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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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The Lodge will donate a case of Mindy and Mandy's Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer to the 15,000 reader. As Long as they post on there visit..

By the Way Dan.. Mindy and I did go back to the same bay and Mindy caught a box spring! we got twelve lures and 89 jigs off it... we released it in the same spot grin.gif

Elmer and I are doing an all nighter in the garage making final modifications to the MTD Elmers tractor is out of the race as it did not survive the explosion earlier in the week. We will decide later as to who will race the MTD.

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well after callin the fishing contest short. as we had caught enough sunnies for a quick lunch. me and my new found fireworks companion got started pulling all on the launchers and mortors off of my truck & placeing them properly on the point. when the racks are secured. and the motors are dug, we will sort and load all the product.

i do like to get an early start so i am not rushed before the show.

i have comissioned a new shell to use in the finalli. it will be the last shell in the sky after the barrage volly of the finalli. i do have the right perameters to use some quite large product. and the finalli shell will be the largest.

with permits pulled and insurance papers signed. it should be a rather nice show. i will wait untill after the towns show is complete as to not interfear with their production. and that way all of the boaters that are returning to their cabins will catch the "second act". i am quite happy only doing one show a year now. as i have had some very busy summers in past years. i do remember that one summer we shot 30 shows between the forth and labor day. not alot of play time that summer. but i still get the huge adreneline rush as the flares get lit and the intro set is launched. it is great to hear the roar and ooooos and aaaahhhhhs over the blasts of the shells leaveing the racks and mortors.

i do hope that you all have a safe and happy 4th and if you do have a few fireworks of your own... keep it legal. let the pros put on the shows. thats what we get paid to do.

from the point on the lake that seperates waconia and sylvia bays. nyte-lyter (pronounced night lighter) out. ... paul

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Just thought I would post the results of the pre 4th of July fishing contest. We had some interesting pair ups. The top teams received prizes and it is up to them as to how they will divide them.

Reed the Realtor-Hammering Hank- two night stay for two at the Tree Top Tree Resort.

Mark the Mailman-Ms. Molley Bodensteiner- Dinner for two at the Dew Drop Inn

Frank.-Marc's - Case of Lake Iwanttobethere Root beer and four Lodge Coney's

Dr.Burriem, -Willie Wrenchhead - Gallon of Gas from the Gulp and Fill

Wolfgang Puck,-Jess - Years free aire from Dug's Auto Shop

Bucky Snaggletooth-Blaze

Dan Thiem - Bobby Bass

Widow Hess-Dusty McMurtry's

Dale Frozen Toe Mitchel.-Mabel's

John Lufer-Jimmy

Sunshine Ray -Old Man Walter

Old Man McFarlane-Floyd

Nytelyter -Mindy

Jones Twins -Peatmoss

Mandy -Brandy

Uncle Gus -Candy

Big Jim-Skinny



Amy's-Big Earl


Mike -Mr.Thompson

Weird Willie -Walter

Old Man Peabody's -Old Man Iverson

Thanks to everyone who fish in the event and good luck in today fishing contest that is open to the general public and will last till the end of the weekend. Have a safe 4th and enjoy the events here at the lake today. From Lake Iwanttobethere (14920)

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My My what a day. The 4th at Lake Iwanttobethere lived up to it's hype. At least for me. To start off with the day was a beaut. Sunny and warm with just enough breeze to move the smoke from around the cooking fires and turkey deep fryers. Park was filled with vendors and food was everywhere. A very good turn out for the middle of the week and the best part is that a lot of people that I talked with are going to stay right through the weekend. Access was busy all day with boats coming and going and as the day went on the pontoon city off the point kept growing. Several nice fish were logged in at the Masterbaiters shop with a 5#-4oz Bass and a 8# Walleye leading the way. Been very busy at Root Beer island and Mindy and Mandy have Candy out there helping out.

Lawn mower races went of with out a hitch this year but we never did get the MTD running just right, found out later that we had a broken wire and was running on only one cylinder. Just as well I guess, I was so full from pie testing that I was having a hard time fitting behind the wheel. I felt like I was on one of the cruise ships as you took two steps and there was something else to taste. Between Deep fried turkey, chicken legs, watermelon, hot dogs, polish, brats, corn on the cob smoking on a bed of coals. Micro beer tent, root beer tent, apple pie, fritters, mini-donuts and hot pretzels...

Pony rides, hay rides the boat loading contest. Dog dock jumping contest and a new event this year the dog dragging block of ice contest won by Grace. Music though out the day from the stage and the fiddle playing could be heard across the water. Soft ball game started at six but only lasted about four innings as everyone was so full of all the good food that players just gathered at the bases and chatted, beer in hand. Lots of Moms and Dads just laying on blankets with hats over there eyes trying to catch a quiet moment. Lodge saw a lot of traffic with the bathrooms open to the public and Hank and the Widow Hess were the King and Queen of the day.

As the evening wore on we had a threat of rain but that passed over us and lawn chairs and blankets came out to cover the hillside overlooking the bay where the fireworks were to be displayed. Around sundown the kids started setting off sparklers and a few booms were heard of from cabin owners firing off there own fireworks. Small smoke clouds drifted across the bay from the explosions. Three finger Bob was still doing a brisk business selling from his tent and I do believe that he sold out just before dusk. The sun started to go down over the tree line and we all settled in to enjoy the show.


