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New Pup!


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I'm picking up my new best buddy at 3 P.M. Sat. afternoon.

He's a 'fawn-phase' yellow lab. I have a 10 year old female

Golden now. Her mate devoloped some health problems last year, so we had to make that hardest of decisions to let him go to the happy hunting ground. Our Vet helped make the decision easier, but it's still tough! frown.gif

So now I thought it was time to get another male into the household. I relize that labs are alot more energetic, but I'll just have to have him do a little more swimming to tire him a little. Wish me luck with the house-breaking and initial field training. My Golden sure learned to love retrieving waterfowl, she's a little less polished in the field though. I only hope the new guy learns as fast as she did. grin.gif

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Sorry to hear of your loss of a good friend frown.gif

And on the other hand Congrates on the new addition laugh.gif

Whether the new guy learns as fast or not I'm sure you'll have fun with him! Have fun!


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Do everything you can to be worthy of your new pal. I've had a bunch of 'em and they are all better creatures than I am. Treat him with respect. Strive to be smarter than he is,because you have to know more than he does. Protect him and help him.

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Ufatz - your post reminds me of a prayer that I was taught long ago. "God, please help me be the man that my dog thinks I am" If we all were, the world would be a pretty darn good place. Good luck with the new pup! One word, patience.

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