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hair loss

island guy

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I may of posted this before, but I'll try again.

One of my labs has skin and hair loss problems. She is about bald on the bottom half of her body and losing hair like crazy on the rest. Dry scaley skin with somw redness. She does not scratch or itch herself and does not seem real bothered by it. I've had her to 3 different vets and have done a ton of lab work including thyroid. Tried every food known. No help and no diagnosis. She was spayed two years ago on her first heat. No problems prior to that.

How about city water? Anyone heard of that causing problems? I'm kinda running out of ideas. Any thoughts would be appreciated!!

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I know it'd be a drive for you, but call Dr. Fran Smith of Smith Veterinary clinic in Burnsville. There is no other vet that I can think of that knows more about labs and dogs in general than her. Whenever I have a complex problem with my dogs I do not hesitate to call upon her. She is known throughout the country about her dogs and her knowledge. Maybe something other vets are overlooking she may be able to diagnose. Give it a shot.

What food are you feeding? When trying other brands how long do you give it before moving onto another brand? Is it seasonal or all year? Have they checked her for allergies?

Good Luck!


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My cousin is a vet and when she can't figure it out she will recomed the U Of M vet clinic. They preformed back surgery on our dog 2 years ago and she is doing great. I was very impressed.

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I would be up for the drive if it helps. I'm taking her in today for some follow-up stuff with my current vet. When I change food, I usually do it for at least 6 weeks. I still think it is some kind of hormone thing from having her spayed during her first heat. She had no problems before that. She is almost 4 now and it seems to get worse each year.

Thanks Bruce

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Have you had any allegy tests run on your dog? It can either be done by blood work or by skin (Contact US Regarding This Word) samples. We have a yellow lab that was 4 when allegies reared their ugly head. She is allergic to many ingredients in dog food and also has a ton of enviormental allegies. Its no fun but at least then a person can stert dealing with the problem.

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I have a similar problem with my male chocolate lab. For him, it's fall allergies that started after about 4 years old. It also doesn't help that he is an inside dog. He is now 11 years old, and by mid-winter it seems to correct itself. Don't know if it is the same for your dog, but I hope this helps.

Good Luck,


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