After the display and the big ending the crowd yelled and applauded. People headed towards the parking lot and I along with Bud at my side went down to the Lodge's dock and climbed into the Puddle Humper. With the throttle just above an idle we headed towards home and were rewarded with a birds eye view of Nytelyters fireworks display. The cars stop in the roadway and people turn and watched from the parking lot as Nytelyer put on a dazzling show from his point. An unexpected bonus to end the night. From Lake Iwanttobethere (14935)

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Well I guess it is only fitting that I get the case of ice cold, Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer. Delivered by Mindy and Mandy on this hot evening. Quite a treat having Mindy serving me a root-beer with a frosty mug and Mandy right behind her with the rest of the case. The ice water dripping off the tray on to her summer bibs, Hmmmmm yup that sure hits the spot....15,000

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I think it is safe to say that summer has arrived. Hi 80's in the shade here at Lake Iwanttobethere and tomorrow it is going to be hotter. Sunshine Dave is walking around town fielding questions about the heat wave. Some rain might show up tomorrow evening but that is a day away. Lots of boats just off shore hiding out from the sun under the shade of the overhanging trees. The buzz of Jet skies can be heard and from the deck of the Lodge here we can see a few boats waiting to take their turn through the course. The bobbing heads of water skiers can just be seen. For a Friday the parking lot and the park to are both pretty full with cars and trucks and campers. Can see kids at the swing set and the rope swing out to the lake is a busy place. Both Johnson boys are on duty as life guards this afternoon.

Me and Elmer have a couple of tables together here at the Lodge and we are repairing screens. Thought it might be a good idea as the windows to the Lodge will be staying open now. Baseball game is on in the background and we stop and listen from time to time. Don't hurt that we each have a frosty mug of Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer close at hand. When we are done with the screens we will head back down to the basement to put on the second coat of paint on the floor. Funny how these chores that need to be done in the cool of the basement just happen to be done when it is so hot outside. Came down to the Lodge early today as the wife was up first thing this morning baking. Got all these new recipes from the 4th baking contest that she wanted to try. Of course it does not matter that it is one of the hottest days of the year to have the oven on. I did not say anything as when the cabin is cool later today I will be the first in line to sample.

Mark the mailman actually said he kind of likes his new mini-van today, it has AC

I am kind of surprised we have not heard anything from Nytelyer in regards to his dazzling fireworks display that he put on. I had a great seat out in the lake. Me and Bud had them going off almost over our heads. The trailer is out back of the Lodge with all the flamingoes. I have not decided yet where they are going next. I am hoping someone will make a donation and we will send them out again here soon. There are to be softball games on Saturday but if the heat arrives as predicted they may be called off. Fishing contest is still on till Saturday night and Masterbaiters has been busy selling lots of crawlers and a few leeches. A surprising number of big suckers are going out the door as a lot of people are just tossing big floats off their docks and staying in the shade. Even by 7 this morning it was getting warm out. Good for the corn as the fields are nice and green and the garden is getting bigger everyday. Grass should start slowing down here soon so I will not have to mow so much. More time for fishing and sitting in the swing.

Well screens are done, Elmer did the last one, time to grab a root beer and head to the basement. From Lake Iwanttobethere, where you should be here and if you are not then you should be on your way here! (15048)

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I'm arranging a donation amount to get some obstacles for Gracie to swerve the ice block around. May make for some quality entertainment if she figures out the "lock," which is more akin to a bolt dropped through the eye of the hasp.

Great shows the other night, too bad I had to spend the rest of the night driving back to the job. Looked like Nytelyter did his darndest to clear out the woods around the west side of the lake, but luckily his shooters and boomers stayed safely out of the tinder.

The wife and car are packed (but not in that order) and ready to go back for tonight, though! Looking forward to seeing the fresh floor at the lodge, and hold one of the Lake IwannaRootBeer's for me.

BTW, my Brother-in-law has just put a down payment on a new Saturn Aura due to the increased business sent his way. He asked me to thank all of you!

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BTW, my Brother-in-law has just put a down payment on a new Saturn Aura due to the increased business sent his way. He asked me to thank all of you!

I hope he did not order the leather seats. I would think by the end of the night they might be kind of cold...

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whew what a forth!!! as i was going thru the boxes of product. and had nearly all of it in the racks. i noticed that my finalli shell had not been delivered, but had been left on the truck. that was headed for the big city.

so after i reached the driver on his cell and practilly had to beg him to turn around and meet me half way, i got in the truck and was off in a cloud of dust. well all was well as had gotten back to the point about an hour before dark, and still had the whole show ready before the town show was finished.

what a spectacular show it was. nice sets and was shot at a well orcastrated pace. nice job guys.

well about after ten minutes had elapsed i was seeing a steady line of boats heading towards my point. i hit the intro set and was a fast moveing person for the next few minutes. tagging shells with the flare and watching a few of the breaks. my new found pyropal was one of the best mortor loaders i have seen. she was slingin shells like a pro. i was truely amazed. welll the mid show was going off great and then, i started to hear a few more mortor shells then what i had thought i had lit start to leave the racks. i turned around and looked at four racks of shells going off in sets of four all by them selves. hummmm. i thought. about it for a split second and about the finalli shell and how appropriate it would to have a wonderful send off of all the rest of what was left to light. so i hit fuzes as fast as i could and fulfilled on of my favorite pyro mottos "NO DEAD SKY". whew i was a moveing. well i hit the finalli rack and the sky filled even more with color and booms. well i could see the last rack of salutes going off from the rack and pulled the safty off the finalli shell and hit it with my flare and stepped back. it left the mortor with the boom of a large artillery peice, and i was very glad i had cut off the few limbs from that big ole tree as i watched its bright tail streem to the heavens. then... BOOOOMM!!!!!! and the shell broke just as it should have... did ya see it??? could you tell what it was?? welll for a first try i thought the shell makers did a great job.. there in the sky was a red white and blue star set in the shape of my catamaran. it wass too cool. i felt so good about the show, that after we cleared the racks. my loader and me dropped the "knot a clew" into the water off of the point and went for a night sail on the lake. it was a pleasure to have such a nice partner to lounge with me on the trampoline of the cat. we watched the sunrise from the hobiecat and then headed her to the point. you cannot imagine how much mess a show puts out so the morning was spent cleaning up and loading the racks back to the storage facility.

