and he can have his parking space back in the garage.

i know there is more fall fishing to be done but this has become kinda of a ritchual (i know that aint spelt right) for us for the past few years. i can only hope my neighbor does not store his boat anytime to soon as he and i usually get out a couple of times in the fall.

and as much as i am wanting winter ice i am not quite ready to string up them ice rods yet.

but for those in the know. beware!!!!

the runners on my fishhouse, have been polished to a mirror like glaze. and with the current batch of chili i have recently brewed up i am almost guaranteed a great slide in this years launch. two good bowls of this chili, and a few peices of scratch made coorn bread. (i use coors beer for the liquid thats why i spell it that way) and a small ignition source. and we have the bluest of flames out the back window this year.

hehehehh mcgurk?? do you smell what the NYTE is cooking?????? no green fog this year.

ok enuff smack. i am heading outside to wash and hang the storm windows and make another round of lawn mowing/leaf gathering in the yard.

see you all at the lodge fri nite. second round will be on me. i may just bring a few samples of my chili for those that want to try it.

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Boy that was quite the sight the other night! Moon as big and as bright as I have seen it in a month. A few fishermen were out on the water taking advantage of the light and the warm evening. Elmer although not on the water did spend some time fishing off the end of his dock and was rewarded with a walleye which is all he needs. Cleaned up and in the pan he had some onions and spuds with it and was in bed a happy man by 2 am. Back up by 6 with a bobber floating off the end of the dock as he waited for sunrise. As Elmer says he is getting to be old and plenty of time to sleep later.

Of course down at the Dew Drop the stories are starting to make the rounds. With Halloween just a few days away the conversation about when we were young and what we used to do is shared with friends. Some of the guys through time have forgotten about when they were young and it is up to us with memories to remind them. Of course at the coffee shop we are away from young ears who don't need to get any more ideas then they already have. Country Halloween is so much more different the big city. My oldest daughter who lives in the city tells me she is lucky to get more then a handful of kids at her house. Of course she lives on a hill and you have to walk up the hill and then climb the stairs to get to her porch. A lot of her neighbors turn off the lights and pretend not to be home. Still others have every light on and a search light sweeping the neighborhood to ward of vandals.

Two blocks away the land is level and the houses packed on top of each other. Here is where the kids go with their pillow cases. Four year olds with cell phones taking directions from parents cruising the cubs. All the candy is double wrapped and no one gets a caramel apple or a popcorn ball. No open flames, a few pumpkins but mostly giant inflatable ghosts and ghouls. In still other neighborhoods it is like a ghost town. Streets are empty and quiet. Leaves and and empty bags blow around. Old people sit on there porches candy bowl in hand and wait for children that never come. Maybe the grand kids arrive in the van, adjusting their costumes as they climb the steps to grandma's house. A hug and a kiss and then across town to the other grand parents.

Country finds such traditions as cow tipping, moving of outhouses and ring and run still alive. Of course ring and run is hard to do with hundred yard long driveways. If you can make it past the lights then you are good. The bag of flaming manure on the farmers doorstep don't work as well with a farmer who has been walking in it all day compared to a tourist at the motel. With us guys at the Lodge Trick or Shot is still popular. People drive by the graveyard a little slower looking for surprises and the old grain elevator is kept under watchful eye. Our part time constable is on full time for the next week or so. About time for Hillary Piper to publish her Halloween addition of the paper, she usually covers old stories of the lake and brings up some of the unsolved mysteries.

