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I broke my dog!!

Reef Runner

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Well we sure had fun looking for roodies this weekend but my poor pup is pretty sore today. He would not even go outside to pee this morning. I gave him a Bufferin last night just to help him out a bit. So any way his nose is the worst part. He rubbed it raw on all the weeds. Is there some kind of sav or something i can put on his nose?


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I use the old fashioned tub of vaseline. It moistens the area that is chapped and worn out and they do not mind it. Works well on the stomach and elbows too and I have also used it on the old guys nads when they got chapped. Poor guy, I really felt for him. Cheap and easy.

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the nose I usually let go. My dogs nose is a whole scab on monday but by friday it's usually all clean except a little on the snout. He is so tired he doesn"t mind it. i'D just leave it unless he is bugging it.

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