all in all it was a nice few days to be at the lake. i am happy to hear that the show was well recieved and will plan another for next year. now it is time to get back to grind. and make the long transition to labor day some eight weeks away and soon after that we will be launching the fishhouses again. funny how, after the forth how summer is on the fast track to the finish again. the days will be shorter from here on in and soon the winds of winter will be upon us. but till then we have our thoughts of the lake and dream daily about being there.

have a safe rest of the summer. and wave at me when you pass the point or see me on the cat. see you at the lake. ... paul

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Good day to you all, another hot one out there. I was at the Lodge early this morning checking out the damage from last night. Standing on the deck looking over the park and public campground it looked like I would imagine a civil war battle would have. Wisps of smoke drifted skyward through the trees from campfires left un attended from the night before. A screen door on a camper made a half hearted attempt to close and then opened again in the slight breeze coming off the lake. Likewise a few tents flaps fluttered across the colorfully covered hillside. The campers were not prepared for the attack. With the evening heat but a few campfires were burning at the time. Most were caught sitting in sticky fold up lounge chairs. Fanning themselves with what ever was at hand. At dusk the first wave appeared, scouts I think. Then shortly there after the main body attacked with out warning. Mosquitoes..

It was over before it even started. With a flurry the campers and tourists headed for the screen houses, The smell of deep woods off and candles being lit. The slapping of bare flesh and some choice curse words. Wood was quickly assembled and matches struck. Fires and cigars were lit. The park disappeared in a haze of wood smoke and the smell of citronellas candles. In thirty minutes the females were done feeding and heading back to the marsh. The males fighting a rear guard action and just being a pest stayed behind. Then like in a war of the worlds movie scene Hammering Hank and Skinny looking like tripods moved through the park and campground. Holding foggers they release a cloud of mosquitoes toxic gas. Like pied pipers the tourist followed the duo to the shoreline and relief.

Morning brought a quicking of the wind and the promise of more heat. More movement below as campers start appearing and fires are stirred. I turn back to the cool interior of the lodge and make sure the door secures behind me. The coolness of the lodge and it's thick cedar logs are a welcome feeling. A note on my desk informs me that someone or something had broken into the ice house and they helped themselves to several rows of ice blocks. I check the ice house and you can see the drag marks in the saw dust, some heading towards the campground and one off to the woods. I find the bolt laying on some pine needles off to the side and slide it back into the hasp. Returning to the Lodge I go in and find Elmer pouring a root beer. He tells me they caught some fellows last night filling a little kids pool with ice from the ice house."They were going to lay in it" he says. " What a waste of ice, I could see it if they were using it for beer" Elmer shakes his head and heads for the wicker couch and remote.

I move to go behind the bar and have to step over both Barney and Bud sleeping under the ice bin. I turn on the small fan and as it blows the air across the chips and the bar cools. Sitting on my stool I can hear the tick tick of the clock behind me. The rhythmic breathing of the dogs. Straining just a little I can hear the chug chug of the ice machine back in the kitchen and every so often the ice dumps into the hopper. As long as I hear that sound all is well. Elmer finds a fishing show and I can just make out the picture with out my glasses. The door opens and a couple with two kids in tow enter. The man wiping his forehead with the sleave of his shirt asks if we are open and the women asks for directions to the washrooms. The kids eye the chocolate in the glass display case. The man strikes up a conversation and me being me never has turn down a chance to chat. His wife was taking her time in the washroom and I slid a couple of candy bars to the kids and they headed over to the wicker couch and Elmer.

I found out the mans name was Greg and he and his wife Cindy have been camping down in the campground and were getting ready to leave. They had a long drive to get back home and wanted to get a head start before the hot weather arrived. We talked about several things and I kind of picked his brains on what he thought of the lake. He told me he thought the 4th of July fireworks display was just excellent. He had no idea that a small little town would go though such expense. The skydiver dressed as Elvis with the searchlight and the exploding rockets around him was a very special effect. He asked me if that was a real guy? And then when it was all done and people were leaving the 2nd half started from across the lake. That was great!! Specially that big ending with the boat and music blaring across the park from the speakers. I think it was Ghost Riders in the Sky.. I told him we still had some more events planned for the day but then his wife came out and he said they really had to go. So Nytelyer you did a bang up job, maybe the town should talk to you about next years event? From Lake Iwanttobethere (15124)

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Moving around a tad slow this morning, actually I am pretty sore. My daughter KT and I went horseback riding last night. That time of the year when I have to follow through on a promise made years and years ago. First off let me state I have nothing against farmers or cowboys. I live near the water so that makes me a fishermen. Even though I may spend a lot of my time in the country I am not a farmer nor am I a cowboy. When my daughter Katie was a little girl she wanted a pony. My wife, bless her told her that no way could we have a pony at the cabin because she, the wife. Would end up having to take care of it. Cleaning up after it and feeding and grooming. I agreed with the wife but did tell the daughter that I would take her horse backing riding when ever she wanted forever. Well at least once a year.