Outside of the general store Earl has his cart with bags of candy and plastic pumpkins. But he also has some real ones on his side walk display resting on top of a bale of hay. A few business have there windows painted by Kris with dragons and ghosts. Orange and black decorations flutter in the breeze. Down at Mel's TV and repair shop and old black and white plays The Ghost and Mr. Chicken in the window. Passer bys stop and watch and walk away with a smile. The wife is feeling much better and I had to make but one trip for her yesterday. I went to a place called Uncle Benny Ha Ha to pick up some kind of fried rice and chicken that she had a craving for. She told me to ask for it by number which was good as I could not read the hand painted menu above the counter. It did smell good in there with all the steam rolling out from the kitchen area. I was getting hungry waiting for her order and I ask the old man at the counter for an order of French fries. I must have said something bad as the old man started yelling in a high pitched voice and waving these two knifes over his head. A young fellow came to the counter and leading what I think was his grandfather away told me they did not serve French Fries. I paid for my order and left, the old guy still yelling at me from the back..

Well last week we were talking about rain rain and still more rain. Now this week we have had a few days in the 60's and everything has dried out nicely. Trees are pretty bare and leaves have for the most part just plain disappeared. If we had that full moon on Halloween with the bare trees it would have made a great night for trick or treating. Of course now it will be somewhat darker and the old mill will seem even creeper then ever. Time to head to the Lodge and see if Nytelyter collected on his being the 19,000 visitor. We had his coupons out for him. From Lake Iwanttobethere (19067)

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A nice weekend here at the lake. Temps were not to bad and for the most part the winds were down. Got a few things done around the cabin that needed doing but with Sunshine Ray calling for a few days of 60 plus weather here I will spend one day on chores and one day on fishing. Or maybe two afternoons of fishing. Need to put the ladder up and get the last of the apples from the top of the trees. Even though the days have been decent the evenings have been cool. As soon as the sun hits the tree line you get a chill and need to slip a jacket on over the sweatshirt. Gardens need to be cleaned up and onions and potatoes picked and dried. Maybe one last mow to beat the snow. Should trim up hedges and trees but that would mean no fishing so they will have to wait for the next decent day that is not good enough to go fishing but good enough to work around the yard.

Deer season just around the corner and some of the guys were at the Lodge sighting in their rifles at the range. You could hear the rolling sound of gunfire across the lake during the football game. More and more people around town wearing their blaze orange. And Earl and everyone at the General Store are wearing their orange aprons. Bag candy is pretty well picked over at Ma and Pa's as we are just a few days away from Halloween. I over heard that someone said they heard a phone ringing in the middle of the night down at the old grain mill. Kind of strange as there never was a phone in there. Someone already played a trick at the cemetery as there was smoke spotted there and the fire department was called out. They found a wood barrel with water and some dry ice making fog. Someone had to go through the trouble of bring in the dry ice as no one sells that in town. No big deal for the fire dept. as they needed to gas up the trucks and change water anyway. Trucks have been parked most of the fall, with all the rain no grass fires this year.

Hank and Tess have been talking about renting the empty store front just down from Reed the Realtor. They are talking about going into business together. Hank would handle the home repairs and Tess would set up a decorating shop. They would of course have Skinny on the payroll as there employee. When Skinny would not be hauling docks and delivering wood then he would be hanging curtains for Tess. Makes for an interesting sight and we might even hire Tess to decorate the Lodge's women bathroom.

First load of orange barrels have arrived at the park for storage. Hank and Skinny were down there on Saturday stacking them and going through picking out the newer ones to trade with ours. Picnic tables have been moved and garbage cans emptied and stored. Just one dock in the water at the access others have been pulled up on shore. Just one port a potie and that is a his and hers. Metal seat has been removed and a wood one installed to replace it. People tend to complain about the metal seat in winter. Colored stakes have been driven in at the fire grates to mark them for the first snowfall. Water is a steady 49 all across the lake so ice is still a ways away. Very few docks left in the water and Mark the mailman has already started to deliver the mail to the road mailboxes. Jess the paper boy is still tossing the morning paper up on the shoreline as he is still trolling. I think next week he to will be using the road.

