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Dog will not go in kennel


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I have an issue that is actually the complete opposite from what typically gets asked here. My pup has been house trained and crate trained. He also has an outdoor kennel that he spends the days in. There are days that I can not get home at lunch to let him out and he refuses to go the bathroom in his kennel. Great for in the house or crate, but not when I am gone for extended periods. He has to go so bad when I get home. I feel bad for him.

Any suggestions? How can I teach him it is OK?

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Take some "do do" from the yard and put it in the kennel. You could also try going #1 yourself in the kennel (if you don't have neighbors)! It may take a while, but he will eventually get it. I had the same problem with my dog. He would actually accidentally go in the garage floor as he was busting his butt to get outside fast enough after I opened the kennel door for him. Good luck.

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You can try doing the opposite of what I did (I never want my dog going in his kennel). When he was young, I would have him on a leash and take him to a certain spot in the yard and told him to go "pee" or "[PoorWordUsage]", whichever it was time for. Wouldn't let him go anywhere else in the yard but THAT area and if he did, he would get a mild scolding. It took about a week and sure enough, that was and is the only place he will go. No matter were we are in the yard, if you tell him to go he will run straight to that spot and do his business. Sometimes we will loose track of him and look in the back yard and there he is, lifting the leg.

Try doing the opposite with your dog. When you know it's bathroom time, take him into the kennel and stay there until he goes. Soon he will learn that this is a "safe" place to do the business and will feel comfortable with it. If he starts going someplace else, give him a little scolding and bring him to the kennel to finish the job.

Good luck. Dogs can be a lot of work but the fun they bring sure is worth it.

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To this day, I am still mad at myself for not taking the puppy to one stop to relieve herself. Now, we have to pick it up or deal with the burn lawn spots. I knew better and got lazy. Dog is lots of work, but worth every minute come fall.

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