My daughter so wanted a pony that if she could not have one she decide that she would change her name. And for ever more would go by the name KT well her being young we decide that if she wanted to change her name we would let her. Figuring that she would grow out of it. KT has stuck, all her friends refer to her as KT of course with text messaging that was a problem as they could not find a way of shorting KT to anything but KT Her brothers did not have a clue as they always called her Katie which she heard as KT

Well yesterday afternoon when it was hotter then a pancake griddle at a church's breakfast. She decide that it is time to go horseback riding. I find the only thing that own that even looks like it belongs on the back of a horse and that is my wool cowboy hat and we set off to Dusty's farm/ ranch. As Dusty chats away with KT they head over to the barn to get her a mare to ride. Standing outside the door I get shoved from behind. I turn to confront who ever is doing this and have to look up at a big brown mass of horse flesh. Buck. Me and Buck go back always. I would not say he is my favorite animal but he seems to like me for some reason. Kind of like a school bully. Dusty comes out with KT behind him leading a gentle mare and says " So you want to take Buck out again, good choice" I tried to object but Dusty is already walking away. Over his shoulder I can hear him say " Saddle up you can go out with the next group"

Well with help from the high school hired help we saddle up and I am not getting to much attention as KT is flirting with the horse wrangler. A saddle is placed on Buck's back and with some help I manage to get upright on him. We then set out on our little ride with the sun high over head and a cloud of black flies following us. Buck and I are in the rear. Normally I would have no problem with this but Buck is a born leader. Buck would rather be in the front. Since he can't pass on the trail he decides to just take the path that he can only see to the side of the trail. Did I mention that I was only on for the ride? I would pull on the reins to go left and Buck would whip his head back just about yanking me off the saddle. I was having a hard enough time trying to stand in the saddle to save my rear. A promise is a promise and so me and Buck were riding together. The late afternoon was pretty uneventful. The only people who could ride were KT and Dusty the rest of us just sat in the saddle and smiled at the pain. Me having done this before knew it was only going to get worse.

Coming out of the trail near the lake, it widens and this is where good old Buck made his move. I swear I did not say anything to encourage him but he broke into a trot which soon became a gallop. Skirting the rider in front of him we soon left the flies behind as the low brush slapped everything off me. The other riders thinking this was part of the ride broke in to trots and gallops and followed Buck and me to the waters edge. Dusty rides up next to me and started yelling about running my horse in hot weather. I just sat in the saddle and listened. Buck just turned and bite Dusty horse. Dusty's horse started bucking and the other riders gave a round of applause as they thought this to was part of the ride.

The walk back to the farm was hot. It didn't help that Buck would nudge me in the shoulder from time to time. Dusty would look at me and just shake his head. KT was enjoying it all as she and her mare Daisy were best buds. Later at the Lodge as I climbed up on the stool the first waves of pain hit me. My thigh muscles were trained to hug a stool not a horses back. Still wearing my cowboy hat I got off the stool and headed toward the washroom. Elmer said I walked like a cowboy. Guess I deserved that. From Lake Iwanttobethere (15162)

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Boy it's a zoo out there! After you get over the 4:30 am racket of every Robin that can sing or thinks it can sing and the sparrows peeping away. After a half hour or so then the morning settles down. Then you can hear the individual birds, crows calling as they leave the roost and the low constant dove moaning. If you go out and sit on the deck you can watch as the yard comes alive. The birds wake everyone up then take flight to go were ever they go. Motion in the trees soon becomes gray squirrels working there way to the bird feeders for breakfast. Cottontails soon appear along the high grass of the yard and with an approach like a runner off first base slowly move out farther and farther into the yard. Even more cautious a ground hog moves out from his den, eyeing the garden. Any movement from anything makes him stop and watch. A doe appears where she was not just a moment ago. Moving slowing she walks across the yard, tail flicking back and forth. You wait and a small fawn dances out of the brush following her.

On the water small rings appear. A hen and seven, eight no nine ducklings make a zig zag along the reeds. The last two are working hard to keep up, you can tell with their heads leaning forward and you can almost see there feet paddling hard. A loon comes in for a controlled splash landing. When it is all said and done he swims away like it was all planned that way. Watching, you see a hen Loon with two onboard swim out to meet her mate. The old goose stretches out his neck and then turns to face the sun and settles back on the dock. Sun gains a little distances on the ground and rises higher in the sky. Grays head back into the trees a little deeper. Rabbits retreat to the high grass and the deer have already slipped back into the woods. About this time you can hear cars starting and people slamming screen doors. Kids yelling and maybe a boat heading out across the water. Quiet time is over till dusk. (15208)

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Well it was bound to happen, it happens every year about this time. Wanda our sea creature has emerged from the depths. Rumor has it that a couple were down taking a moonlight swim when they saw something on the surface of Lake Iwanttobethere. Out just off Root Beer island they saw a shape in the water and saw a large splash. Was enough for them to head to shore and to tell anyone that they could find awake. Of course at that time of the night most people in the campground were either fast asleep or working on there 2nd twelve pack. A few managed to make it to shore and looking out at the moon lite water said they might have seen something but were not sure. One was going to take his boat out but his wife had wisely hidden his keys earlier in the evening. By the next day there were already signs up in the park giving directions to Root Beer island and to stop and buy there maps from them. I expect we will hear from the locals who say they have seen Wanda before. A few years back we had one of the explorer boats here and they found nothing but bigger then average Muskies and Trout.

