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game farms?


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Caribou Hunt Club 4mi So. of LeSuer on Game Farm Rd.

I'll be there tomomorrow getting my pup on game birds.

Hope this helps you out? There is also another one called "Traxlers" don't remember where it was though. But is on the south side.


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311...if you are not planning on carrying a gun or killing any why don't you just put you're dog on wild birds for free? Some game farms like Caribou allow you to scratch hunt for already release birds during off times of the week. Meaning you only pay for what you shoot, but don't pay a fee to have birds released.

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Talk to the game farm managers or owners.

If this is early stage training - I would avoid pheasants, at least roosters.

I prefer to place the birds in cover my self. Know exactly where the birds are and train towards them.

Work your way to more natural situations - then to wild birds.

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fishnhooks, good to hear from you. I was back at my parent's house all summer and the internet is sooo slow there that I don't even bother. I am back at school and on FM about 10 times a day.

Sorry guys, off subject a little, but I will be at Traxlers on Monday and I will give you guys some feedback.

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It was a very nice place. From what I saw, there were 6-8 fields that were all set up with groups of hunters. The clubhouse is very nice and the people were too. They have a duck hunting area too. This looked like a bit of joke to me, but to each his own. We were only there to train and not hunt, but there were a lot of scratch birds popping out all around.

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I've been to both Traxlers and Caribou many times. Traxlers is an absolutely great game farm. I would recommend talking to Quinn to get things set up, he will treat you right. Traxlers also does wild game feeds most Thursdays, great food.

Caribou is a more laid back game farm, It is a great place to shoot for cheap, I would recommend their sporting clays course, great bang for your buck!

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