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A Stinky Opener


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Walking out west for pheasants on sat and no more than 2 hours in my dog meets up with a skunk. He came back and you could smell him comming. The dog is good and clean now, but my dogtra collar and his regular collar smell the same. I tried water, mud, tomato juice, alcohol, and still nothing. Any one ever had to clean something like this? any suggestions would be great.

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What also works very effectively is a homemade recipe of:

1 quart Hydrogren Peroxide

1/4 box baking soda

1 Tsp. liquid dish soap

Mix the solution in a small container.

But Do not mix until ready to use.

Rub the mixture into the skunky area, let set for 10 minutes, then rinse.

We have even used this mixture on boots, etc.

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My dog just got sprayed last night in our back yard while I was letting her out to do her duty last night. Thought at first she was fighting with neihbors cat. Wrong !!!!!! I'll have to try the homemade recipe . I also heard once that if you put them in their travel kennel and take a baking pan of some sort and fill it with bleach and set it right next to the kennel door the bleach helps suck some of the stink out. I think I'll try the recipe first then the bleach thing next if it can't get it all out. I'll report back and let you know how it works. The good thing is she didn't get sprayed real bad just a little bit of a drift on her I believe.

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