Town fathers pretty much look the other way as Wanda tends to bring in a few more tourists. Some don't think that is right as the town should stand on what it has to offer not create something. Of course if Wanda is real... Well that would be a different story. Elmer is mute on the point. Will not discuss it. I think there is a story there he just grumbles and walks away.

Also Wanda seems to appear in the first or second week after the 4th. Right when it is hot and a lot of beer is being drank. Also a time when we are in a heat wave and the town is full on the weekends and well booked during the week.

Earl at the General Store never missing a chance on marketing has his special rack outside the door with lake maps and genuine Wanda spotter scopes. Along with suntan lotion and bug spray.

Dew Drop Inn has Wanda burgers as this weeks special. A large burger covered in Iceberg Lettuce.

Mindy and Mandy were in town delivering root beer and wearing there Wanda tee shirts. The A's in Wanda never looked better. The girls would just wink and stock the root beer. Already in the Lodge the spotter scope is out on the deck pointed towards the island, usually it is aimed at the cabin but now it is pointed off towards the point.

Summer at Lake Iwanttobethere, what we need now is some rain to cool things off. I am going to go out and lay in the swing for awhile. Another warm day that was suppose to be cooler but ain't. I will keep an eye on the island just in case, a picture might be worth something to HP and her paper. From the Lake have a good one. (15226)

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Cleaning up. A few days ago the lake had some straight lines winds of over 60 mph and some damage was done. Sunshine Ray reported that we were not the only ones. With several trees down and uncountable number of branches on the ground of course some power lines went also. Main line into town went down outside of town and some other related problems so everyone here ruffed it for a few days. The Lodge has it's own generator so it became the hub of the town.

Some shingles were lost and a few rolled roofs have no roofs now. Wanda was sighted by several people off Root Beer island till it was noticed later that Mindy and Mandy had lost a dock. Some serious waves pounded the shoreline for a few hours as the winds came in the late afternoon, early evening. Hammering Hank, Skinny and Big Jim were soon out with their chain saws making roads passable and then came back the next day and were cutting firewood. Yesterday we had popcorn thunderstorms come roaring through the area one after another. About every twenty minutes or so you would have to take cover as the wind would pick up and then we would get rain. A few times we also received some hail.

The winds didn't help my corn, as a lot of it is laying down and I now have a lot of stuff on my beach, including parts of Mindy's dock. I am not sure but I think the dock didn't make it across the bay. Pretty busy here at the Lodge this morning as we didn't get any deliveries in and now everyone is showing up. I got two humored cases of clay targets stacked just on the deck because we can't get back to the shooting house, tree down. Earl at the General store has his disaster rack out front on the porch, shovels and rakes, duct tape and tarps. Traffic moved fine through out the day as you know unlike the big city we don't have any street lights. It was reported we will have to order a new stop sign as the one outside of town is gone. Main street is pretty clean as the wind blew right down it, no sweeping needed. As soon as everyone gets there garbage cans back and finds their lids all will be normal again. Power was back on last night and everyone just continued with their day.

Different storm as it was just wind, no rain at all. Sitting on the swing I felt like a little kid as I did not need to push off at all. Wind was doing a good job of moving me around. I was having a good time till I had to start cleaning up. Was going to fix the roof on that shed sooner or later. I did notice the total lack of birds during the storm, I wonder where they hide out at. I sure didn't see any wild life now that I think of it. The dogs were just lined up at the deck door. Sitting and watching with some interest as cushions and the bird feeder blew by. The wind was strong enough that it blew a 32' ladder off it's rack, glad I was not around as that would have left a mark.

Now today it is dead calm out. Looking from the Lodges deck the water is pretty churned up. You can see the wave action has stirred things up. I wonder how fishing will be later in the week. The park is a s clean as a whistle, you can see no sign of the 4th celebration. A few campers are returning for the next weekend. A few trees did go down but Hank has cleared them up. With Jess the paperboy and Mark the mailman out and also Frank the plow driver making his rounds most of the cabins on the lake will get looked over here in the next few days. With any luck when you make your next visit to the lake you will just have some branches to clean up. Hope you chained your garbage can up! From Lake Iwantobethere (15369)

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Just one of those nice evening last night here at the lake. After a full day of working on re-roofing the garage and putting new siding on the shed when the sun started to go down it was time to call it a day. The wife had a couple of steaks all done up on the grill and me and the son sat down to a cold beer, steak and foil wrapped baked potatoes filled with onions and butter. It took me awhile but I was soon undoing the side buttons on my bibs and kicking back in the deck chair. Two more things I can mark off on the Honey do list.

Grand sons climbed into my lap and grandma took a break from the boys and there never ending search for something to get into. We started a fire in the pit and sat on the swing and watch the flames and an occasional spark head skyward. The sun went down and out came the bug candles and we added a wet log to the fire for smoke. The boys and I headed into the small tent and behind the screen we watched the flickering flames. Finding the small am radio the oldest started to dial through the stations looking for something to listen to. In the dark of the night a surprising number of stations were coming in on the little hand held radio. Reminded me of my youth when we would search the airwaves on the old tube Motorola. The hundred foot wire antenna stretching out to the big pine tree. WLS booming in then all the smaller radio stations. Saturday night listening to all the radio countdown shows. Finally falling asleep with the sun just coming up over the water and the radio quiet next to our ears, just the occasional bit of static.