Few bird hunters are running the roads but for the most part the town is quiet. Another season is coming to a close here. Town meeting next week, but it will be a quiet one. A lot of people will be headed to deer camp, or entertaining family and friends that come up for the week. Still a few diehards golfing, getting as many rounds as they can on there season passes. Vicki is busy at the Masterbaiters shop moving tackle around and getting ice fishing gear out of boxes and unpacking shipments. She is the weigh in station for deer hunting so her hours will be expanding for a few weeks and then she like a lot of others here at the lake will take some vacation time before ice fishing starts. I will be busy then as I will fill in for her, mostly just accepting delivers and selling a few minnows. Dug's Garage is busy, the open garage doors give you a glimpse of rows of lawn mowers in for work and snow throwers being serviced. A few four wheelers sit outside there guts open to the weather as they are being repaired. The service truck has been making it's rounds around the lake as Dug has been winterizing boats. Our Mpls friends who live on the bluff were at Ma and Pa's Saturday looking to buy big rolls of plastic wrap. They heard they could use that to wrap there boat up for the winter. I wonder how many rolls and how long it took them to warp the boat in 12 inch plastic wrap.

Well sun is up enough that I better get outside and start working on my list. I am sure that on the way to do one thing I will find three other things. That is just how a list works. Might have to take time to grab the bag lunch from the fridge and Bud and I will take a walk behind the cabin up the trail. Maybe lunch on the trail and perhaps a few grouse will fall for dinner tonight. Grouse, some fish, apple pie and garden French fries. Sounds like a plan. From Lake Iwanttobethere (19129)

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Few tourists in town to catch what is left of our fall colors. A handful of boats out on the water yesterday and today looks like there are a few more out. Mostly out off the Lodge point and landing area. That would be the spot where the ice town goes up in a few months. I am sure they are busy with their depth finders and GPS units. Marking spots and taking depths as with all the fall rain the lake is up several feet. I know a few of Elmers bush piles have moved a little and he has to make adjustment to his bobber when fishing from his dock. I fished for awhile yesterday but only had a few bites. Decide today was the day to work on the Puddle Humper and get her ready for winter. Draining the oil from the lower unit right now and each time I walk by I haul something into the cabin. I wish getting it ready for fishing was as quick as getting it ready for winter. Had to make a list of things I am going to have to replace or fix for next year.

Heavy frost covering the green house and trucks when I got up this morning. Dogs skidded some when they ran out this morning on to the deck. Still have a few apples to pick and they should be crispy. Dug spuds yesterday and not a very good crop. Wet then dry then wet again was not good for the growing season. Between trips emptying the Puddle Humper I will have to dig the tiller out and turn the gardens over. Deck furniture needs to be put away and tarps dug out of storage. Wood pile next to the cabin needs to be stocked and tree trimming should get done with the branches tossed into the fire pit. Mowers to the back of the shed and snow thrower to the front. Ice House is already in the front of the garage close to the doors and I have been out there cleaning and fixing little things. Grand kids have used it as a playhouse over the summer and potato chips and candy wrappers had to be vacuumed out.

Halloween was quiet here on the lake. Had a few trick or treaters arrive on four wheelers but never do we get walkers around the lake. The young kids and their parents make rounds of Main Street and the local merchants do a nice job of handing out candy to the kids and coupons to the adults. When looking for the paper this morning and it was not on the dock, Since today is November first I had walk down the drive and found it in the paper box out on the post. Another sign the season is changing. Daylight savings time and deer season less then a week away. Elmer has his orange coveralls hanging with a bag of apples out from his clothes line. Chuck has his hanging with a crushed bag of Maple leaves. Mine are out in the wood shed, right where I left them last year.. I don't think we will have to go far for deer as I spooked two on the short walk out to get the paper. I will just take a short walk up the back trail and sit down by that new Pine top that the lightning brought down this summer. Looks like a nice comfortable spot in the sun. Already have an old chair back there that Del hauled back for me. I'll go back there and sit and hunt and pass the time. I'll come up with answers to the world's problems and forget the answers by the time I get back to the cabin. I hope I get to spend a few days in the chair. Will spend opening weekend with the boys at the old hunting shack. I'll hunt some but mostly spend time with Elmer on the front porch in the old rockers and watch the young guys hunt.

