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Coon Dog

Monster Buck

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I was thinking about getting a Coon dog and shoot some coons when season comes. Is it true that you have to keep your coon dog locked up in a kenel? How would I train the dog? If you have a coon dog or know some iformation about them, post something.

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Coon dogs do not have to be kept locked in a Kennel. They are like any other dog and like interaction and attention. The dogs I was raised around were a little more aloof than regular dogs. A hound is basically hunting on it's own and you find it when it trees or corners something. Bird dogs have to be a bit more cooperative. Good hounds are 99% genetics if you ask me. If you want a good coon dog I'd pick a pup up off of parents that hunted.

There are quite a few different hounds that can be used on coon. My favorite is the Plott hound. It's like hunting behind a pack of lions. They are absolutely fearless.

If I wasn't living in town with two dogs already I'd have a few Plott's in a heartbeat. They are neat dogs.

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my brother and i have 2 blue tick males.they are 3 years old and are coon killin machines, we didnt do anything to train them but ran them with older experinced dogs and just caught on. if you live in town or have close neighbors this is not the dog for you. there purpose is to bark or bay and they are loud you can hear them for miles on a still night. if you ever want to go out coon huntin some night pm me and maybe we can line some thing up at the end of october.

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Coon hounds are great dogs, but demand time and attention like any other dog. Keep in mind that you will only be coon hunting a few times a year (sit down and sorta calculate it out) and that the REST of the time the dog will be eatin' ,sleepin' and layin' around. They aren't the greatest "pets" in my experience. Personally, I'd be a little worried that my "good idea" of the moment, to go git some coons, would result in ten or twelve years of being respinsible for feeding and caring for my big lound mouthed pal. Check around and see if you can find somebody who has hounds and will accept some company. I'll bet you can can find somebody. Have fun. One of lifes great experiences is sittin' around with your friends listening to the hounds. Most of the time we didn't kill anything, just treed 'em or ran the foxes to ground, collared the dogs and went home. You don't HAVE to kill something every time and thats what I really liked about it.

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