We laid and watch the flickering flames, Grand ma came out to bring the boys in but we were just doing fine, We had the tent, a couple of sleeping bags and the radio. Not to mention the fire just a few yards away. "Boys' it's going to rain" I said. " How do you know that" The oldest


" Because grandpa's know these things" not a minute after that the first drop hit the roof of the small tent, then another and another. A flash of lightning zipped and zagged across the sky over the lake. The boys hunkered a little deeper into the double sleeping bag. They were not afraid of rain just wanted to get cozy and enjoy the storm. With the little radio playing in the back ground and the rain falling and sizzling in the fire pit we watched. It didn't rain hard and we watched the fire fight to stay alive. At times it look like the rain had won and then it would flare up again and burn brightly, but after awhile it was just coals and one by one they to blinked out in a hiss of steam. The storm move out across the lake and soon all we could hear was the hissing of the fire trying to come back and a drop or two of water falling from the trees onto the tent roof.

The boys were both tucked up tight and sleeping next to me. I reached over to the little radio and propping it on it's side I found some music. Listening to a forgotten tune I watched the storm moving away and soon I to was asleep. From Lake Iwanttobethere (15482)

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Well grandma being grandma sometime during the night came out and took the boys into the cabin. I woke up to the sun just peaking up over the tree line and the static of the little radio. I got out of the tent and stretched some and was quickly reminded of the work I had done the day before. Bud came out of the tent, he had been sleeping on the bottom of the sleeping bags and I didn't even notice. Must have come out when grandma got the boys. We headed down to the dock, Bud taking a detour making for the woods to take care of business. Walking through the wet grass I spotted a minnow bucket on the shore line by the dock. It had a big rock on it so it attracted my attention. Checking the bucket I see it had frogs in it. The grandsons have a standing offer to catch frogs for me and it looks like they found some yesterday and forgot to tell me. Looking at the frogs and the glass surface of the lake I didn't need any more encouragement. Whistling up Bud I was back in the cabin moving like a mouse gathering some cookies, a apple and a couple of cans of pop. Bud sitting by the fridge watched as I moved about gathering goodies. I patted him on the head and flipped the sign on the wall to " Gone Fishing"

Five minutes later I was easing the Puddle Humper out from the dock and with the engine just barely ticking over was putting water between me and the dock. A few minutes later I was up on plane leaving the bay and headed across the lake to my little spot that Mr. Big calls home. After eating the apple I eased off the throttle and entered the little out of the way bay. Putting the bow up against the floating bog I eased the floating door off to the side and slipped into the hidden bay. The floating mass closed behind me and I was all alone in me and Mr. Big's battleground. Dropping the trolling motor I moved forward with the little propeller barely spinning. Coming out of the channel I entered the the wide spot in the bay. I turn off the trolling motor and nibbling on a cookie sat on the chair and watched. The down tree, the home of Mr. Big was about another 75 feet ahead. With the sun in my face I would be casting no shadows on his lair, no wind to worry about. As I watched I could see some of his kin feeding around the tree. They would come up and slurp on the surface. They were going to be a problem. In the past they would take my offering before Mr. Big could get to them. But today I was going to feed them frogs and whittle them down. Then I would toss the biggest frog to the base of the tree and we would do battle.

Since I thought this was going to be a finesse job I brought along my 10' three piece crappie rod. I have used it a few times and with it's length I should be able to pitch the frogs right to the edge and remove the guarding little bass. Of course I had changed to some 30# Power Pro because I knew the 4# was not going to cut it. I had six frogs in the minnow bucket, I selected the smallest one and hooking it through the nose. I make a practice cast. Getting the swing just right I measured the distance to the first branch of the tree and tapping the trolling motor forward like a rider on his horse this joust was about to start. Moving forward a few yards I came to a stop and the slight bow wave from the boat wrinkled out towards the tree.

Well he did it again. I eased the first frog out on a pin point cast just to the edge of the branch sticking out of the water. The frog settle in and made one kick and was gone in a slurp that echoed off the trees surrounding the little bay. I set the hook expecting a 12 inch bass and was rewarded with a head shaking splashing Mr. Big erupting on the surface of the now white foaming water. Standing flat footed I lifted the rod skyward as the 10' tip made a big C with the tip just inches off the surface. Mr. Big was going right and the rod and me and then the boat followed him. The drag screamed in pain as the line peeled out and the first section of the rod broke with a crack like lightning on a hot summer afternoon. Moving to the bow I balanced trying to give as much as I could and still keep Mr. Big on. Zigging left the second section of rod crumbled. Standing on the trolling motor pedal I tried to close ground between us when the line went limp. Stepping off the pedal I looked at the last spot where I saw the line going into the water. I watched then I saw the line move like a perch had it then it was taunt and the rod yanked in my hand again and with that I felt nothing and then the hook coming out of the water like a missile launch. I threw up my arms and heard the hook bounce off the bow of the Puddle Humper. The remains of my rod look like it was an umbra in a hurricane. I sat done on my chair and eased the Humper back away from the down tree. Taking a deep breath I reached for another rod and that is when I notice the top off the minnow bucket and the last frog jumping off the stern and swimming for safety.

