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Worms... Help


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frown.gifI was looking at my dog and noticed all these white things around her butt. We cleaned them off, and this morning she had a couple new ones. They are white and slimy, what can I do to get rid of these. Do they have anything, like at fleet farm or does a vet need to give her some kind of shot. I am hoping their is some kind of pill. Also I have another dog, he does not have any on the outside could he have them though.
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The next time you see a worm on the outside put one in a plastic bag and bring it to the vet so they can identify it and prescribe the appropriate treatment. My guess is tapeworm. Yes, your other dog could have them.

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If one has tapeworms they can spread them. If they are tapeworms, a trip to the vet is fairly small $$$. Not long ago my GSP got them and it only cost me like 30 bucks for the whole thing.

Side note- My GSP got them from killing then chewing on a possum. Nasty little critters those possums are.

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