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new lab puppy


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Finally brought the new girl home. She is 6 wks old. I know a little young but heres my question. The first night no problem. Take here out at 2am ok. Out at 5am no problem.Second night no problem. This morning put her back in the kennel and all she wants to do is whine. How long will this last? Any suggestions? Thanks!

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When my lab was a puppy the first few nights that helped him sleep alittle longer at a time was putting a warm bottle of water in his kennel with him and I also heard and tried that if you put a clock that ticks in there kennel would help,and it did somewhat..my lab was also 6 wks old when we brought him home..didnt get much sleep but boy was he cute grin.gif

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I keep a new puppy in bed with me, not only does this pre-empt the wining but it re-enforces the training that it received from its mother not to mess where it dens. Plus your house breaking is a lot easier because instead of getting up at intervals through the night the puppy will let you know when it’s time to go out. If done properly this will only last a week or less and then be able to stay the crate only to let you know it’s time to go out (I had my last pup house broke in a day and a half with this method).

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When I brought my pup home (also at 6 weeks), I put a small radio in her kennel and covered it with a blanket. She whined for 3-4 days and that was it. It can last up to a week or more. Having the pup join you in bed works too but they take up way more covers when they're full grown. smile.gif

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Just got mine at 7 weeks old. Put her in the kennel next to my bed and she whined for the first two nights. I then slept on the couch with the door facing me so she could see me and she stopped. After 2 nights, I went back to my bed and she has been quite ever since.

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our last 'puppy' did the same thing. A radio playing very soft seemed to help. Started with her crate in the bedroom at night while getting her accustomed to the breezeway being 'her' place during the day (moving the crate there during the day) - worked great. At my house the rule that she's totally untouchable in there helped - 3 boys grabbing and dragging her around had her appreciating it quick. Also, tried to always tucker her out before crating her so she'd sleep like a log (for a couple hours at least)

Our latest 'dog' whined for a few days, finally quieted down through the night for a week, and then started up again during the wee hours. Slept real light and busted the boys all waking eachother up in the middle of the night and sneaking down to 'comfort' her - put em back in bed and explained it in the morning.

Start back at square one. tongue.gif

Most seem to quiet pretty quickly if they realize it's not gonna do them any good and they see the crate as a good place - I avoided crating her as any sort of punishment or when I was mad.

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I think you only have a "warm heart" problem. Tough to hear them whine. I'd suggest putting her in her kennel to sleep when you're gone for timesduring the day or weekends (assuming you haven't done that). That way she gets used to her home without you around to have your heart strings tugged at. Within days she'll love her home even at night. We have a 16 month lab and she loves her kennel, took a few nights to get used to it but all of a sudden one day it was her favorite place to sleep. You could also feed her in there or give her some treats in there to associate it with good things, we also left the kennel door open in the mudroom so she could come and go during the day when we were around, she liked her little cave.

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Like someone else already mentioned.. a tired puppy is a quiet puppy... when my pup was still a pup (he's now a year old, but still in the puppy stage) I made sure to try and wear him out before I put him in his kennel... take him for a walk, run around, etc and he'd usually sleep most of the way through the night.. eventually sleeping all night...

I think the whinning at night has got to be one of the worst parts of having a new puppy.. but the benefits far outweigh that grin.gif

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Thanks for the replys guys. I tried sleeping on the couch about 5 feet from the kennel. Put the pouch down about 9:30 fell wright to sleep and slept till 5:00. Boy was that great! I will try again tonight, and let you guys know how it went. Thanks again! Time to put her down.

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