I adjusted my fishing cap and gave Mr. Big the high sign. He had out smarted me again. I made a peace offering and jokingly tossed my last cookie out towards the tree. Like a Frisbee it skipped under the branches to stop just short of the tree. As I watched Mr. Big came up and slurped it off the top. Well I'll be...... Cookies.. Hmmmmmm From Lake Iwanttobethere (15510)

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After awhile everyone who fishes thinks they are pretty good. After awhile they think they are the best fishermen that they know. Certainly better then anyone that they go fishing with. A few times they might have been out fished but that was some quirk of nature or the other guy just got lucky. Soon you are thinking that you could have one of them there TV shows and get paid the big bucks to just go fishing. Have a new boat and a new truck. All the fancy new rods and reels and be the first to try out the new lures. Have someone pay for your gas and buy you your lunch. Everyday would be perfect and you would be a star on the outdoors network. Of course you would still like to thank all the little people out there and would not be stuck up like them fishing guys you see now. So the other night I had a dream of being a fishing star, except it did not pan out like I had thought it would.

I woke up before the alarm and went out with my daughter who was also going to be my camera person. As she backed up the truck I was busy making sure the creases in my new pants were straight. She mistook my hand signals as a keep coming back. She hit the tongue of the trailer jumping the 3rd wheel directly onto the top of my right foot. Holding back the tears I waved her to pull forward letting the trailer roll back off my foot. After the trailer was hooked up I traded places and got behind the wheel. Pulling out of the gated driveway I cut it a tad close and bent the right post. Not to worry I missed the garbage can. Rolling down the alley I noticed I had forgotten to secure the spare tire as it passed us before hitting the neighbors garage. With the tire back on board we finally made it to the street and headed to the lake. With the window down enjoying the fresh air I heard a clinking sound on the pavement as we went over the railroad tracks.

Stopping at the gas station to fuel up and do a boat inspection everything was fine. I did a rod count and thought that I had six on board but only five were under the strap. Hmmm I paid for gas and on to the lake we headed. No one at the landing and we backed right in. Unhooked the boat and pulled out, boat staying on the trailer. Backed back in and tried it again. Got out to push boat off trailer and realize still had the transom tie downs on. Took them of and floated boat. Parked truck and walked back to find boat floating away from shore. Swam to boat, water a little chilly. Discovered that drain plug was not in. Dragged boat to shore and pumped water out. Discovered that thermos with hot chocolate was more then likely on counter at home. Returned to truck for thirty minutes to warm up and dry underwear off. Pretty much missed the morning bite but finally did get on the water. Around ten or so hit a deadhead while looking at unsnagging six dollar spinner bait. Landed in water next to spinner bait and was able to unhook it with snagged shirt sleeve. Return to boat and motored to sunny side of island where I thought it would be a good place to get dry. Secured anchor to cleat and tossed over board. Boat continued to drift, pulled up rope with no anchor. Seems mice had chewed the rope.

Try to start motor no go, ended up standing in the water on the sandy beach of the island trouble shooting gas line. Replace tank line and bulb. I was prepared even had the right tools. Still no go, An hour later find out that the problem was the fill pipe inside the tank had fallen off. Pull tank guts apart and repaired with duct tape, motor started. Ran across lake to be on the landing side just in case I had any problems. Working my way into a little bay, tossing top waters. Hooked into a down right monster bass. Daughter standing behind me shooting it all on tape. Fish makes a run to the right and I stand on the trolling motor pad trying to turn the boat to stay up. Motor keeps turning when I step off the pad. Fish goes left as I go right and I hear the snap as the line breaks. Checking out trolling motor pad and discover I have broken a cable. Decide I have had enough fishing for the day. Laying on front casting platform I had to steer the trolling motor by hand. Big motor won't start again, gas ate the duct tape up.

Get to landing and waves coming in at right angle, already wet so I climb in and guide the boat up on the trailer. Can't get the trailer and boat out of the water. Do a smoke show with the truck finally getting trailer and boat up on the landing to discover the trailer has a flat tire. Drag rig to the side and change the flat tire. Get back in truck shaking from being wet. Daughter makes a comment about doing this everyday for a living. I make a comment about her walking home.

Arrive home, back trailer into boat house missing bent gate. Go to unlock trailer from truck find out that the clinking I heard was the keys to the trailer falling off the bumper where I left them. Drive to railroad tracks and in the dark with a flashlight I find the set of keys on the shoulder of the road. Most keys are smashed and bent but the trailer key is unharmed Return home and this time in the dark hit the bent gate. It is actually a little straighter now. Unhook trailer and drive to gas station to buy supper or anything that is hot. While I am there I put air in the flat tire of the trailer. Find out it is not flat, someone just let the air out..

Wake up from dream, decide that I am not going fishing today but am going to sleep in from Lake Iwanttobethere (15638)

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Dan you almost hit it on the head I was thinking about 10' fishing poles. The remains of the last rod are just inside the garage door in half of an old wooden cask. They are joined there with several other rods that have been destroyed by Mr. Big and some of his relatives. They serve as a reminder of a quest not completed.. That and I have used them for parts. Actually I have been out fishing the past few days. The weather has been calm and I have been tossing buzz baits and flipping docks looking for some action. Even today as I look out over the lake it is dead calm again. I should go out and toss a few but I have a few odd jobs that I need to get to before a scheduled fishing trip on Friday.

