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Lab pup peeing excessively, (possible bladder infection)?


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I'll apologize in advance if this gets a little long, but here's the situation. I've got a 14 week old female lab that I've been crate-training and things have been going great. I can't believe how fast she learned to go outside to potty, and usually only once in the night (which she barks or makes some noise, and I let her out). The past 2 nights she hasn't made any noise to go out so I haven't let her out (thinking maybe she's ready to get through the night). Sunday night she did not "go" in her crate, but last night she did (it looks like maybe a couple of times judging by the stains on her blanket). When I let her out this morning she must have peed 5 times in 5 minutes (not her regular longer pees, just short little "tinkles"). We went in the house for breakfast and some play, and within 10 minutes she wanted out again (goes to the door & whines or barks). I let her out, and same thing peeing all over, but just a little bit. I'm wondering if she's doing this because I didn't let her out in the night, or if maybe she's got a bladder infection??? Maybe caused by me not letting her out??? I hope not, but when she didn't make any noise to go out, I figured maybe she didn't need to go??? I have an appointment with the vet on Thursday for a regular check-up and shots, but was wondering what some of your thoughts were, maybe I should try to get her in sooner??? Thanks in advance for any input.

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snowman, I had the EXACT thing happen to my lab when she was about that same age (she's now 5 months). She most likely does have an infection, my vet had me bring in a urine sample. You just follow her around the yard with a little pie plate and since she pees constantly it doesn't take long and bring it in to the vet. Mine also was constipated at the same time. She'll be cured in no time. My vet took my puppy in right when I called.

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Thanks for the reply's guys! I think my vet is open tonight, otherwise first thing in the morning. She's just getting close to being done with her medicine for Giardia. We're getting to be on a good first name basis with the vet. I keep waiting for them to have a plaque with my picture in their office for customer of the month HaHa! Oh well, my puppy loves going to the vet (I know 2 of the techs and they spoil her every time we're there). Thanks again!

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good to hear snowman, it took my pup a day or two with the antibiotics to get on a normal pee pattern. I know it's frustrating trying to full potty train when they feel like they have to go every five minutes.

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