Well sun is getting a little higher in the sky and lots to do, days are getting shorter and the do list longer. Off to get some work done and find out where the wife hid the Halloween candy. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (19192)

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Traffic picking up along Main Street here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Pickups and SUV's with orange clad drivers and passengers making stops and picking up forgotten items left at home on kitchen tables. The lucky ones have taken off from work a day early and are already settling in to deer camp. Wood to chop and mouse traps to empty. Stoves to clean and floors to be swept. Cupboards need stocking and rolls of tp stacked on the little shelf in the outhouse. The beam for hanging deer will need to be checked and rope coiled at the bottom. The wall of honor will be dusted and time spent looking over the collection of pictures stapled to it. A few more will be added from last year and with it some more stories for the deer shack or the Hotel as we call it.

The old school chalk board will be wiped clean and the menu for the first supper will be printed in nice block letters. The bar will be stocked and ashtrays wiped. At each new arrival another slot on the wall gun cabinet is filled. Bunks are claimed and sleeping bags rolled out. Favorite pillows are fluffed and tossed on top. Coolers are emptied and stacked just outside the door. A new propane tank is hooked up and the old one secured in the back of the pickup. A broken antenna wire is twisted together running out to the Pine and the crackle of static and Garage Logic makes background noise.

Each new arrival brings everyone to the door as they are greeted with handshakes and slaps on the back. Quick work is made of unloading and soon the Hotel is filled with laughter and insults. It does not take long to catch up. Chairs are pulled up to the big circle table and cigars are lit. A few more will arrive tomorrow and the circle will be complete. Some will stay for the weekend some will last a week. A vacation planned for the day after they left last year. Some will be there the entire deer season or will make the drive back and forth from home. The stew pot is started and placed on top of the old black cooking stove. It's aroma starts to fill the air of the hotel, mixed with cigar smoke and the sound of cards being shuffled. Plans are discussed and fingers pointed at the hand drawn map on the wall. Like generals we all stare at the map looking for something we might have never seen before.

The lamps are lit and windows cracked open. A little smoky and getting a tad warm inside. A few guys head to the porch and sitting in old chairs and testing the swing they drink strong coffee and pull on cigars till the ends grow red. Sun settles down into the trees and the woods around them grows suddenly quiet. They stop talking and are wrapped in there own thoughts of nights past. First one then another notices out past the feeder just at the edge of the clear cut a doe and two fawns are working there way towards the feeder. The doe has her head up and she is sniffing the breeze, the fawns are more intent on checking the feeder. Soon all three are in the trough feeding. The guys on the porch sit quietly, watching. Seeing fawns is good. About then a pair of headlights and the sound of an engine can be heard working it's way through the grassy trail to the Hotel. The last members of the party have arrived, twelve hours early. From lake Iwanttobethere have a safe season. (19222)

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SNAP! The sound of another mouse trap going off. You lay in your bunk listening to the sound of snores coming from your old buddies. It's dark outside and you can make out the moon through the window at the far end of the hotel. Been trying to sleep all night but hard to do with the snap of a mouse trap from time to time. It has gotten better as the traps going off have been fewer. The first hour after lights off was like a war zone. Traps popping and who ever was the closest had to retrieve the trap and reset it. The old stove cherry red and the cabin way to warm to sleep in. Now several hours later the stove looks cold but no one has gotten up to toss a log in. A few snores and soft conversations between bunks finally disappeared. The " Good night John boy" routine was done.