I was at the Lodge working on my cookie recipe, Since Mr. Big slurped that cookie down with out a thought I have been trying to bake a 3/0 hook inside a ginger snap. Trouble being that the hook heats up and burns through the cookie, Didn't work with peanut butter either. I am going to try oatmeal raisin next. Thought we had a real problem there when Elmer came in and taste tested one of the peanut butter cookies fresh out of the oven. Never even saw the hook buried in the center, Luckily he just popped his dentures out and we used a forceps to remove the hook from the upper. He was not to happy but was intrigued with the idea of "hooker cookies"

Since the 10' rod is now just a memory I went down to see Vicki and using my discount bought a new bait casting reel. Need something I can skip those cookies back to Mr. Big with. I tested that out and was quite pleased with the casting distance I was getting with it. I was fishing with my friend Jerry and we spent more time talking then fishing. Everything we talked about started with " I remember when" Funny how now we are talking about kids and grand kids. A subject that we never touched on or even thought about fishing from a canoe some 35 years ago in the BWCA

Well we fished and chatted and added another memory to the list of times we have spent together. Lighting up cigars we made the run back to the cabin and like a couple of kids hopped out of the boat and headed up the hill to the cabin. By the time we got there we were old men again as we don't have the boat legs we once had 35 years ago. Funny how them boat seats don't seem so cushy after 6 hrs on the water either.

Well I have a list of things I need to do today, A trip to Jakes Smoke Shop is in order as I am running pretty low and they are needed for the night sketter bite. I think I have forgotten to mention that this is our annual BBQ week in the park. Tuesday was ribs, Wednesday is hot dogs/ brauts/ and polish. Thursday is Veggie day Friday is steak night and Saturday is burgers. Sunday is judging day and people will be BBQing all day and then we will be judging the best from all categories. I know it is a tuff job but I will be once again one of the judges. I am hoping Nytelyter will be cooking again this year and of course will share some of his secrets. Come the weekend we will also be having entertainment as we will be featuring on Friday the fantastic fine fingers of fifties fiddlers Fiona and Fred Fiddle and there sons Fedo, Fritz, Floyd and daughters Fawn and Frema and grand kids Felicity and Frank. on the back of the fancy Ford flathead flatbed and it's free!

Berry picking is starting to pick up and we are getting people in town looking for directions to some of the berry farms. Root Beer sales have been brisk as the weather has been just warm enough that a Root Beer hits the spot. Fishing has been a tad slow but this is the middle of summer. I can't tell you where summer has gone to already. Another six weeks and the lake will be quiet during the day as kids will be back in school and cabins will be closed up for the season and docks will start coming out of the water. Hammering Hank and Skinny are putting on the finishing touches to the replacement dock on Root Beer island. The dock was a total loss in the wind storm. This one will give Mindy and Mandy a little more room to tie up customers boats. As a gift all 229 pink flamingoes have been "released" on the island.

Capt Steve Needapenny and his pontoon boat "The Orca" have been anchored off root beer island for the past week or so. He is in search of Wanda and has his cameras over the side. Capt. Steve is retired and fancy himself as a explorer. His quest since moving to Lake Iwanttobethere is to prove that Wanda is out there. He will stay out on the water till the weather gets cooler or his wife finally wants him back at the cabin. He does add a little something to the sunset. If the wind is just right you can hear him playing his cassette of a bell on a warning buoy. He fancy himself as a sea captain. The sound of the bell is a little out of place here on Lake Iwanttobethere but a nice effect to tell stories around the campfire with. What is really eire is when he plays his fog horn tape on a crystal clear night.

Well nothing is getting done here and as I sit typing this the wife has come in twice and scribbled more things to do on my "To Do List" Lake is still dead calm outside the window here, maybe I'll go down to the dock and just make one cast, just one. From Lake Iwanttobethere (15679)

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Spending the afternoon here at the Lodge today, have to get some time in behind the bar. Baseball game on the TV and a few of the guys are hiding out from their wife's and there never ending to do lists. Windows are open and the friendly smell of BBQ's at work drift in. The park is perhaps half full with tourists and locals. Halfway thru BBQ week and have not seen a skeeter since the first grill was lit. Several boats are out front of the landing floating in the waves of Lake Iwanttobethere. Capt Steve can be seen sitting in his lounge chair on the back of the Orca. Root Beer island has a lot of color on it as the 229 pink flamingoes cover most of the point.

Between innings of the game we have been having a discussion about our upcoming lodge drive for memberships. Of course beers and pops are also poured only at this time so everyone has to come to the bar, cuz I ain't no waitress. Our last batch of members are already coming up on there 2nd years of dues and we will need some new blood for the ice shanty launch. Unusual for people to want to get flung twice. Speaking of ice houses, Shawn McNight has been on the crappies, he has a few nice fish entered in the on going fishing contests both here at the lodge and at the Masterbaiters. Not being to interested in open water fishing he has his ice house on his pontoon boat. He cut holes in the pontoon decking and lower his ice house on top of it. With the generator running outside and hooked up to his air conditioner propped in the ice house window he thinks it is early December in there. It must work as he is catching fish.

As I sit on my stool at the end of he bar kind of watching the game and jotting away here I got to thinking about people who come here and read about Lake Iwanttobethere the first time. For those of you who have cabins here or make regular visits comments about ice fishing shanty flings make perfect sense. To a new reader they might think there is hanky panky going on here.

Some of you may be going to the DNR web site trying to find out which county Lake Iwanttobethere is in. We do have a map of the lake here in the hall to the washrooms but it never is complete. People are always coming in and adding there bay to it and there are grease pencil marks all over it where the latest hot spots have been x'd in.

As a matter of fact I think it would be a good time to have a roll call of readers and members of the Lake Iwanttobethere Lodge. There is a string here about being counting to a million I think a roll call of members is a better idea and besides this well let others get to know their neighbors. So when you read this how about giving a shout out to others here at the lake? From Lake Iwanttobethere (15735)

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1) Bobby Bass-I live on the tip of the first point down from town. With insight of town and the public access. Chuck and Elmer are my neighbors but they refuse to use the computer as they are old ! hahha

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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