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Skunk odor Remover


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Anyone got a recipe for removing skunk spray. On our last SD trip my buddies lab went in a grass tuft to retrieve a rooster, problem was a skunk also had it. Man my dog trailer stunk. That is better but what works best for dogs??? I am aware of "Skunk Off" but haven't found it. Plus I would like to give him the recipe as a little joke!! Thanks Folks. The Dog

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The stuff from Cabela's, Petastic, is what I have used the last two times. Works like a charm on the dog, almost immediately. Didn't think it worked nearly as well on my son's boots and pants. Same scenario, Duey pointing at a clump of grass, think there is a rooster, kick grass, nothing happens, step in grass, feel something wiggle, then all $#** breaks loose. Dead skunk, stinky dog and son, both ride in the box of truck until we find the bottle. Ended up throwing the boots and pants away.

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Home made skunk remover:

1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1/4 Box Baking Soda

1 tsp liquid dish soap

Mix the solution in a small container. Do not mix until ready to use.

Work the solution into the skunky area with a cloth or sponge. Leave the solution on for 10 minutes, rinse with water, warm if possible.

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Many old time dog trainers also swear by the product the Vikings were caught throwing out in the dumpster.

Masingill (spelling) is the product name.

White vinegar has worked for us. Time is the other remedy. No matter what you use - every time the dog's coat gets damp you will pick up a faint skunk odor - last a month or two.

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