Laying in the bunk and checking the watch you see it is but a half hour before the alarm is set to go off. What the heck, you roll out of the sleeping bag and stocking feet touch the cold floor of the shack. Feeling around with your toes you find your boots and pull them on. Trying to be quiet you make your way to the door and standing out on the porch drink in a deep breath of woods and the first day of hunting season. You sense movement behind you and one of your buddies is standing in the door behind you. A soft quiet " Morning" is spoken and he walks past you to the outhouse. As if a signal has been released the rest of you bunk mates stir and a lamp is lit. It's dim glow showing shadows of your friends stretching and pulling sweatshirts on. The "Clank" of the fire box is heard and wood is added. Another light is lite and now everyone is up whether they wanted to be or not.

Breakfast is made and some eat and some don't. The deep thick rich smell of a coffee pot with to many grounds fills the shack. Even if you don't drink it you love the smell mixed in with the sizzle of bacon in the cast iron frying pan. Those who have the farest walk dress light and carrying their gear head out into the darkness. We leave in pairs, walking slow and quiet like. In a few minutes the Hotel is empty and we are all on our way to our stands. I arrival at mine in just a few minutes. Putting on my heavy coat I climb into my old stand and sit back. Testing my rests and looking at my shooting lanes I secure my gear and sit back to enjoy the sunrise just a few minutes away. False dawn lights up around me and with each passing minute I can start to make out trees and bushes. I stare long and hard at a black shape and with the brightening light see it is only a thick brush pile. The sun peeks above the ridge and I look at it for awhile before I need to look away. Off to the East I hear a gunshot then another.. Maybe I think... I hear the rustle of leaves and look down to see a squirrel bouncing and then stopping to look around. I watch as it makes it's way past me to disappear behind a Birch tree.

The sun climbs higher and I unzip my coat a little, I pour some hot cider into the thermos cup and I sip and watch the woods around me. My stand is just off a main trail that we call the freeway. Putting the cup back on the thermos I am in mid screw when I see movement coming down the freeway. I stop and watch as the doe and two fawns from last night at the feeder work there way in my direction. Sitting still I watch as they slowly move down the trail. Tails flicking back and forth the fawns acting like the kids they are and the doe having her hooves full so to speak. The three of them move on down the trail and make the turn to disappear out of sight. I sit back and let my heart slow down some.

I spent most of the morning watching, waiting and listening and even though I did hear a few more shots and some were quite a distance away it I didn't see anything else go down the freeway. At noon I climbed down and made my way back to the Hotel. Coming out the trail I see a deer hanging from the beam. A four pointer. A few of the guys were inside and the stew pot was steaming on the stove. I scooped out a bowl and with some rolls from the oven I sit down at the round table and listened to the story of the four pointer. Not a bad start to deer season, and there is still this afternoon. From Lake Iwanttobethere (19252)

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Saturday afternoon found me back in the stand by mid afternoon. After a bowl of stew and a short nap I was dressed and ready to spend time in the stand. I slowly worked my way back down the trail but was sidetracked. Along the freeway is a wide drainage ditch full of water. There are a few places where one can cross going across fallen trees. Not being young and fleet of foot anymore I wait till it freezes during hunting season before crossing it. With it being 50 out today there was no frozen water here. As I was going to take the trail around the ditch I spotted movement down the trail running along the ditch. Looking through my scope I could see something flashing in the sunlight from side to side. Thinking Chuck was messing with me my first thought was that it looked like it could be a sandwich bag on a branch. He has done this in the past to me. Just something to bother me on my stand seeing that movement from a few hundred yards away. Well I figured I would go down and remove the bag and return the favor to him on his stand tomorrow.

Walking down the trail I took my time. Walking slow and from time to time looking down the trail as I also looked from side to side and of course stopped to watch the trail behind me. I put the scope up from time to time but I still could not make out what was flashing. I took a break and leaning up against a tree watched as a grouse landed on the other side of the ditch and then another. Eating buds the two birds worked the tree. Cooled down I again started working my way down the trail. Traveling another 50 yards or so I took a peek down the trail and froze. The biggest, widest deer I have ever seen was standing on the other side of a dead Pine in the middle of the trail. It's tail wagging like a happy dog from side to side. I had no shot from this distance and my heart was cranking up as I watched through the scope. Suddenly the coat I was wearing was very hot and very heavy.

