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Shedding lab


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givem a good food like nutri source.

I know what you mean though, my yellow sheds WAAAY more than my black, and she always likes to walk between and around your legs like a cat, can you imagine the hair stuck on ya?

Actually I think she is part cat the way she prowls up on the other dog and pounces on her.

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My six year old black lab, who is a house and hunting dog always sheds alot in late August & September. It usually ends once we get into the thick of the hunting season. I feed him premium food as well. The heavy shedding seems to be very seasonal with my dog.

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All dogs 'cept hairless ones shed. Most will blow their coat in the spring and in the fall, especially if they're kenneled outside, so it will be more noticeable during those times. Brush your dog out daily and give it a bath once in a while. That will help but there really isn't much you can do about it.

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the food will help but shedding is part of the breed. My black lab looks horrible right now, even with good food. Four brushes on his coat and the brush is full of bluish/grayish/blackish hair. My yellow labs hair is less noticeable she's 7 months old too and while she sheds it isn't as noticeable as the black lab.

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My lab was shedding majorly at about 5 or six months to. It seems like he was loseing his puppy coat (the soft hair), now he change to a little darker color and the shedding is back to normal.

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