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Gun sensitve...?


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I have 4 month old Wirehaired Griffon. I've been using a toy cap gun around him for a couple of weeks now and it doesn't seem to bother him at all. Tody I used a .22 and am a little concerned. He would jump a little at the shot and stop and look at me or maybe come back to me but then he would go on his away again as if nothing happened. A couple of times he was pretty close when I fired the gun. I am not sure what a normal reaction should be but I think I am going to lay off things for awhile.

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At only 4 months old its ears might be a bit sensitive yet. I'd say let the pup be a pup for awhile. Ask a trainer how hard it is to reverse the effects on gun shyness..... Would you take a one week old baby to see a 4th of July fireworks display?

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You have the right idea....take it slow. He is naturally curious about the sound, part of the reason he jumps or is startled. Try to get someone to help you: have them stand some distance away while you maybe toss a dummy or play with him. While he is active have your assistant fire the .22. I suspect that after a while the dog will ignore the pistol shot. Then you work from there. It has always worked for me. I'm working with a nice 5-month old Lab now and she also reacted at first. Have fun. Be patient.

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What were you doing and what was the pup doing before you fired the gun? The idea is to get the pup away from you a little ways and intensely interested in something (a bird perhaps) and then fire the gun. Only fire when the pup is keenly focused on something and preferrably chasing something. Don't fire when the pup is nearby and puttering around and not focused on something.

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I agree 100% with gspman, I introduce birds and guns at the same time. I use a planted pigeon or quail and bring the dog in. Usually the dog will establish point but isn't necessary. Once the bird flushes and the dog goes on the chase I fire a blank gun. If the dog doesn't chase the bird don't shoot. If you use this method the dog will always associate the gunfire with birds and not anything else. On the 4th of july my first dog thinks it's pheasant opener and goes out of her mind!

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