Muttering to myself I was cursing Chuck out for making me think he had pulled the plastic bag trick. I moved a few steps to the side of the trail and dropped my pack and took off the heavy coat. Lighter now I moved forward at a snails pace trying to make up ground with what I could now see was a huge swamp buck. Trouble was the buck was now on the move also. For every step I took he took two. Bending down at the waist I concentrated on looking at the trail ahead and quicken my pace. It took about five minutes or half a life time to reach the fallen Pine. The buck to my surprise was still on the trail walking away from me like he was taking a stroll in the park. All he gave me was a shot from behind and not anywhere close to a good one. From time to time he would lift his head up showing a massive rack with more tines then I could count, He would then drop his head and continue to walk, his nose dragging on the ground. I watched as he continue to open the distance between us. I made the decision to cross the tree and follow. I put my hand up on the trunk and a branch broke. It sounded like a paper bag exploding in a funeral home. The Buck and I locked eyes and with out a pause the buck turned and in one bound powered by hidden boosters cleared the ditch and was gone in another bound into the cedars.

I never had a chance. By the time I made it back to the hotel I had a great story to tell. I came out of the trail to the clearing and now there were three deer hanging from the beam. Chuck smoking a cigar and telling how he out waited a six pointer that was busy following three does. I put the rifle in the rack and went and sat out on the porch. Elmer asked me how it went and I told him, " Saw one but didn't have a shot" Elmer nodded and sat down on the porch next to me. " Was it a big one?" He asked, I just smiled and nodded.

All in all a good first day here at the Hotel. Sunday we sleep in late as we eat well Saturday night, cards, a few beers a lot of stories and lots of memories to relive. Stories of deer hunts and pictures of kids and grand kids to show off. Ribbing about old girl friends and good divorces. A lot of "Do you remember when" stories. The right side of the chalk board will have a to do list started. A new toilet seat for the outhouse is the first thing on the list. Some more mouse traps to, maybe some of the ones that catch more then one at a time.

A few guys only have the weekend to hunt and have to make the drive back. They will bring the three deer back to the local butcher that we all use. With luck we will have a couple more by tomorrow night. I have already decide to wait for a chance at that big buck. I would like to lock eyes with him again. If not there is still a lot of time, it is after all just the end to the first day.

Sunday morning arrived with just about everyone heading out to their stands. The extra hour of sleep with daylight savings time actually seem to make a difference. I put my colored push pin on the wall map at the edge of the swamp. This lets everyone know where I am hunting at. I spent the morning on the edge of the cedar swap, waiting to see if the buck would return. A clear sunny sky and windy. No frost and not a bad morning to be in the woods. I saw nothing. Other then a well worn trail heading back deeper into the cedars. When noon arrived I took a walk around the edge of the swamp and found another well worn trail, will have to go back to the map and do some studying. I came out about One into the clear cut by the Hotel. Mark's bright red mini-van was backed up to the porch. The same van that Mark received so much grief over last night was now the center of attention. Seems he didn't say anything last night but today everyone was scattered on the porch watching the football game on the van's TV Scattered around the guys were an assortment of battery powered hand tools, hammers and tape measures. Repairs were being made to the Hotel during commercials and time outs. Mark was now receiving compliments on how smart his wife was in buying the mini-van.

Well it looks like the guys will be watching football and next weekend most will be back at the Hotel. I am lucky enough to be able to come up during the week and I have a date with a certain buck. Might even bring the shotgun out to see if them grouse have any friends. Hope you had a good weekend From the Hotel at Lake Iwanttobethere where the fishing is always good, the birds fly slow and the deer grow big really big..(19277)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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