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lick lick lick


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Any tricks to stop the over licking my pup likes to do. She is so affectionate with the licking and she also has a lickathon on my legs when they are sweaty, I assume it's the salt taste. I've been mulling trying putting something she doesn't like on my hands to have her not like it, maybe some watered down tabasco or something but before I do it I'd like to hear any experiences from you guys. Thanks.

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I'm not a fan of dogs licking me as they can transmit ringworm and other fun stuff if they have it. With my own dogs I just give them a stern 'NO' and maybe pinch their tongue. Like anything it's best to get on them early before habits form.

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Grannicks works well. Some dogs can aclimate themselves to it, believe it or not. It's best to have someone spray a wee bit in their mouth. It will freak them out, but just the slightest hint of it going forward will be enough to get their eyes to roll to the back of their head as they remember the earlier experience. tongue.gif

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